Introducing BudBusterPro

Whoops, another ‘copy & paste’ from my thread (First Time (growing legal that is)! - #1233 by Tlander there’s more on BBP & “One & Done” scattered throughout the thread)…sorry my mind is too out there on RSO to try to retype all this with different words! :crazy_face: But I want to help Bob get the word out after all the hands-on help he’s given me. So I want to drop a note talking about the size and speed of seed development w/BBP treatments. I’m still quite early on in my experiences (a few months I’d guess) but so far it has been in the seed development part of things where I am seeing the greatest differences from my ‘old ways’. Any of you breeders out there, you REALLY want to look into this stuff!

Here’s a shot of the Malana (green pheno) seeded plant that I hit up w/pollen just 8 days ago! It’s tough to see on this one, but if you zoom in you’ll see that the calyx have already split open revealing the green seed coat. I have been assuming that it has to do with the Bud Buster Pro treatments effecting the seed development process. this is now the second seed-run using BBP and to my eye, it’s an across-the-board thing…all the plants have been doing this calyx split really early on. I have been hoping to let these beans run long-term on the bush…last run was a tag-team match against the budrot with monsoon assisting! Had to take what I could get before they succumbed…hopefully not this time!

Here’s one of the Ethos Super Lemon Haze (last seed run) that shows the effect a lot more clearly…

Same thing on the Goji’s, these at 10 days after pollination.

And 8 days ago! Again, see the calyx starting to split already?

Would love to hear from any/all others using BBP in their seed plants!
