FirstCavApache64 ongoing grow journal and pollen chucks

Careful scratching that itch buddy.


I bought it from Dookiefarms a few years back. It has a strong oily rag and gas smell and is good pain meds for my wife.


I have a bunch of MB15 crosses a friend made. Had a couple bad timing starts that I killed. I need to get back to these. Sooner than later. I know there’s fire in them.


Triangle Kush is a stinky plant even in veg as is Motorbreath 15. They have the whole room smelling great.



Blue Dream from Amsterdam seed bank

Wreckage Master Bastard Kush for contest
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and your plants are doing great.


Another week has passed without getting the 4x4 tent setup. I’m going to have hard decisions coming up about which plants have gotten too big to flower considering their height after stretch. I have backup teens of Triangle Kush, Trinity and Motorbreath 15 ready to flip in case the bigger ones end up being too big. Blue Dream, Irene OG and hopefully Wedding Cake should be getting flowered this run as well, they just might be a couple weeks behind the others so I can veg them a little more to grab snips. Hope y’all had a great week and have a better weekend.

MB15 teen ready to flower

Blue Dream needing out of the Solo cup

Big Trinity plant I might try to flower

Trinity teen in case the other is too big


Man for the size of the plants in the solos, you sure keep them very healthy. Im having a hard time keeping my mothers in 1gallons happy.

Likewise brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks, twice daily watering and a good amount of run off seems to keep them happy. I’m feeding Jack’s classic at the 3.6, 2.4, 1.2 rate for full strength but they have been doing well at 50% which is about 1.6 ec including the .2 ec from my well water. I’m so excited for some of these strains, MB15 is a house favorite and I ran out so it’s a priority to keep the wife happy. Triangle Kush is another one I’m really looking forward to.


Dialed in! Haha yea keeping the wife happy is a must. :grin:

I’ve been slacking to be honest.Soil with FF nutrients. I will give the mothers a nice spa day to get them to perk back up.

What is MB15 terps like? Always heard of that one but never tried it. Same goes for TK.

I’m growing TK x SSDD next round so ill get a partial taste of it.


MB15 is all stinky gas. Smells like a shop rag at the car mechanics with oily gas. Has a sweet diesel taste to me and pretty good potency. The TK is supposed to have stronger potency but I’ve only grown it in a cross before so this will be my first time flowering the clone. I want to thank Cannaventure Seeds for the great deal he gave me on the Triangle Kush and Trinity cuts and for such nice, clean clones, he was great to deal with.


MB15 had me at this. :yum: Ill have to try it out eventually. Im stuffed to the gills and when push comes to shove, I may have to flower out a mother or two.
Glad to hear you got a great deal on the clones and was a pleasant experience. Ill be watching for sure.


I fully agree with @InTheWoods your plants always look good and healthy, nice deep green, that blue dream in the solo is beautiful! Really looking forward to you flowering all of those out brother, can’t wait to do a clone bud run myself either. Hope you have an awesome weekend :facepunch:t2:


Thanks so much, congrats to your son on his big day yesterday. You must be really proud of him. Hope you have a great weekend brother.


Thank you, I most definitely am. It truly is a wonderful feeling knowing you’ve given your children the guidance to steer them in the right direction and regardless of what they have seen or the people they have met and opportunities given they have chosen to walk the right path in life and you can breathe a sigh of relief finally knowing they are truly capable. And of course brother, the absolute truth you always do a great job. Much respect brother :facepunch:t2:

Now get that 4x4 up! If I wasn’t a million miles away I’d be over helping, with goodies , trust me :wink:


gotta chime in on the BD in the solo. that is a feat. trying to keep plants happy in solos is a challenge.
that one looks really good.

i still haven’t transplanted my class 001-003 clones into bigger containers. still undecided on how to do it/what containers i’m going to use. clearly trying to flower them out in the solos is going to be an even bigger challenge than keeping them happy in veg.
the inconsistency is a pain. some are healthy, some are not despite all getting the same soil mix, and same nutrients everything else is getting (and unsurprisingly healthy).

you weren’t joking about the solos, but then again, look at you. that BD looks real nice.


Wow plants look amazing! My potted plants don’t look as good as your solo grow!:rofl::disappointed_relieved: Great work as always.


The Heavenly Hashplant from Bodhi that I got as a clone is really a nice plant. I’m loving the structure as it has self leveled it’s own canopy as it’s grown. Hope the flower goes as smoothly as veg has been with it.

I switched to the square Solo cups recently and it kept the roots from circling on the Blue Dream I just put in a bigger pot. Hoping that this continues and it’s not just the genetics as the square solos stack really nicely.

I have a deer hunt Friday with another OG member so hopefully this weekend I’ll have some venison to show. At least I’m getting out in the woods with friends which is always a good thing.
Hope everyone’s gardens are thriving and growing dankness.


Have fun boys! Should be a blast I’m sure they’ll smell you guys coming from a mile a way…. At least you are a killer shot :wink: always looks great in there bro, love it


Have fun and be careful! Let us know if the square solos keep up the not circling. Looks good.

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Hey buddy.

Ive taken her at 7,8,9 and 10 weeks.
Ive never taken her longer then 10 but i feel like she needs a good long flower. At least 10 weeks is what I’m trying to say but longer then 10 would be best. And she doesnt really drink much once flower sets, and she doesnt stretch much. But goes damn near black depending on temps etc etc towards the end.

I hope she shines for ya though, if the family and I weren’t doing something this weekend id love to come hunting with the VA crew. Id be bringing my rambo knife for close quarters hunting lol.


Good to hear she doesn’t stretch much as it’s a decent sized plant already. I’m thinking the Black Triangle is gonna need serious training at flip as its even taller now. You can really see the TK in that one, stretchy girl for sure. It will be cool to run her with the TK clone at the same time.

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