Fitzera Does things

8 weeks and counting…

Black Candyland - sticky, frosty, smelling like candied fruit now.

Mac x FPOG 1 - greasy, OG funk with a touch of pepper and something offensive in the back

Mac x FPOG 2 - dryer resin, heavy OG funk, pepper and diesel

Congo Creek Haze 2 - Lemon zest through and through

Congo Creek Haze 1 - also heavy on the Lemon

Unknown Destroyer…her new name - all blueberry. Wish I knew what pollinated the mom but I’m glad I didn’t toss the seeds. Bld, much more frost, hopefully great affect. Good tester!

Critical starting to flower

Somango fem by @matos420 also starting to flower


It’s been a while and I have some things to show you all…

These were all taken today at 9 weeks 5 days.

Black Candyland: sweet frosted fruit but as soon as trimming begins a funk comes about. Definitely some weird growth in the lower junk, probably going to find some seeds there. And appears I may have alot of premature seed from some of the polinations…time will tell.

Fruity Pebbles leaning Mac X FPOG(2): Heavy OG funk with that fruity pebble goodness. I’ve never had it before but I know it now. I’m really digging the green/purple camo leaves!

The other Mac x FPOG(1): Rank. Fucking RANK! It’s got the OG smell but with a nastiness you find when you come across fresh Roadkill Skunk…but not the skunky bit, not the burned rubber, something else that helps make up that whole aroma we know so well in North America. Shes also got much more bud size and weight than her sister.

But this one here…this one is special. I’ll have more to show soon but here’s a sneak peak. This is what has become known as Unknown Destroyer. It was a Destroyer mother accidentally pollinated by an unknown hermie…could have been Zamal (no longer do I think this), could have been SourD x SSH but I don’t think that’s it either…and it could have been Black Fire Chem, which is what I’m thinking it was. This is definitely a happy accident and I have alot of these seeds to play with in the future.

More to come…


Here are the Congo Creek Hazes at 10 weeks…

The little girl first

And the big girl!


Here is some more of the Unknown Destroyer. I just popped another of these seeds into soil under 12/12 to see if the results are similar.

Also figured what the hell, I’ve got space now, let’s pop some other things. From @matos420 I’ve popped a fem Planet of the Grapes, fem PofG x Forbidos and fem PotG x Velvet Skies.


Awesome! There are a few others growing all of them also and so far I have had good feedback.

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Right on, I’m excited to see what I get! Sucks I won’t be home much to watch them for the next 2 months but that means I’ll have big updates when I do get home. 10 days and counting until my first days off…

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I’ve been away for 16 days, just got home to a great surprise in the tent!

Unknown Destroyer looks done! And she looks fanfuckingtastic! Here’s a peak, but a bigger update to come tomorrow



Here we have the Congo Creek Haze 1 and 2 at 13 weeks. Obviously different growth, size and structure but both of them are continually putting on more weight and resin.

#1 keeps pumping out new flower growth and its drooping lower and lower. Luckily no branches are breaking…yet. Thrichs are all clear still.

#2 is getting denser but without the some foxtail/new flower growth of #1.

Both smell strongly of citrus, leather, sandalwood and a sweetness reminiscent of cured tobacco. Very interesting and pleasant. I’m super excited to try these after a good cure. They’ve really ignited my desire to grow and work with more nld strains.

I’ve got alot of new stuff coming in the mail in the next few weeks. Some gifts from Australia care of Wally Duck consisting of Nevilles Haze x C5 Mango Haze, Z99 x Mango Haze and Z99 x Chem x sssdh.
Then from Exotic Alchemy I have Chocolate Thai, Hawaiian Sativa, Lambsbread x Malawi, Nevilles Haze f3 and Mango Biche on the way!

As for the Unknown Destroyer. She’s ticking every box except for one very important one so far. She has my favorite colours in the right combination, heavy resin coverage, flower growth and leans to the quicker side. But she seems to be one noted in the terp department. All the fresh Blueberry smells I was getting early on are gone. She smells more like Cannalope Haze at this point. Interested to see what the 2nd test turns out like, if it does well I think a monocrop is in order to get a better picture of what I’m working with and make some selections.
I was expecting a nld type and got something completely unexpected lol. Could be a useful building block for future work though!


Wow - absolutely fantastic haze stacks here. Simply amazing to behold - beautiful indoor work.


Looks like a nice bunch of buds on the Congo creek . Your seed selections sound interesting. Good luck with your grow.


Thank you @Soiltech and @ShiskaberrySavior

The Unknown Destroyer and Critical just came down last night. My better half took care of that as im away from home for a while yet but I didn’t get any pictures. I’ll update with dried shots when I can.

I’m not sure I’ve mentioned any of my latest seed purchases but I’ve made a few!
More Sacred Cut hear from the Cannabis Wonderland cause they were on sale.
Some more JOTI cause I wanted a couple more lol.
And more recently ordered Exotic Alchemy from CLTVRS out of Denver. Bought 5 and got 1 free plus the freebie seeds they threw in. Was able to pay via PayPal and had the order in 2 weeks. I recommend them but they don’t have alot of options.
I also just sent money out to Dubi @ Ace Seeds for a few things. He’s throwing in some seeds of a new Killer A5 hybrid for me to test out so I’ll be growing and logging those on here and IC this fall/winter!

I promise when I’m done this job I’ll be around more often. Need to get new seeds shucked and listed on my free testers page and follow up on my latest harvests with new pics and smoke reports!


Well it’s been almost a month since I was home last and things have happened. My better half has chopped down the plants for me and started the drying and curing process. Dry trimming is still required.

I was home for a whole day and now once again away for my step daughters graduation, but here is a little bit from yesterday…

Here are a couple shots from the larger Congo Creek Haze. She was chopped down at 15 weeks and 2 days. She had this jarred up already but I pulled it out overnight to dry a hair more. She’s still learning. I’m not sure about boot polish but there was a smell I couldn’t name yet while in the jars. Lots of lemon though. Very nice. Initial smoke test doesn’t say much aside from it was pleasant and didn’t put me to sleep right away…this was after 25 days straight of 14hr days and an 8 hour drive home. Needless to say I was drained low tolerance. I’ll revisit this at a later date.

This here is the smaller plant that I just pulled out of the drying tent. It’s not 100% where I want it to be jarred but I’ll be away a couple days and it’ll be too dry if I left it. I’ll pull it out when I get home, still needs a trim. This was pulled at 16 weeks.

Unknown Destroyer has impressed me. While it needs a stronger more in your face aroma, everything else is there. I will work with this more in the future, I think it needs more nld influence so I’ll be trying a few combinations in the future. Smoke test last night put me to sleep. Felt like smoking an extract and I coughed the same. Knock out stone.

I started trimming some of the Mac x FPOG and gave up after a while. Didn’t have the energy to deal with how sticky it is at the time. Nearly impossible to trim, it just glues itself back together lol.

No pictures of the Critical, and honestly it doesn’t have much in terms of bag appeal but she sure smells excellent. Just nice dense buds with an aroma I’d like an air freshener of.

Finally here is the latest round of seeds to arrive in my mailbox. From Ace I got fems of Killer A5 Haze, C5 Haze x Kali China, Bangi Haze, Violeta and best of all some unreleased Golden Tiger x A5 Haze! For regs i got Zamaldelica, Super Malawi Haze and Golden Tiger. From Wally Duck in Australia I got Nevils Haze x C5 Mango, Fat Mango x Z99 and Chem x SSSDH x Z99. Grape Ganondorf from the generous @NugLifeFarms420 and the Sunshine Daydream f2 bx from @HolyAngel !!



Your buds are looking great I hate when there so sticky you can’t trim them .


This is my fave thread right now

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It’s a great problem to have and I honestly like the sticky heads vs the dry ones but it’s such a pain in the ass at the same time! Thank you!

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I appreciate your words!

I have so much I want to pop, I have so many things I’ve started that I want and need to dig into, there are so many ideas in my head that I want to cross and explore the progeny…but I can’t do any of it right now and it’s killing me on the inside lol. Just know I’m working very hard outside of this hobby I love so much to make it possible to do everything I’m yearning to.


Nice plants brother…
Looking :fire::fire::fire::fire:

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Just do what you can, the breeding is always a fun hobby to be able to do, so what if theres some hiccups?

I am sure the next rounds you do are going to be amazong.

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I think it will be if I can decide what gets popped next. I’m currently leaning towards an all sativa run…Jamaican Puna, Nevs Haze x C5 Mango, Golden Tiger x A5 Haze. And I might throw something indica into my drying tent to do a reversal. Need to really narrow down what I want to do and make a decision.