FirstCavApache64 ongoing grow journal and pollen chucks

Black triangle definitely will need training but she stacks nicely. Im getting super stoked about the TK the more i read about her. Shes definitely taking off now that shes starting to stretch her roots. The bubblegum is a beast too i can tell shes gonna grow hard and fast.

TK is top row middle, Bubblegum is right next to
Her in veg tent.

Bubba is bottom left 3ish weeks into flower. Blue dreams Santa cruz back left.


Nice @Heavenlygoo looks great in there


Thank you brudda :slight_smile:

Trying to decide if i wanna flower that big mac out or just take clones, i just hate getting rid plants that I’ve already spent growing lol. All the little clones still have 55 more days to veg and that Mac is gonna be huge in 2 months.


I had a great day hunting yesterday. I didn’t have any deer close enough to harvest but saw a couple during the day. The hunt was for people with mobility limitations and about 3/4 of the hunters are wheelchair limited. The only deer we got as a group was taken by a young Navy veteran that was paralyzed in service which was great. I had a great day playing in the woods and got to get my wife’s truck deep in the mud lol.

My view from the stand

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and thanks to my OG hunting buddy for all his help getting me out in the woods yesterday. He gifted me some amazing flower and goodies too which will be easing the aches and pains I’m dealing with after all the activity yesterday.


That’s awesome @FirstCavApache64. My buddy Van Curaza runs Operation Surf. Check it out. He gets vets into the ocean, with all it’s restorative powers.
Check him out on Insta. Good stuff.


sounds like a great time for everyone involved. glad you enjoyed your time in the woods!


Awesome brother! I’m glad you got out and you guys had fun. Very cool about the paralyzed vet getting a deer too, just awesome! And Mr HP is awesome for getting you out there and gifts area wicked bonus! Very cool. Bet that hummer was real fun to play with in the dirt! But still not like those badass army hummers!


Still trying to get the 4x4 up and watching veg plants grow into monsters. The plants are looking good and I’m hopeful the new tent eventually will get setup. My son was going to come down to help but just got Covid along with my dad.

Backyard sunset tonight

Crowded 5x5

Blue Dream getting used to the transplant

Big Motorbreath 15 and new Motorbreath 15 clone mom

Hope you guys and gals have a great weekend and if you’re on the East coast I hope Sunday’s storm goes easy on you.


Well done @FirstCavApache64


Thanks man, I miss having buds growing. I feel like I’m growing house plants with everything in veg lol.


cool story about the squid bagging a deer. i bet he was on cloud nine after that shot. good stuff with worthy bragging rights.
wounded warriors still provide.

excuse me for eye raping your blue dream. looks nice.


Everything looks great brother, sorry to hear about your son and dad, seems like it’s all over again, :persevere: I know exactly what u are saying with feels like gardening lol, I’m dying to get some SENSI plants going over here.

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Wedding Cake is ready to get flowered this round as is Irene OG. I’m looking forward to getting these dialed in and especially excited about the WC as I’ve seen some really nice grows of it online.

Wedding Cake

Irene OG

Two Trinity plants
Hope everyone is doing well on this taco Tuesday.


That wedding cake looks nice she’ll provide a nice powerful and big yield! :crossed_fingers: One of the favs I’ve grown.


I’ve seen some nice flower from her online and it sounds potent which I really need for meds. I’m running Triangle Kush and Black Triangle with it too so there should be quite a variety of stinkyness in flower.


THIS is why I stopped with scrog. dealing with the plants and barely being able to move them like I need to be able to, made scrog go away. I just use ties and pull em down and use poles to support. Having a bad back really hinders reaching back as well.

Saw somewhere in your post about the GMO x Granny skunk being a stretcher and I have the same results so far. it grew very thick stems and shot to the moon!


The GMO x Granny Skunk ended up at over 5’ and had some really nice stacked colas. You will like that one I’m betting.


Yea man, hunching over or being on your knees & then stretching back towards the back of a tent = bad move for sure. What we really all need is a 4x4 & 5x5 size carousel that we can spin around. That would be the shit :100:


Need a bigger place to grow for that unfortunately haha.
I have troubles with a 14inch stool as a seat in a 2x4. Thought about mechanic stool but the wheels would do more harm than good, reaching even in the 2x4.


Happy Holidays my brother!