FirstCavApache64 ongoing grow journal and pollen chucks

Thanks for the encouragement man, after tossing a bunch of 5 foot plants i need it lol.

It keeps the soil up off the heat mat I use when they’re little and is a cheap portable drain pan for each cup. The roots will grow down into the second cup if I let runoff sit in it. This is where I root cuttings and harden off small rooted clones.


Looks great brother, don’t stress it I’ve done it many times too, stuff just gets ahead of ya I get it for sure. I do the same with my solos when I use them, works great I love it.


I use a small jar, not a second cup. The jars don’t ever fall over. I’ll actually put a little water in the jar. Roots seem to look for it.


That’s a good idea, since I switched to the square Solo cups I’ve been knocking them over a lot less. The roots don’t spiral out like the round ones either which helps at transplant.



I didn’t know they made these.


My wife grabbed them at Walmart for me instead of the normal ones and I’ve become a big fan.


Man I didn’t know they had those either! :exploding_head:


I have bought square solo cups from the store before.


I got some of those fabric bags to try finally, was thinking of sticking them in the solos to try but now I want square ones! My biggest issue is how unstable they are (round ones) especially in a tray. Nice


I know @Bobgrows has made cup bases on her 3D printer and has them for sale. If I didn’t have the square bases on these I’d use those cup bases for sure. I’m clumsy as hell and almost lost my Bubba cut when I knocked it over.


Damn that must have been one hell of a decision. I have 2 island sweet skunks that i let get too big and i have a feeling they might try to overgrow the tent lol. Could you possibly have “topped” it down to a reasonable size?


You would think so, but honestly The problem with plants once they get to a certain size and have been snipped enough times is they will have a zillion leads/branches that will turn into a zillion tiny little larf buds . (Been there, done that) ended up wasting a whole run on basically larf. :man_facepalming:t2:


Very cool! Jeez, they make everything huh? Nice


I hate larf. Last harvest was in a 4x4 with a 450w led turned to 65%. Talk about larf lol.
I only topped one plant and that one definitely larfed out all over. Not sure if that was the topping tho since i only topped it once, or the underpowered light

I see guys with water bottle sized buds and im like bruh i cant wait til im there!


I had already done that to a couple and they bushed out wide. Plus the TK and Motorbreath 15 are real stretchers. I could have stuffed one or two under a scrog and fought them but it would have meant just a couple strains in the 5x5. Flowering the small plants out will let me get to 7 or 8 different cuts so I decided to get out the pruning saw. I’m trying to get my new tent up but my back has been worse than usual lately and just doing maintenance on all those 5 footers was killing me. Once the new 4x4 gets put up I’ll have the 2x4 and 4x4 for vegging and clone mom’s which will really help keep things moving in the flower tent.


I had a similar issue when I switched to LED, believing the wattage rates and spectrum etc. it was pitiful, garbage. And I was running 4 rooms then too, the two that still had HPS put the led rooms to absolute shame! now I’m a firm believer but like 10 years ago not so much, still have those POS blurples too I paid a small fortune for, homegrown hydroponics :man_facepalming:t2:


Yea i decided to not throw a scrog up this round bc last round it killed my back crawling in there to hand water. Never again bro . But now i have a very uneven canopy (indica growing next to a sativa, not a very well planned move lol) and it bugs the hell out of me


Scrog s are a pita HUGE! Did it twice, never again.


Damn brother, I wish to god I was close by. I’d have that tent up for ya no question, hope your issues lessen and you feel better soon . I know back issues all to well but I can imagine nothing like yours


I keep a bunch of plant stands so I can put my smaller indicas at the same canopy height as the taller hybrids I run. I’ve used bricks, cinder blocks and empty buckets for this for years as it’s what I had lying around and I’m cheap.