Fitzera Does things

A couple more pictures. This is Somango from @matos420 which he feminized. I get strong Skunk terps with citrus and Mango. My wife says it smells like rubber…but says “I can see how a Connoisseur could get mango lol”.

Unfortunately I can’t test anything right now, gotta be sure I can piss clean for my upcoming job. Really wish they’d change the rules for a legal substance.


Nice nugs!


I cant wait to sample them, it’s such a unique smell and they are laden in resin! Loose but dense structure if that makes sense. Probably very resistant to bud rot. Makes me want to cross it to my Unknown Destroyer and see what happens…I might reverse one and throw some pollen around.

Hey guys, so I’m going to be making some bubble soon with my trimmings and fresh frozen stuff and I want to use up a bunch of my older flower that I’m not really smoking anymore. How would you suggest breaking it up best without ruining the resin heads for making bubble? Last time I used a food processor to get it chopped up but I feel that wasted too many heads and got a lower resulting yield. I’ll be using one of those mini washing machines.


I use my hands with some gloves or large scissors.

I think with bubble, its key to do a few runs. Go light with the first and then beat them up more and more.


Yeah I’ve always done it by hand usually with a wooden spoon or an electric beater on low. Finally got a washing machine and it did great for the fresh frozen but not for the older flower. But like.i said I had used a food processor and I feel like it broke and smeared a bunch of heads. The yield was lower than expected. I’ll try scissors this time…thats gonna be a long process haha I have quite a bit :laughing:
This time I’m going to do smaller amounts at a time. Got a couple days to prep, im slowly filling jugs with ro water.

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I don’t know if I’d even break it up whole buds should wash fine.


Yep whole buds should be fine to wash, wouldn’t worry about chopping them up


Just stumbled upon this thread.

I see a lot of familiar varieties, some of my favorite, some well known that I haven’t been able to try yet.

I’ve been enjoying a lot the detail and extent you go to in your reports. I’ll be following closely from now on. :slight_smile:

I have also received a couple of A5 crosses from dubi recently, the Purple Zamal x A5Hz and Thai x A5. There are as well a few of Karma’s repro of A5 S1 still waiting to be tested.

Looking forward to try those out and keep following your progress with them.

Keep having fun!


PS: What are the possible pollen parents of the Unknown Destroyer? It looks like it has some OG/Chem family in it, if that’s a possibility.

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Right on man, can’t wait to see what your A5 crosses do!
Thanks for the kind words!

I’m pretty sure the “father” of Unknown Destroyer is Black Fire Chem. It has the bud structure and resin coverage and although the resulting terps are muted, you can pick out the chem/gg4 funkiness in there. It’s definitely not SourD/SSH as was an option.

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So some of these I’ve already posted but I’m gonna go over everything one last time to end this current run (aside from a couple small testers I haven’t been posting about as of yet…).

Mac x FPOG 1 (fpog leaner)
Smells as you would expect, the heavy OG with some sweetness. Lower yield.

Mac x FPOG 2 (Mac leaner?)
Heavy burned rubber rankness. Not so much OG, very very sticky resin. Was a huge pain to dry trim. Better yielder than 1.

Black Candyland
Jars smell like chlorine/pool chemicals with fruit laden in powdered sugar lol. Definite intersex issues within.

Unknown Destoryer
Very happy with this one. Dense resin covered buds. Could use more intense aroma. No Blueberry terps at all in the end, more of a muted funk with a side of everyday weed.

Has a very skunky aroma with a funk almost like OG but not. Slight citrus and I could pick some Mango like smells out. Impressed non the less and looking forward to trying it.

Congo Creek Haze 1
Cracking the jars you’re hit in the face with a rag of boot polish with lemon. Background of raisins. Different, but not unpleasant.

Congo Creek Haze 2
This one has no polish, all raisin and lemons with a side of sweet cream with some sort of fruit. Much more pleasant to my senses.


Nice looking buds, should keep you busy for a while eh ?

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Nice buds brother…
Keep up the good work :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Looking forward to know how that one feels. :ok_hand:

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I found your thread bc I’ve just learned about Sacred Cut Seed Co. Nice to see some of his stuff grown out. All the other plants look too notch as well! Unknown Destroyer is a killer strain name… will continue to follow your exploits!


I love it! Favorite smoke out of that last run. Long lasting high that just gets you higher and higher. The flavour and terps haven’t gone anywhere unlike some of the other stuff.

Thanks bro. I almost popped some more Sacred gear but I’m doing a mostly sativa run this time.

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Been a decent summer work season, hopefully coming to an end soon so i can focus on a little gardening. Update coming soon…

Seedlings started:

Golden Tiger x A5 Haze fems
Nevilles Haze x C5 Mango
Chocolope f2
Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple
Unknown Destroyer fems…


Dude, I have so much…I dont need to do another run but I need to keep exploring through my vault…


Shout out to WallyDuck for his NH x C5 Mango, and Dubi for the Golden Tiger x A5 Haze. Stoked for everything in this run!