Fitzera Does things

So we are just over 8 weeks now. The sativas have finally stopped stretching, we went from drinking 5gal of water a day down to 2.5gal per day now.

I’m recalling liking these Congo Creek Mountain Temples. The big girl is developing a real rank smell and I like it. Rub some resin and it’s pure putrid rubber up front and a changing stank on the back end.
Edit: girlfriend says it smells like the medium one to her but heavy burned rubber.

The medium girl will be done soon, all cloudy trichs. She smells a little funky, a little fruity and a little something else.

I doubt I’m going to get this one done in time, the Thai leaning Golden Tiger x A5. But im going to try my hardest. Will drop the lights to 10/14 this week. She has a menthol pine thing going on right now.
Edit: girlfriend says it reminds her of a Lemon cleaner, I asked if she’s getting pine and she said “that’s it! Pine cleaner”

The A5 leaner just keeps building her tops. Not swelled up yet, she’s got time to go but it’s building and building. Those tops are going to be massive. All leathery incency hazey aromas.

The Nevils Haze x C5 Mango are picking up speed quite a bit finally. Hopefully I can get these close to mature before chop. They’re ahead of the Thai leaning GT/A5s.
Smells like Mango and Haze…which I wasn’t expecting the Mango yet so that’s cool!
Edit: girlfriend is not a Haze fan lol, does not like the A5 leaner either.

The Unknown Destroyer is kinda leafy, heavy on the Blueberry which is starting to smell very artificial and Grape like. Very much the mom’s side of the genetics. I actually got sick of this one because of the artificial type terps so we shall see how she finishes.
Edit: girlfriend agrees 100% on the artificial blueberry bit said it also has an incensy touch.

Chocolope is nearing finish, also mostly cloudy trichs. Very sweet fruit smelling…almost as sweet smelling as the black candyland…glad I hit this with some candyland pollen.
Edit: my girlfriend does not like this one at all, says it smells like bottoms of beer bottles after a party lol She said the same of the medium sized CCHxMT

All in all pretty happy. I threw my 4th cob that I use for my males, into the tent behind the fan to give the NHxC5s more light from above. They deserve it lol


Looking great nice variety of bud .


Thanks Shisk. I need a set up like yours to be able to grow some of these to their full potential! 5x5 is bullshit lol


Hey Fitz. I just caught up on your thread. Glad to see the NevHaze x C5Mango putting on some girth. She’s a jungle in there for sure. Everything looks great.

Have a great 2023 my friend.


About time right? Haha. I really hope I can get them mature enough in the next 6 weeks. I’ve never run a 10/14 light schedule but I’m going to give that a shot. And yeah, jungle and a half lol. And thank you, happy new year!

I’m think I’ve got enough pollen of a couple varieties to send you some. We’ll need to talk and see what might be of interest you!


Yeah sounds great. Im off to Maui in on the 7th but we should chat after that.


Would love to find some beans to bring back but its probably unlikely.


Ya never know what you can find just gotta ask the right person . Have fun if I was going I’d be in search of azeekies ribs .


Sounds good dude, shoot me a text when you’re back! And don’t forget to put on your sunscreen! I’ve yet to learn my lesson lol

And good luck, would be pretty cool to befriend a local head!

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Alrighty time for another update.

At 9.5 weeks I pulled down 3 plants. The small and medium Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temples and the Chocolope F2.

The Small CCHxMT isn’t much of anything. It will be a cull in the future. Didn’t get much light or attention and was just small overall. Has a pine aroma on top of the congo lemon bootpolish.

I like the medium one but it could use more size and fatter flowers. The smells are diverse…its sour, spicy, peppery, lemon boot polish and quite skunky with a touch of rubber. Has a very similar smell to the cannalope haze I’ve grown. The petioles are covered in trichs.

The chocolope smells so delicious. It’s sweet fruity skunky funk. I love that flavour. It’s different than the skunkiness of the cchxmt in that this one is darker and leans to the garlic side. It actually reminds me quite a bit of the Royal Gorilla (rqs’ gg4). Very sticky but not a very big plant and not dense. It didn’t have optimal light so that could be part of it or its just not be the “one”. Also it’s stalks and stems are like rubber, it fell over completely once it was removed from the tent.

On to the tent…even with those removed it doesn’t look any less of a jungle. Hard to imagine those were in there getting any light at all!

The Unknown Destroyer is starting to swell. She’s going to be denser than the mom for sure at this rate. And it’s a sweeter candy like Blueberry now. Slight purpling of the very top.

The A5 leaning Golden Tiger x A5 is a beast. Those tops just keep getting bigger and it looks like she’s beginning to swell a bit. Leaf edges are starting to brown and die, not sure if that’s how she starts to fade or something else is going on. Nothing has changed, water only. She’s all incense with some hazey goodness but not in a pungent sense. The Panama I’ve grown was much more in your face incense, this girl seems almost like it’s gentler. Hard to describe.

The Thai leaner I slowly flowering away. I doubt I’ll finish her properly but at least there will be something. I really like the terps right now. Very pine/menthol/citrus. It’s refreshing. A very good amount of resin.

The Nevils Haze x C5 Mango is trucking along and putting on more flower size. Lots of resin. Very hazey smell with a little of what could be described as Mango in the back. I should be able to get these pretty close to mature by the time I have to chop them. The last shitty yellow pic was included to show that resin…

Finally the last Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple. I love this plant! This would be a pheno I’d keep. It has alot of the qualities I like. Large strong structure with fat resin covered tops and fat golf ball lower buds. I wish I would get better pictures but there will be good ones at harvest time! She’s starting to mature now but the main tops directly under the hps are still throwing some new growth, probably due to how close they are to the light. The MT really added density to the flowers and larger resin heads. Rank filthy eye watering burned rubber.

We are running 10/14 now to help get those sativas to finish. For sure I’ll lose yield and probably some effect but it is what it is this time round.



Feeling pretty groggy today. Made some chocolate chip cookies this weekend but I wanted to make them stronger than the last batch cause I felt it was a little light. Used the same batch of Budder but dissolved a good amount of bubble hash into it.
Oh boy…I ate 1/4 cookie before dinner. An hour after dinner my heart was racing, I felt very jittery and my body was vibrating. Mentally I felt pretty clear, but physically I felt like shit. Laid down and fell asleep for 14 or 15 hours lol.

Anyhow, that brings us to another update!

The A5 leaning Golden Tiger x A5. She’s still pushing, hairs are starting to brown, leaves are dieing. Lemony incense. The tester I smoked last weekend was very night, like lemon/green tea with a very nice effect and no come down. A properly matured and cured flower will be very nice I predict!

The Thai leaner is still going. At this point it’s just hoping to get her filled in enough that it’s not a waste when I chop it down. It has about 3 weeks, that’s all I can give her. Lemony piney menthol.

The Unknown Destroyer is putting on more purple, more density and more resin. The small under growth has resin rails going on. Smell is still Blueberry candy.

Nevils Haze x C5 Mango…I look forward to running this again in the future when I can give it a better go. Cutting back to 10hrs of light has allowed it to flower and mature faster but for sure at a loss in yield. Flowers look wonderful though and full of sparkling resin heads. More hazey smelling than the A5, with a Mango type fruit in the back.

Finally the Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple. I’m really liking this girl. She will be done this week. Looks to be all cloudy trichs right now with a couple amber. Flowers continue to swell. Tops are giving off a few foxtails. Hairs are turning brown. The size, structure and colour is all CCH while the bud density and extra resin is all MT. But the smell is different than both, has to be Appalachia with a Congo backend.


Alright I took down the last Congo Creek Haze Mountain Temple at 11 weeks. Very happy with this plant and the best representation out of the seeds popped. Kept the size and structure of the CCH but with the added density and slightly shorter flowering time. But unlike either parent, she oozes with burned rubber. On the backend it’s more of the hazey congo I’m used to with some added spiciness. Honestly it smells almost exactly like the cannalope haze I grew but with the added rubber.

With the pot and supercropping she ended up around 5 feet. Very little larf, even the lowers swelled up decent.

Got the smaller ones trimmed up yesterday. Very little yield but nice smoke and effect. Got about an oz, honestly not going to cut it. Smoke is more like the Congo Haze with some added spicy pepper type notes.


Dry trimming done on the big Congo Creek Haze x Mountain Temple, into jars. Im estimating about 3.5oz. I look forward to getting this pheno again or something similar and being able to do it more justice.

To get a better idea of flavours I chopped up a small bud and threw it into the Volcano. Chopping it up its still very skunky but the burned rubber is less pronounced as I expected. It’s got a funk, a slightly sour kind of fruity sweetnessvery complex and I’m missing parts for sure. But the flavour is even more all over the place. The inhale was earthy fruity but spicy. On exhale I got a couple hints of eucalyptus minus the mentholishness of eucalyptus. That changed into more of a bitter orange flavour but only for a moment. Back to the non menthol eucalyptus.

So far the high isn’t debilitating at all, cerebral with some head pressure but relaxing.

So far I’m happy with it, will be interesting to see how it develops in the jars.


12.5 weeks and still going.

The Unknown Destroyer is about ready, just waiting a bit on trichs but it can come down any day. Lots of purple and plenty of resin. Lots of Blueberry!

The A5 leaning Golden Tiger x A5 is almost ready too. Most pistils have turned, leaves are dieing off and resin is maturing. Lots of lemon and lime with a hazish incense. Large tops, not real dense though. Lots of resin and honestly I’ve never seen so much resin on the underside of the sugar leave before.

Nevils Haze x C5 Mango is coming along great. The one pictured will be ready in time, the other one is looking to be ready here and there but has other tops that aren’t even close. Plenty of resin, a Mango type smell along with Haze goodness. I had a little sample and the flavour is very very nice. I’ve never had any hazes from the Nevil side of things and I like it alot so far.

And finally the Thai leaning Golden Tiger x A5. She won’t finish, it’ll get close but she won’t be done when I have to chop her. Tons of filling in to do still. Very loose. But nice amounts of resin, I can see what the flowers would develope into with time, and the menthol pine coming off of it is very pleasant. Life forest freshness. Very nice.


A5 leaning Golden tiger x A5 Haze @ just shy of 13 weeks flower including quite a few weeks at 10/14.

She’s come down today. Herbal lemony woody hazish incense like. Really hard to describe to different nuances found right now. It’s a different haziness compared to the NHxC5 Mango, both very nice.

The tops, while very large, they’re not overly dense and i suspect bud rot should not be an issue with this pheno. Very easy to grow.

Sampled a few weeks ago, it had a very noticeable euphoria and effect when my tolerance was through the roof…so there is potency in them trichs! Very excited to try it again, now mature. She’s around 15-20% amber now.


Dam monster buds base ball bat size and then some. Nice job .


Thanks bud. I thought the water jug was a nice humorous touch!
They are a bit leafy though, I would say that’s the only real downside. Not my favorite type to trim up, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it


eh, bit more to trim is an easy trade-off for some of the best herb on the planet :wink:
Doing fantastic things in here Fitzera! :heart_eyes:
I’m hoping to follow in your proverbial footsteps starting this summer/fall! ^^


…please do tell, I haven’t popped in your thread in a couple days…what does the future hold for you Holy? I’m very curious :grinning:

And thank you, I’ve learned quite a bit this time round and will make a few adjustments next time I run these types!


Ah man, I’m not sure yet honestly but it’s going to be 1-2 things from this list that will be getting soaked in the near future. Soon as I’m done searching through these SSDD F2s and can make room.

Consumption(Cough x TKNL5Haze)

Doc D
Bandaid Haze IX 4.2 (Bandaid Haze 2.0 x A5Haze/Thai BX)
Purple Corrinto Budder x A5Haze/Thai BX

Mango Haze
Neville’s Haze

Relic Seeds
Cough BX2

80s Haze Special ( A5 x (C5 x Jack Herer))
Schoolyard Haze (A5 S1 x (C5 x Jack Herer)
Meridan Haze (C5 x (C5 x Jack Herer)
Emperor Haze IX ((C5 x Jack Herer) x Jack Herer)

I’m up for suggestions. I figure maybe find something better than my NorthStar line ((C5 x SensiStar) x (A5 S1 x NL5)), or at worst find a male to use with my keeper. I also have some pure Malawi and/or lefty’s Everyday Haze to look at :thinking: Right now I’m leaning towards the mango haze and either neville’s haze or santero’s 80s haze special.