Fitzera Does things

Ladies and gentlemen…one week apart lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Fitz. Looking good in there buddy!


Thanks buddy! I was hesitant on flipping when I did just because I’m used to vegging out longer for full size plants…but its a good thing I did when I did cause a couple of these are still stretching like mad. Fingers crossed they finish by early Feb


Supercropping may be in order at this point…


wow its exploding in there, great job fitzera! what kind of yield do you expect off this?


Honestly I haven’t a clue. I never put expectations on my harvests cause I never grow the same varieties. It’s always a crapshoot lol. If we look at gpw, I’m way low. If we look at root ball/pot size…sometimes I’m doing really well other times not so much haha.
I always have way more than I can use, so while I love big yields, the quality is more important to me. But like, if I only got an oz off a plant in a 5gal I’d be pretty pissed regardless of how good it might be lol.

I’ve never grown Golden Tiger, A5, C5, Nevs Haze or Mango Haze so I have no real idea of what to expect weight wise in the end here. I’d be quite pleased with a conservative 2.5oz per plant off those sativas. But the Congo Creek Haze yielded very well so I might be looking at more. I donno haha.


Some updated pictures after yesterday’s super cropping and a bit of cleaning up some of the lower shmag.

Unknown Destroyer and the little one that was water logged and stunted. Got that fresh Blueberry stem rub going on. Leaves seem lighter green compared to the dark green last time. Stretched a little bit more this time round.

Golden Tiger x A5. I picked a couple balls off the first one at the main stalk intersects with branches. 3 balls total keeping eye on this one but everything else seems good. The first one is also a bit shorter and developing flowers quicker.

Chocolope f2. What more needs to be said other than I fucking hope it’s a good pheno!! It’s got a stink I’m liking so far.

Congo Creek haze x Mountain Temple from shortest to tallest. Obviously the tallest is leaning CCH and the shortest looks very much like the MT. Hoping that middle one is an awesome blend of the two! Also, if the tall one is all Congo Haze but quicker to ripen, I think that will be pretty cool.

Nevs Haze x C5 Mango doing their thing. Nothing of concern. Excited for these ones! Had a little accident supercropping the one but I knew it was going to pull through so I didn’t bother trying to mend it.

Also…first pollinations just happened…anyone else excited for Chocolope Xs?!


Looking good there brother… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


I certainly am!

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sounds great !


I threw my back out like a dummy so was down all week. At a whole batch of Canna cookies. The tent didn’t stop…oh no…kept on moving forward…
One of the GTxA5, both the NHxC5Mango and one of the CCHxMT kept stretching. A ton of super cropping has happened. It’s going to look like a real mess until harvest now lol.

Golden Tiger x A5 - clearly one is going to be in that 12 week window, the other looks quite a bit longer.

Unknown Destroyer has stopped stretching finally putting energy into flower.

Chocolope f2

Nevs Haze x C5 Mango Haze - stretching like mad. Hopefully it’s all flower now.

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple - gonna be heavy producer for sure, hoping for buds that lean to the MT but it’s not looking promising

And finally got around to pressing the bubble hash…about 44g in the end. But those cookies put my tolerance through the roof :confused:


Hey @Fitzera , I like your choices! Very interesting! I’m sorry I haven’t been following more closely, but are you growing these out as part of a selection process or are you just trying to have some unique head stash?
Hope your back is starting to feel better.:grin::v:


Hey Budderton!
I’m just fucking around lol I just like switching it up continuously. One and done seed pops. I get bored quite easily and my tolerance builds super quick so I’m always chasing something else.

My runs are based on prioritizing a couple points…
I try to pop at least one old acquired strain, try to pop one or two newer acquired strains and pop one or two pollen chucks. Sativa vs Indica. And then of course a couple weeks in I usually start popping more one off randoms because I can’t help myself lol.

Oh and yes thank you my back is feeling much better. Now I need to get my tolerance back under control, nothing is getting me high right now :pleading_face:


Pictures are shit! Hahaha the 5x5 is just too packed. Too many big stretchy nld types. I love it though. But between the craziness and the hps light, there aren’t going to be an pictures of the year anytime soon lol

They are in control now…

I guess we will start with the Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple this time…up first, buried deep down is the little girl. Sugar leaves have a different smell now but I can’t describe. Kinda “shitty” haha, doesn’t seem similar to either parent.

The medium CCH x MT, smells much like the Congo Haze, buds look very familiar as well. It appears to be a medium sized Congo Haze at this point.

Lastly is the big girl. She also seems to be the fastest flowering of the 3 strangely enough. Shes different though…while the growth, bud structure and sugar leaf smell are very strongly Congo Haze, the stems smell of Appalachia funk…interesting to see how she finishes.

Next let’s take a look at the Golden Tiger x A5 Haze testers…
First one I’m guessing leans to the A5 side based on the bud structure. Not much for smells yet and little resin production so far.

Then the tall bitch…very wild. So much super cropping. Not sure why so many leaves curled up when she grew above the lights. Don’t know if there’s more “wind” from the fan up there, lack of light or what. See what happens but I have a feeling I’m gonna have to cut this one early. Not much for smells here yet either…

Now for the Nevs Haze x C5 Mango Haze. Both are unruly haha. These things stretch so much and spread every which way. At this point I’m just going to let them do what they do and try to support them as the weight comes in :joy: Apologies…these pics are extra shit

Let’s take a peek at the Chocolope. Still smells wonderful. Seeds are baking. Looking forward to the smoke for sure. The extra jagged leaves seem to be from the Thai influence from what I can gather. Didn’t stretch like a Thai

And here is the big Unknown Destroyer. Have to wait to see for sure but so far the bud development is reminding me strongly of the Destroyer mom. Smells are exactly the same, pistil colour, and flower structure.

Don’t have any pictures of the small 1gal pots but we still have 1 Catpiss x Skunk Berry and a Johnny Blaze x ChemD that were both hit with Chocolope pollen. Also have a Sweet Berrylope Haze still which isn’t too impressive, and the small Unknown Destroyer.

As far as males go, finishing collecting NH x C5 Mango pollen…he leans to the NL side but good pollen producer. The Chocolope and CCHxMT are collected and done. Collecting some Sweet Berrylope Haze pollen from a promising male and found the F13 x Blockhead male is multisex so we’re not playing with him…

I think we are at like 6.5 weeks here since flip.



Still pushing the jungle along. I’m worried about the heavy sativas finishing in time. I figure my soil mix is too strong in N which is causing them to run and take their time in flowering. I’ll cut the lights back an hour soon.


Golden Tiger x A5
Clearly this is the A5 leaner. Pretty sure these are going to be some heavy ass tops when they fill and swell. Not alot of smells, pretty muted so far still.

This will be the Golden Tiger leaner…wild bitch she is! Resin is building. Super difficult to get any sort of decent picture. She has a menthol/pine smell from the resin right now.

Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple
This might be the plant I’m most excited about. It’s like the CCH in size and structure and flower but it’s now changing from the lemony boot polish type smell to a rank dank funk that I can only suspect is attributed to the Appalachia in the MT. And im really excited about that cause I have a ton of CCH still and the be quite honest…Lemon boot polish isn’t a taste that I find myself yearning for although the high is very very nice.

The medium plant is similar in smell but the flowers are now shaping up differently, looks like the start of foxtails possibly.

The Chocolope is doing well, silvery with resin and smelling like sweet tropical fruits. The buds are thicker than they look in the pictures.

The Nevils Haze x C5 Mango is another jungle beast. Both of them. Not much resin production yet and mild smells. Like fresh soil and tomato plant.
Here are both of them…

I’ll finish with the Unknown Destroyer. This one leans way more to the mom side. Strong fresh bright Blueberry coming off the resin. Shit picture doesn’t do it justice.

I didn’t bother taking pictures of the small CCHxMT or the 1gal plants cause there really isn’t much to see. They’re getting fuck all for light so not much for development. Don’t really care either haha. It’s such an out of control jungle there’s literally nothing I can do to tame it unless I started cutting shit back or removing plants and we ain’t doing that!! Some of these plants are literally touching 3 of 4 walls…im kinda pissed they won’t stay in their personal bubbles hahaha

Merry Holidays OG fam!


PS as I sit here writing this all I can smell is Haze and funk emanating off my arms from reaching in amongst the plants :smiley:


Love the grow so far!

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And that CCH x mountain temple sounds like a phenomenal cross!


Thanks Moka!
Yes I’m very excited to see how that one ends up.


So talking to Wally Duck about the NH x C5 Mango, we’ve come to the conclusion that, well I’ve made a few mistakes haha.

Obviously too much N for a NLD of this type.

Too much water possibly, in conjunction with the N and switching to 12/12. He’s found outdoors that when their light hours hit 12/12 and they’ve had alot of rain, the plants will start running as well.

Flowering from seed, of course we all know clones are more manageable and quicker.

So going forward, to try and speed them up some, I’ve cu the lights back to 11/13 this morning. I’m going to cut back the water to the 3 wild plants somewhat. And also give a top dress with some sulpomag and Potassium sulphate to try and give them a boost and speed up the flower development.

Originally when I was speaking to him about this strain, he said they were manageable and would finish for the most part within 12 weeks. Hahaha I showed him!

All in all I am enjoying them and will do my best to bring them to a proper finish, although I only have about 6-6.5 weeks left before I have to be finished this run.