Weedison’s room

Alright givin a shot at Settin up the grow diary

I have a 3X3 for cuts, moms, gettin them ready and a 4X4 & 5X5 for flower. The 4X4 is fully covered inside, There’s a small bit of space of the 5X5 not completely covered for lighting don’t have a huge light for it yet. I have One light that covers 2X4 and one that does 3X3 next to eachother in that tent. And I have some fun experimenting and learning outdoors.

Just chopped Garland A 2 days ago in the 5X5 this is the 3rd time I’ve run it and it’s only gotten better. Dense as fuck, loud lemon cleaner smell with kush in the back.

Now I have 3 Garland X and 1 Garland A ready to be transplanted in a day or so repeat that beautiful process. Great stuff and yield. I grow in coco perlite roughly 60/40 ratio. I don’t measure just feel it mixing.

The 4X4 has 1 big Catahoula (TK X Chem91bx3) via lucky dog (left) and on the right there is 1 ancient OG f3 in the back via copa genetics and a Garland A in the front right. Usually I do 4 plants and fill this even but just didn’t have everything ready. They are day 14 of flower

Then the 3X3 I have random cuts and mothers. kryptonite phenos, Garland mothers, cuts of Catahoula, 2 mothers of headlites (chemlights X NL5) via blackbird preservations I haven’t run those yet. Butcher (oro blanco X White garlic X UK cheese) stank as fuck favorite pheno out of 6 I’ve run. I love em all. Neon cowboy (Lemon G X Scott’s OG) an ancient OG F3 cut and idk I think that’s it for now lol

Feed em all everyday

Thanks for checking it out


What a beautiful garden! and that garland looks like some killer stuff! And excited to see how that catahoula turns out first in line to park my chair :chair: and watch the show much love and happy growing :v::heart::seedling:


(Must not pop my garland mix must not pop my garland mix…)


Thank you! Enjoy the show!

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Haha I have a bunch of the F2s I wanna explore bad but the people love gettin different flavors all the time


I think there’s some Nigerian in there too I’m interested in seeing.

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I have an F2 V3 outside

But I do live in real nature and Im new to growing outside so I don’t have high expectations for the outdoor plants

I don’t know much about Nigerian but I have “pure Nigerian” from exotic alchemy I wanna run but it gets cold quick outdoors here and it’s tough to dedicate a tent to those kind of growing plants.


Yeah tell me about it. Crease crumple cram bend snap :joy:

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LOL exactly yea I’m leavin those beans in the fridge for now

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Yeah I’ve got a 6’ tent and when you take away a foot for mechanicals, a foot for distance from light, and a foot for pots…doesn’t leave much room.

It can work though.


My tallest is just over 6 I know it could work but I’ve never grown true sativas like that so I always debate in my head should I get a bunch of female clones and flip em quick (not my usual thing) should I heavily spread 2 plants, I just never know what to predict.

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Yeah some guys like clones as you say.
Some do 12/12 from seed.
Or you can be like me and veg them for 6 weeks. Oops :rofl:


Looking good!

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lol that’s how I grow but with average height plants

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Thank you!

Some good looking stuff there, nice setup.


Thank you lots

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As all before me have stated, BEAUTIFUL SETUP and PLANTS!!! You seem to have your personal system “dialed in”, indeed. I’ll make room in that far right corner, if you don’t mind. Wishing you continued success in your efforts. Do take care, stay safe, and be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I truly appreciate it. Good vibes to ya :v:

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Impressive line-up Kick Ass Grow Man!!! :metal: :metal: :metal: tagged