First time grower LST question

Hi all first time grower. Started with clones Oregon Trail, Mother Somoa and Magic Kush Cake. Here are pictures from purchase through this morning. Been a total of 4 weeks since I purchased the clones and my patience is waning. Really want to flip to flowering!!!

Started LST a week ago and was curious if I keep the ties on once I have the trellis in place or let the plants grow up through the trellis. In hindsight I made the mistake of not topping earlier on and will do so with the next grow.

Thank you everyone for allowing me to be a part of the site!!!


I personally take all ties off before SCROGing. But it shouldn’t matter.The only semi issue I encountered previously was being unable to manipulate the branch as I wanted in the netting because it was being held by a previous tie. This was easily fixed by a knife and a cutting motion.

Here’s a great video that helped me understand SCROG:

You can skip to 3:16. I don’t like the netting he uses because the spacing between squares is too large. I recommend making your own screen out of PVC and some string.

Your plants look great. Watering can be tricky but it’s easy to pick up how much is enough.

Buenos humos, and well wishes.


if you have some fencing material laying around it works really well. i’ve never attached it to a tent yet but it seems like it would be pretty easy. it is hard to get the water changed if the screen is full. if you had a rack to lay the fence on it would hold well. this one used to have smaller holes but a half hour with a wire cutter fixed it.


I usually guide the branches with electrical wire and let it stay until the branches make them loose.

The fence idea is very nice.

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Thank you for the idea…I have some left over hog panel fencing that may work.

Local here in Portland. I ordered some seeds that I will try after this grow.

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It doesn’t really matter in the end, I like to remove the ties once the plant is set to make watering a little easier in tight places.

No kidding! Looks like they came from an actual nursery, not a bakers rack with 1000 1” rockwool cubes on it.

Appreciate the feedback and video @Mr.Christmas.

Hey all been a few weeks. We are now in the second week of flower. Starting to see changes and wanted to ask if it’s normal for the preflower sites to be lighter green? Been feeding the plants Big Bloom and Buds/Bloom according to Fox Farms instructions. Soil is a little acidic. Any thoughts?

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We are starting week four of flower. I defoliated prior to flip and week two. I have a couple of wild stems and my questions are 1) should I LST the tall stems and do I defoliate one last time. Really don’t want to stress the plants out too much.

Appreciate the support!!!


Hi all been a while…here are some updated pictures. All three strains received rave reviews from friends and family. I was a little impatient with Mother Samoa and Magic Kush. Probably could have let them grow another week. Oregon trail buds were super tight which was what I was after. All and all for a first time grow I was pleased.