First time growing tips/criticism welcomed

After an anxious 2 days away. We’re looking a little bit needy of something but being such a noob I don’t wanna bro science something that kills them quicker than dropping my last solo cup seedling a few months back, I gave them a quick soil spray of water and will do another spray soon to make sure water goes through to the roots that are coming h out the bottom of the first cup.


So reading up on seedling issues is making it wayyy more confusing so if anyone in the thread so far has any ideas or could tag someone with quite a few grows and a bit of free time on there hands I would love some outsider input.

Cheers legends.

I’m not sure how I’m supposed to upload photos of the girlies properly I was told to copy and paste it or drag it but I’m on mobile and uploading it wasn’t right apparently :upside_down_face:


Feed them a very low EC nutrient solution around .4-.6 EC or 300-400 ppm at this stage 6.0 ph and leave them alone for a couple days. Then do that again in a few days. Cannabis is extremely resilient. Growing cannabis is easy and gets way too over complicated. Stay away from multiple sources for info because you’re just going to over complicate a simple process. What are your goals with this grow? To learn something or to try and achieve perfection? Observe and learn from mistakes. It’s the only process that will work for you. What issues do you think you are facing regarding these seedlings?


The multiple resources are truly deadly honestly, one site will say overwatered and another says under or not humid enough and others say nutes.

Personally I’d say they’ve had a bit too much water at too close of intervals at such a brittle age and it might start damping off if I don’t fix things. But they’re still relatively over-moistened medium wise and daytime rh was between 40-52 and 18/19°c rough average day temps so I know I’m going to need to find a way to warm it up a little

My goals are to first off learn to grow the medicine i had been self medicating with since 2018 but also i wouldnt mind having my first seed to harvest.


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The fact that you’re catching this early on is a good sign :+1: many of us took years to learn step 1.

An instructive way to get a feel for water needs is the weight of the container:

Take 3 pots of your media & leave one dry, saturate one, & the 3rd water what you think is right.
Notice how light the dry one is.

This is still my basic gauge. In ground is a little tricky though… :laughing:



I really wish I read this before I up-potted them the other day :see_no_evil:

I now have the girls sitting in their own 1gal fabric pots in some organic tomato potting soil that I threw about 1Tbsp epsom salts and half a cup of worm castings mixed through and a small handful of the castings sprinkled on top of the pots to water through.

All transfers but 1 went smooth as the first cup I tried was a little dry so the media kinda fell apart but I did my best to get the fallen soil into the hole I had prepared and used a skewer to open a little gap for the root to slide on in and she’s a little shorter than her sisters currently but she’s moving still :crossed_fingers:

My light is roughly 18inchs away at 50% still, I’m unsure the signs of too much light but they don’t seem to be unhappy

I’ll try to keep this thread updated as much as my adhd ass allows me to.

P.s I know photos probably look horrible bit I still need to work out some sorta light to take pick in :call_me_hand:



Maybe a little too cool in there at 18C?



Maybe a little dry at 45 RH as well.


:sweat_smile: that metric system always gets me! :laughing: gotta convert to 'merican imperial standard :upside_down_face:



That’s chilly for sure. Heater will just drop the rh even more though, so it’s a tough one. Anyway you can bump the heat up to at least 24ish*. If you can throw a humidifier in there as well, great, but it is what it is. Probably be better off with the extra warmth and drier air. Once they get bigger the rh will creep up.

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Grew up in Canada and I got used to using feet and Fahrenheit even though we use the British system. had to unlearn the American way.Measuring height in cm is still not something my brain recognizes, you say 6 feet 2 inches and I can visualize and understand what that means right away… You throw 240 centimetres at me and I became that dude from a beautiful mind throwing up math equations in my head to try and figure out the height in feet. Lol


Resist! Resist! You need 12 degrees of perseverance!


Temps now sit at average 22°Celsius 71.5°f with a rh of 60% average with the light turned onto 100% but I believe they may be getting the slightest sign of light burn and I’m not 100% sure if they’re getting too leggy but they seem to be a bit top heavy and starting to lean like the town drunk 20mins before closing time

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all that and i’m still not sure i ever answered the original question regarding light deficiency…


Not going to lie though everything you sent is awesome info(especially zonked snoop dogg).
It seems like my vpd currently is perfect at 19°c 63% rh and with the nutrient deficiency and excess chart I still don’t really have an idea on what these plants have cause of how similar some are but I’m going to send it with a flush in the morning with some water that I hope is pHd okay cause my pen shat itself and I have a hygen ph kit to test the water that’s been sitting with an airstone for a few days now.

I’ll wait till I get a reply for this question before I do this but I believe after the flush I should be okay to do a quarter strength feed? I have bottles of house & garden soil A B and I have bottles of Giant Nutrients grow A B and bloom A B which I think are hydro nutes as well as sensi pro marine CAMG+ and seasol powerfeed, I also have worm castings and a pack of mycorrhizal innoculant from Dr greenthumbs here in Australia


i’ve used that grow and bloom before but they are hydro nutes from what i recall. not that you can’t use them but there are much better formulated things i think. been 20 years for me though so wait on new info from others i would advise. there is a thread here somewhere with links to some libraries of information. i think it was @DougDawson that put up one of them, been about six months ago or more. i downloaded them all but didn’t bookmark the link. if you find it put it here so i can please.


Here is a link to my collection @sfzombie13 :slight_smile: There are over 100 books there covering many topics. Feel free to download what you like.


Thanks for sharing your library @DougDawson. I downloaded a few, much appreciated!!!

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