First time seed making

yes you can harvest the plant like that, ive done simulat, where i cut the tops and keep the bottoms going longer. im sure you will be ok doing that way

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I concur if it comes to it so be it.Glad I picked the last smallest branch in the bottom

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I pollinated on Monday. here is what they look like now. did yours ever look like this?

These are on day 25.


This is what mine looked like today.I’m at about three weeks now.More and more pistil hairs disappear as the time goes by

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It’s kind of hard to see I have tricomes all over the place and it makes the camera a little wierd.Only complaint I will probably ever have over more tricomes.

Yours look about the same as mine.I’ve been pounding them with malted barley so they are flying now

If the plan is to try and hopefully find plants with a similar leaf, I would advise freezing some of his pollen. Then when your growing the seeds out, if nothing looks like him, pollinate with his pollen a 2nd time. I realize that you pollenated 3 weeks ago, so that last bit probably isn’t helpful at this point.

Some seeds mature faster than others. The plant kinda staggers them. So the longer you can wait, the more seeds will finish. Leaving those particular buds on the plant alone is fine. It might even speed things up sense the plant wont have anything else to put its energy into.

I took some cuts of him and I saved a little spot for him just in case he was worth anything good I knew I was taking a crapshoot to take that leaf configuration.I’ve been doing a process where I soak my cuts in tap water and aloe Vera chunks for three days then I dip them in clonex gel and put them into solo cups I put holes in the bottom and sides into plain sungrow sunshine mix pre wetted with RO water on a heating mat set at 77 degrees inside a Tupperware tote I put a clear tupper container on for a lid.I wrap the whole Tupperware container in a clear trash bag for three days then on the 3 day I take off the trash bag and just concentrate on keeping the sides of the clear top wet.I do this for a week taking the lid of for 15 min every day 2 times a day for the whole process.The light it gets is from the above chamber I have for my moms so it’s just enough light to clone 18 6 light cycle. By two weeks I check for roots and flip the cup upside down and pop the clone out and look at the sides of the dirt ball not disturbing it.I lost one cutting out of 15 and it was honestly a shit cut I tried to scrounge.I fucked up so many clones to get this right lol.I like the way you think I’ll take it into my toolbox much thanks

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I noticed the longer you soak your cuts but not past 4 days the cuts never get yellow leaves

Thats really good news. I’ve recently been reading about X-linked recessive genes. I think freakshow and another mutant multileaf have that. They are more likely to show up in males first, and are a pain if you dont still have the original male for the next generation.
It could just as easily be a regular simple recessive gene, in which case its still better to use him again.

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The only reason I want the leaf configuration is because it folds the leaves like woman’s

fan.I was thinking this might get more light to looser bud structure to thicken up the skirt’s really wierd

It’s too bad someone already took the name sr71 blackbird this things fan leaves look like a blackbird spy plane

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Well guys I think I am officially a pollen chucker now.This is just the small bud I got these from I have a bigger one that has split pods with seeds ratting in them.I have to dry these real good.Can’t wait to pop them.


The beans on these came out pretty dark and are they are chubby little shits

I collected mine yesterday, today they are swimming in water.

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Good luck man I got to wait a couple weeks.I can’t wait.