FirstCavApache64 ongoing grow journal and pollen chucks

Exactly what I do, I’ve used everything, even had them crash and burn a few times trying to balance them :laughing:


Thank man! I’m making a new really strong batch of Green Dragon tonight to help get me moving better. Couple of zips of Northern Lights will be getting soaked in Everclear for a week and then strained and concentrated into potent meds.


I’ve always wanted to try that, very cool! I hope it helps a lot


Blasphemy! Bro when I don’t have 5ft+ plants I get sad lol

space issue?


What about the trays they carry drinks in at events? They’re made for cups not to fall over. I bet they come in whatever cup amount you need. 12, 18, 24. Maybe? Who’s good with a 3D printer?
One a plant establishes, I pick the bags out of the cups to evaluate roots every few days. In those bags, falling over isn’t as big a deal.


Yeah a 5 foot Motorbreath 15 ends up at 8-10 feet after stretch and I’m in a tent that’s in a room with 8’ ceilings. I wish outdoor season had been closer as I would have kept them as houseplants in the living room and put em outside at 6 or 7 feet to turn into trees lol.


My first ever grow was a 315w cmh in a 5x5 and i got 11 oz out of 6 plants (roots organic soil and roots organic bottles). I got 4 oz off 5 plants under the 450w led (royal gold kings mix soil, biobizz bottles)

I know im the issue but i just dont get how my first time out the gate i hit 11 oz with a 315w. I think it was a big bud cross that also could play a huge part

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I understand that completely. I’m glad I moved flower to outside of tents but I am still stuck to 8ft ceilings. :expressionless:

I am pretty jealous of anyone that gets to grow outdoors. I unfortunately live on a golf course with 4ft fences in my backyard. Somehow I feel those plants would disappear pretty fast or I’d have Johnny law knocking on the door. haha


I did the same on my last run and am getting ready to throw some 2x6’s down under the squat ones


Yezzir , genetics and proper from start to finish can do a whole lot! That’s definitely discouraging on the LED’s though I definitely hear that, damn :man_facepalming:t2:


Yea im not knocking the LED but my grandpop will LOL!
I got a 800w for my 5x5 so lets see how that goes in the next two months


ooof I tried this with my mammoth 8 bar… TOO much horsepower lol got way to hot had to dial it back to around the 600w mark.


I got a 8in inline fan hooked up to that bitch she better not get hot lol!

Struggling to keep temps at 75f with the light just past 50%.

I got a box fan mounted on the ceiling blowing at the center of the canopy and two tower fan on full blast in 2 opposite corners of the tent. Airflow is pretty great i would think. Still constantly worried about wpm for some reason, never had it… i just like to worry lol


My buddy lived next to the county coroner. Pre prop 215. He bonsai’ed the shit out of it. Almost 10’ across. 18" tall. Had it right along a short juniper hedge.
Guys were pretty creative in the 80s.


These lights running as much wattage as they do just make it hard to control Temps in such a small space. Which is why I decided to flower in the open environment in my grow space and put veg/open pollination projects in my 5x5s. Then again I do live in hell compared to most summer Temps here in AZ are between 115-120*F so it’s always a mission for me keeping this space cool.

Oh I’ve definitely seen some crafty/stealth outdoor setups. Will definitely be something I attempt if I ever decide to get at least a 6ft solid fence. until then though my 7 year old could go right over my fence without effort. haaa


same in TX. my garage space gets disgustingly hot. but surprisingly, some of these plants do quite well in the heat and summer sun. i have not lost a single plant out in the garage… yet… (knocks on wood) despite the heat (115F +). conditions are FAR from ideal, but the plants find a way to survive. they’re pretty tough.


A fellow Texan? Yeah last summer was just disgusting with how hot it got. My yard turned into crispy dust.


yessir. DFW AO.

it was hot. and dry. we didn’t have rain for well over 3 months. i thought for sure some of the outdoor plants were going to fry (especially when i left for 2 weeks). i think i found the good soil mix for this climate (i do all organic/soil). water retention is paramount.


Perfect Bend lol
She looks bloody amazing @imstinky

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The fabric bags are WOW when you see the root ball just a mass of super small roots just as thick as could be. Also found these weird poolside drink holders work great for solos and they have holes in the bottom.