Fitzera Does things

It’s a good problem to have :grin: That’s a pretty sweet lineup.

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Coming along. Already seeing some marking on some of the leaves of chocolope and cch x mt from the cob. Probably sprinkle some gypsum on top for the next dash of water.


Always a favorite !!!
How long flowering is yours expected to go ?


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I have no idea how long those ones are supposed to go :man_shrugging:t2:

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Bodhi put our some Mango Biche x G-13 ; great smell / taste, big yield too

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Planted into 1 gals.

GT x A5

NH x C5 Mango


Chocolope f2


Update!! 3 or 4 weeks, im not even sure. Less for the Unknown Destroyers.

Nevilles Haze x C5 Mango looking good. 2 distinct phenos, one wider leaf and one narrow leaf.

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple. They seem to be less short, squat and dense at this stage than the MT themselves were, which I like.

Chocolope f2s seem to be the least happy out of the group, interested to see what comes of them.

Golden Tiger x A5. 2 very different phenos again, one narrow leaf and one much wider.

Late popped Unknown Destroyers. The small is even further behind cause I was impatient and fucked around while it was real small. Oh well

And then there are some even later pops…testing out 2 Maple Ridge Catpiss x Skunkberry and 2 Cannalope Haze x Skunkberry. They just broke surface yesterday. And because I can’t help myself, I just popped 1 Johnny Blaze x Chemdog D and 1 Blockhead x F13…theyre regs so I might end up with males, maybe females. Either way might be something neat…or not…time will tell!




Increased the VPD, raised the humidity to about 70 and the temp to about 24…they really enjoyed that. Plants were topped this week at some point. Just gave them their first EWC tea, used some fresh from the bin, the leachings and some added Kelp meal and Alfalfa meal. Due to time constraints I need to flip these asap but I need to sex them first :man_facepalming:


Nevilles Haze x C5 Mango

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple

Chocolope F2s

Golden Tiger x A5 Haze

Unknown Destroyer

The Maple Ridge Catpiss x Skunkberry, Cannalope Haze x Skunkberry, Johnny Blaze x Chem D and Blockhead x F13 are doing well.


Looking great @Fitzera. Always so much interesting variety. Excited to see what the mango cross does!

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Thanks!! I cant handle too much of the same thing. I get bored easily. Never smoke the same bud twice in a row. So I have to keep popping something different. This one is mostly all sativa though and I might kick myself for that. But I’m really happy that I popped 4 different varieties that I made this time round, even if they arent going to be the main focus.

Oh man, @sprinklememaynee if you haven’t seen them before…do a Google search or head over to ICmag and punch it in the search. Starcrash/flower.power made them look realllllly good. That’s what made me find those seeds!


So a buddy of mine wanted to grow some weed. He really doesn’t smoke because of his job and continual drug tests.
Long story short we got him some Green Mountain Grape seeds to try outdoor. I didn’t expect much from them in our latitude and based on the sativa based Genetics plus knowing the people who would be “tending” them lol.
So he planted them in a super soil (Gaia Green or Bluesky, I don’t remember) and added some of the Gaia blend amendments here and there. Grown in 5gal on a south facing deck but would get shade at some peak times. Very little attention, he’s never home and the homeowner could care less so they got watered when they did and dried out numerous times.

Huge leaves. Different phenos…some green stalk, some purple stalk. Some taller. Different stem rubs.

Enxed up wirh 3 females. They didn’t swell up much, definitely could have been grown better. But they did produce.
A couple weeks ago I chopped them down for buddy and hung them in a shed to start drying. Immediately I noticed some spider mites so I knew I wasn’t bringing any to my place to dry. One leans hard to Purple Satellite and has a fake Grape type smell. One is a more “green” pheno (but the pictures all look purple lol) that is much more skunky. And then the other is a blend of the two, maybe a little more floral.

After a couple weeks in the shed, knowing it’s been very cold for a while I was curious if they’d even dried or just froze. So I snipped some off of each, threw it in a jar and brought it home to trim the fan leaves and inspect closer. I trimmed over a fresh piece of white paper so I could see if any buggers fell off and see if they’re still alive or dead. Some definitely did, but I saw no life.
I havent found any definitive information of whether -30C for a few days will kill them or if they just hibernate. Regardless I put them back in the jar in the cold to figure out my next steps to finish drying so I can try them. I’m not willing to risk those pests getting into my current run.
This is the Purple Satellite leaner

This is the skunky one

And this is the blend

All in all though, for 52°N, these turned out really well. Couldn’t have asked for a better season for these!
Oh! One more thing…I found a couple seeds here and there at the base of the buds…excellent. in my experience these have always been female.


And here is a quick picture of what’s going on in the tent currently. I think I’ve found a couple males showing which I will be removing once I’m 100%, and downsizing those pots for the ones I want to keep this time.
I’ll have a full update this weekend!


Guess we are going to do this update now!

So as you can tell from the colour, I’ve added the hps as well as the 3 cobs.

So here is the new layout as it now stands…

Here are 2 females of the NH x C5 Mango from WallyDuck. I pulled a confirmed male and down potted him to 1gal. There’s one left to sex…decisions will be made when it shows.

Here are the two GT x A5s. Similar to the NH/C5 but I’d say longer node spacing and the 2nd GT/A5 leans more to the GT.

Next up we have my CCH x MT testers. Only one of them has held onto the short slow growth I found in the MT and SS/H x MT. It also has the stinkiest stem rub. The others are more open, and taller with more of a blend of the CCH and MT smells. The first is a female, the 2nd is suspected female and the 3rd is the short smelly one. One male has been pulled, down potted and put with the other boys. Just waiting on the short one to show.

Next we have the only Chocolope female. It has a slightly stinky stem rub, but the male I just removed was the same smell but much stronger. I replaced the first male i had segregated with this one due to later flowering and better structure and smell.

Here are 2 Unknown Destroyers. The smaller one was the one I slightly stunted…which is now over watered and pissed off lol. It’ll survive. The bigger one has that Blueberry stem rub I got off the last ones I tested and off the original Destroyers I grew. Depending how they go, I might actually reverse one of them, hit the other and some other things. I really like the flower but I want it in a more nld structure and high. Ideally I’d backcross it to Destroyer but I have no more pure seed. (Maybe someone has some and we can set up a trade wink wink)

I never did update with the 2nd Tester I grew…here are side by side buds from the first and 2nd Tester. The 2nd has way more funk which was a relief as the first was somewhat muted. First on the left, 2nd on the right.

These are in no particular order, also a little over watered. 2x Maple Ridge Catpiss (Sweet fruity, piney, bubblegummy…not catpissy) x Skunkberry, 2x Cannalope Haze x Skunkberry, 1x Chemdog D x Johnny Blaze and 1x Blockhead x F13.

Lastly here are the males. I expect them to look pretty angry soon going from 5gallon fabric pots back to plastic 1gals :pleading_face:. Gonna give them a heating pad as it’s pretty cool in the closet vs the 26°C in the tent.



Very cool update, lots going on! Eyeing the NH x C5 Mango, interesting to see what that will turn out like, wondering if the mango haze will shine through. Always fun to pop in and see what you got going on @Fitzera

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The stretch is on!

And a couple of the boys…

Chocolope f2


Dude…these are the pictures that forced me to seek her out…

I think the C5 will come through more than the NH but it’ll be interesting to see the final product!


whoaaaaaaaa okay, locked and loaded and tuned in to see how this turns out. those pics are making my mouth water.

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Another week down…did my best to block the hps and get ok one handed pictures…but theyre still shit pictures lol.


Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple
We have a tall, medium and a short girl.

Nevs Haze x C5 Mango very uniform. The males have the same structure.

Golden Tiger x A5 Haze I’m starting to see a little GT in the leaflets now.

Chocolope F2 has a funky stinky coffee type smell. The male is the same but stronger.

Unknown Destroyer…over watered vs not over watered lol.

The randoms…

The males to be pollen harvested



The NHxC5 Mango is still developing.

This is the other NHxC5 that I chose not to use, gave to the furry children


looks good! What is your tek for collecting the pollen from different males without cross contamination. I am looking to try and do a several strain pollen collection, and want to maximize success of isolating pollen from both strains.

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I dont have much of a tek. I’d like to do the method where you cut the tops and place in a cup of water over glass but I don’t have anywhere available to do that.

I just focus on one plant at a time if I can. Preferably only one plant has started dropping pollen. I shake them over tinfoil. Then collect what’s on the tinfoil and dry it. If I have more than one plant dropping, I’ll only harvest one per day to reduce chance of cross contamination. And I’ll position them so I can grab the one I want without disturbing the other(s).

After harvesting I spray the fuck out of the whole area with water hoping to kill any lingering pollen.

It isn’t the best method but it works for me.