First outdoor grow ever ~ Zuka’s outdoor garden

Hello fellow growers,

Today I would like to share with you some pictures of my first ever outdoor grow. It’s 100% legal here in Canada to have 4 plants outside and I have chosen the following strains to grow outdoors for this summer 2021:

Purple Trainwreck by Humboldt Seeds
Blueberry Cookies by Dinafem Seeds
Darkstar by THSeeds
Underdawg by THSeeds

All plants were started from seed and were feminized. Seeds were received in original breeder packs. Plants were started indoors 4-5 weeks before planting outdoors.

Purple Trainwreck by Humboldt Seeds was planted indoors Sunday May 16th 2021
Darkstar by THSeeds was planted indoors Sunday May 16th 2021
Underdawg by THSeeds was planted indoors Sunday May 16th 2021
Blueberry Cookies by Dinafem Seeds was planted indoors Sunday May 23rd 2021

All plants were germinated and planted indoors in a 4X4X8 Gorilla Tent under a 300W LED for the first 2 weeks (May 9th-May23rd)
All plants were grown under a 600W LED for the next 2-3 weeks (May 23rd-June13th)

Plants were all transplanted outdoors June 13th 2021

Outdoor build:
I built an 8X8X1.5 foot wooden box which was able to hold exactly one cubic yard of soil. I worked the soil by hand with an axe, a pick, a pitch fork and a rake (about 1 foot underneath) before I built the box on top. I got rid of all the roots and rocks and loosened the soil a little. I leveled the box using cement bricks. The planter box is about 18inches high.

The soil I used was a custom garden mix from my local supplier. It consists of 40% top soil, 40% black earth and 20% mix of horse manure and mushrooms compost. It was only 35$ for 1 cubic yard and so far the plants are liking it. Next year I would add a few more things to help with drainage, like peat moss for example.

Here’s the first batch of pics for June 13th:


These are from June 20th 2021


One week later, June 27th 2021:


These are from July 2nd 2021:


July 3rd 2021:

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July 4th 2021:


Your plants look great man! Have you grown out any of those strains previously or is it all new stuff?

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If anyone has any questions, I’m happy to answer them :slight_smile:

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thank you for the kind words!

I’ve grown out Blueberry cookies indoors twice. I have a previous thread on that as well.

The rest are all new for me.

July 9th 2021:

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July 14th 2021:

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July 16th 2021:


July 18th 2021:

The Darkstar from THSeeds is the tallest plant, just reaching 6 feet on this day! Underdawg is right behind and the Purple Trainwreck is the biggest plant of them all at almost 4 feet wide and 5 feet 8 inches tall.


Great looking grow @Zuka!

Any sign of flowering yet?



Very nice! Love the quality of those photos!
:green_heart: :seedling:


Hello Gpaw and thanks for stoping by.

No signs of flowering on any of them yet. Im situated close to 50N 85W in the northern hemisphere. I’m hoping they will all finish before any frost hits. October can be hit or miss around here but i have mitigations in place just in case…

Fingers crossed!


Thank you for the kind words and for stoping in. It’s always surprising how long it can take to simply edit pictures but it’s also part of the fun hobby i enjoy. Regardless, its nice to hear some positive feedback for the efforts I put into it…thank you kindly!

More pics to come now that we are pretty much up to speed :wink:


howd it turn out?