FirstCavApache64 ongoing grow journal and pollen chucks

Gorgeous! Wow! Very awesome! I’m excited to hear about everything as well


I REALLY wanna try that even more now @FirstCavApache64 . Great job @imstinky i just knew anything dominion crossed with gmo would be epic! I’ve been looking for a pack of or F2’s a cut whatever of dominion skunk for quite a while as I have the most killer breeding project in mind, one being gmo x Dominion Skunk


I’ve been wanting to get some dominion packs after finding this lady. Especially now that Build A Soil has a Dominion mix soil made in conjunction with Duke himself.

I may head over to the seed trading thread soon and see if anyone wants to trade some Dominion packs for some Mephisto packs. I’ve got too many and prob won’t run many autos in the future.


I’m in the same boat, not gonna lie I probably have 60-70% of mephistos collection! And I probs won’t either. I asked about dominion in a thread I made. I got some dominion diesel , thats where i realized very few have some or just noone wants to trade me some? idk but it bynmed me out BIG TIME! but I want that dominion skunk so bad! Really REALLY want granny too. And the local skunk BAD but she’s outta my price range atm @imstinky


Duke was pretty excited for the release of that. He’s been one of my favourite breeders for 10-12 years at least and is way underrated imo. Him and Schwaggy P both are very high up on my list and way overlooked, same with my brother @JAWS just solid gear ,done right! But since none really advertise or get pushed in peoples faces constantly they are slept on by many, it’s sad to me that say Fletch has a way bigger following :man_facepalming:t2: he’s a good breeder and has some absolutely stellar stuff but man, he’s got issues imho


ahh yes those are exactly the type of buds i like to see in my garden, when i run a strain like that i try to remember what it was and i should really start making a list. would love to have an entire run with nothing but those type of bud producers. i usually get a few and the rest are more open and fluffy, those are little fist style buds.

awesome work … and another GMO hybrid


Got some of the solo cup monsters transplanted finally. TK is in a 5 gallon fabric pot, Motorbreath 15 and Double Diesel are in 2.5 gallon nursery pots. Most spent 8-10 weeks in solos under a weak blurple light so I think they’re gonna be happy with the bigger pots. Still have Genius Thai Extreme x Chocolate Trip left to chop and should be done with it tomorrow. Here’s the next run getting used to the light in the 5x5.

Trinity from Cannaventure Seeds

Motorbreath 15 and Double Diesel from a very generous forum buddy.

Triangle Kush from Cannaventure Seeds


Nice brother. I’m Ready for the show :wink:

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How tall are the ones in the solo cups?

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What is double diesel?

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If you don’t mind my asking, where did you purchase the Motorbreath 15? I see Pacific seeds has them, but their reputation doesn’t seem all that stellar. At least from what I’ve read here.


Was given to him by someone awesome :sunglasses: but dookie has it (oops I forgot who I was responding too, my bad :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )


Ecsd x Choc diesel


Ahh nice! I thought it was choc diesel wasn’t sure what else though


Between 2-3 feet depending on when I last took snips from the mom. This last flower run taking 15 weeks really threw my mom room into chaos. They all are healthy but some have a couple yellow leaves which drives me crazy.

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You don’t wanna see my one veg tent now ! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: drives me nuts but I’m not pulling em until back to 100% cuz it drives me to fix it just looking in there.


If you get time, please throw up a picture of your outdoor Double Diesel, it’s awesome.

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Looking a bit ragged, but still going!


the TK has odd structure and leaves. was it started from seed?

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That’s TK for you. This dude has the legit cuts of some killers in here. Cool stuff!