Fitzera Does things

That’s a hard list to whittle down…

When are the Mr Nice seeds from? I ask because I feel these days they’re not what they used to be…but that’s not from personal experience per say. The only thing I’ve popped from them in recent years was the medicine Man and I have to revisit it…didn’t turn out well but I’m sure I was the cause.
The only other knock I have is it seems to me you have to weed through a bunch to find the good ones. Maybe not so for all their lines. Hard to say just from watching others, I could be way off base.

Now that said, my mind is leaning towards the Mango Haze along with the Bandaid 4.2…with the idea of crossing the two. I’m not sure why those two but that’s what my insides are telling me hah.

I haven’t grown any of those out myself so I really can’t objectively say one way or the other. I’m an infant when it comes to these nld types.
Whatever it is you do settle on, I’ll be happy to watch!

I intend on crossing your SSDD with the Bandaid Haze 3.0 in one of my upcoming runs. I’m not sure if they will meld well together but I’m hopeful they will!


Sadly fairly recently. I think the NL5Haze are from some years ago, 5-10. But the neville’s haze and mango haze are maybe a year or two old.

That does sound like a great idea! I’ve just lately been doing some digging on the bandaid haze line and it’s been making me wanna run it sooner. May just do those two then. And yeah can definitely see about crossing the two if there’s something worth crossing :wink:

I at least already suspected I’d need to search through most of these packs, and likely won’t find anything really standout unless I get lucky. Just the nature of dealing with Haze and her offspring. Wide pools to search through. I’ve gotten lucky so far though! lol

I’ve not had the bandaid in any form yet but crossed with the SSDD BX, should bring out some huge yielding haze leaners absolutely covered in trichomes.


I really have no voice in it…ive just real alot between the MNS and non MSN side of things and i tend to take Shantis word with a grain of salt after seeing how much has changed over the years in pedigrees and descriptions. I hope you do find what youre looking for in those packs!

So I’ve been seriously interested in the Bandaid since I became aware of it but never had the funds available or it was just out of reach at the time. Thankfully @MisterBee helped me with the logistics on the American side last year. (Thank you again Sir!)

It was the idea of finding those old flavours of long ago that appealed to me most. Plus the effect of course! I’ve never been on the east coast nor have I smoked anything from there. On that note, these hazes this run are the first “real” hazes I’ve grown. It’s a whole new world for me.

I didn’t write down my thoughts at the time of why I thought those two (SSDDxBH3.0) but there were qualities I was seeing in both and haven’t seen them crossed yet. I’m thinking of throwing some of my CCHxMT pollen at them as well but fear the Appalachia might be overpowering. It came through very strongly in my chosen pheno of this cross.

Let me see how many f2s I get from these NHxC5Mangos, maybe you would be interested in a few? When speaking of luck, I can’t say either of the two I have going are bad. Actually its the plant that I haven’t really been taking pictures of that I pollinated and it has larger flowers of the same caliber as the one I have been posting.

Hopefully that’s not too hard to follow lol…im not sure how to multi quote. I use my phone and haven’t fiddled much with the editing options


Yeah I have spent some time reading the MNS forums over the years and feel the same way about shanti and most of their gear. I’ve seen the pics and reports and such and agree its not the same genetics that it was back in the day. Hell I think most are shanti’s selections but still kept nevil’s strain names. plus the talk of losing moms and such… it sounds like a lot of miss, but I’ve definitely seen some hits too so I’m hoping they’ll be in there. Worst case, always other seeds to look through :sweat_smile:

Oh what! First time with the hazes? Man you did them justice for first time growing them, much less smoking them! I can’t wait for you to try the rest of those then! NL5Haze lines are my absolute favorite. They’ll cut through anything else like butter, with a ceiling-less high that last hours. Lot of get stuff done herb in there too. Idk how you do with racy stuff but if you come across it, may just need to stick with it every day for a week or so and the racy/paranoia should go away after that.

I think bodhi’s Appalachia male was really dominant in general. I’ve found the same green crack effects, with just different flavors, across at least 4 different appalachia lines. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s coming out in the haze lines too. If it does lean to appalachia, i’d think taking it to the ssdd bx would likely just bring out more appalachia phenos… though there could be some magical haze combination hidden in there somewhere :thinking:

I would absolutely love to run a few of the NHxC5M F2’s! I can send ya a couple other things too in exchange :slight_smile: The one you’ve been showing looks glorious! I would run those instead of the mango haze this summer lol. Cross that with the BH4.2 :fire:


talking about MNS

I know some peeps who just LOVED white widow back in the 90’s.

Can’t say I’ve heard anyone say great things about Black Widow…

perhaps it comes down to selection - even with the same genetics pool ???


Haha for real. I grew a Sour D x SSH, it had the closest Haze smell I’ve ever grown to what’s growing now. But it was more like a viney SourD in growth.
And like I mentioned, there was that Medicine Man but i would consider it a disaster (no swell, male flowers, seemed “crispy” so probably too hot of soil). I kept and used some pollen from a male onto other plants though, haven’t looked at those yet. Then there was Peaks Sweet Skunk x Haze but that Haze isn’t what you would expect of a Haze (short, quicker flowering, light floral nose like alot of Mikes work). And the sweet skunk, well she is such a strong plant, anyone could grow her well so long as keep her height in check.
The last run with the Congo was my first real effort at what I considered an exotic nld type, but I think I lucked out with that one in that White Buffalo did a real good selection. They were not difficult to grow, just needed to supercrop the tall one a few times.

There was one other run consisting of Panama x bangi, Destroyer and Zamaldelica, which you would think counts towards nld experience except I treated them like indicas and I had a major timer error that flipped everything into reveg…that one was also a disaster except for one little thing. Unknown Destroyer was born from the ashes, so to speak.

None of those gave me racy highs and I found most of them to be kind of weak so to speak. But I was raised on indicas and so i always considered the burned out couch lock effect to be part of the high. I’m really trying to experience the other side and won’t give up until I find what I’m yearning for. Actually I smoked some of that SSxHaze not too long ago, close to 2 years old…the Haze leaner, and found it quite euphoric. It wasn’t like that earlier on!

That’s what I want! That get stuff done smoke. I have alot of reorganizing to do of the whole basement that I’ve been putting off for far too long lol. I have had some uncomfortable highs, anxiety inducing, but I can get through those alright. Mind over matter? Haha

But a word on potency…I dont know how people smoke every day all day and continue to get high. When I’m in my off season from work (winter/now) I smoke quite a bit and I just can’t get high anymore. Like, i do, but its very minimal and only lasts a few minutes. Even the bubblehash I’ve made doesn’t do the job. So then I make edibles and they work well…for a bit haha and them I’m extra screwed with tolerance. Anyways…

I sent a couple buds of my new CCHxMT to @matos420 to get an honest review. I’m curious someone else’s viewpoint on potency and effect, then I can also judge my tolerance level. I hate testing new smoke when my tolerance is high.
It came out very skunky, still quite skunky even dry now. I had expected most of the vocs to evaporate quicker. The small pheno smells just like the mom, maybe even more boot polish, but this tall one has much less in common flavour and aroma wise. I think it needs one more injection of Haze though…good thing I hit it with some of the NHxC5 :wink:

Cool! I’ll know in a few weeks how much seed has resulted…im sure there will be more than enough. I’ve a couple other things up my sleeve (currently cooking) I haven’t been talking about that might tickle your fancy…I’ll throw a few things together when it gets to that point.

Here are a couple attempts at the other plant. She’s closest to the hps which I why I’ve been avoiding taking pics. Under the led is much more photogenic


Honestly @royal I don’t know what can be believed anymore from their camp. When you go through the threads at mns and ic and all the quotes and back and forth…it seems to me the people who are shouting the loudest are the ones who are still growing the originals and admittedly haven’t tried the newest releases. Or they’re growing for MNS. And like Holy mentioned, it’s all Shanti selections now, Nevil has nothing to do with it anymore except in name. Honestly it’s really unfortunate, they had a treasure trove at one time but doesn’t seem to be the same anymore. That’s the only reason I haven’t picked up more of their gear. I’d rather find repros or selections done by others and go from there at this point.


my recommendation - if you’d find a vietnamese strain that goes 16 weeks will be mind bending, 13 weeks could be super racy, and all that brings…


…like Nevilles Haze x VB/LH? :wink: @MAHAKALA kindly sent me a couple things last year. Unfortunately those ones will need to wait until I have a time window that will allow longer flowering time. I have a few things that I expect to be quite long flowering, just waiting for the right opportunity.


indeed !!!

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SSH is also pretty skunky when it comes to hazes. Super Lemon Haze is even worse with the Lemon Skunk heavy high.

Sucks on all the losses :cry: but least you still got some good things out of it like that unknown destroyer… and experience lol ^^

Anything with the A5 in it should have a good chance of being racy/get stuff done herb. I’ve worked with her a bit so far and she tends to dominate a lot of crosses. Even a couple generations in. Mango Haze has the Haze A and usually makes me racy. The Neville’s Haze should definitely do it too. C5 leans more to the Columbian and nl5 side of things and is usually not racy. It’s more hypnotic, dreamy, floating, space-out, staring out to the void, type of haze.

I smoke all day every day and can still tell potency. on most things. Some of these hazes are lighter with very little body and a bit harder to tell but should still be able to get medicated for sure. If I don’t notice much, or anything, from smoking a bowl or two or a joint… it’s either not potent or i need to lay off the dabs/edibles lol. I generally stay away from edibles in general as i need ~300mg to feel like I hit the bowl once. A few days of doing that and flower becomes worthless. So assuming no concentrates/edibles for at least a week, If I can’t get medicated off a bowl or a couple chillums then it’s not potent. Least not to the level I need to be effective medicine.

That other NHxC5M looks absolutely glorious! :heart_eyes: Pretty much exactly what you wanna see, least imo ^^


Yes, I’m trying to give myself those options in my pollen chucks; keeping Skunk based lines seperate from the other nld types, and also blended together. Ex. CCHxMT, SSxHxMT. Once I’ve tested the SSxHxMT I’d like to combine it with the Congo version and see what happens.
But that once again might be too much Appalachia. Plus using the MT really is getting away from the NLD type anyhow imo, I need to start testing the progeny from other males.

Side note about Lemon Skunk, seedsmans Auto version was the second best auto plant I’ve smoked, with Dinafems blue cheese coming in first. I’m sitting on a few of dinafems XXL auto versions of nevs and Amnesia etc to try outdoor sooner than later. Should at least be interesting if nothing else.

The Unknown Destroyer was a happy accident, and lucky as it’s the only seeds I have left with Destroyer in them. The tester in this run is so similar to the mother plant, just a touch more density and resin but exact same smell. The other two phenos, one was a pretty close 50/50 with the pollen donor but lacked strength in effect and terps. The other had the appearance of the mom but much more resin and it had the funk/terps from the black fire Chem. I’ve pollinated the current one with a few things to explore later lol.

I have high (hehe) hopes for this GT/A5, as I mentioned the early sample effect was definitely felt and that excited me! I wish I had the option to sample A5 in its pure form so that I could tell what alterations the GT brings to this pheno. Speaking of the GT, this other pheno isn’t going to finish, she won’t have time to swell but she’s still going to produce something that is very inviting. The pictures don’t convey how sparkly the blanket of resin is to the eye, and I haven’t had such a refreshing pine menthol combo in a really long time.

Funny…i just saw a quote of Nevil posted where he says there’s no A5 in Mango, it’s C5. To which Wally responded “boy im glad i made some c5 mango , hahaha …
it was the closest thing i knew to c5 in seed form,
c5 x mango haze ibl …” :man_shrugging: that said, we shall see how this cross turns out. I’m excited either way she goes!

Thats basically where I’m at right now, I just really don’t want to take a tolerance break. I have cut back though and the macxfpog is enjoyable again haha. I will have to stop soon enough for my work season, piss tests are required for each site I work at usually and it takes me at least 2 weeks to clean out enough. The joys…

Thank you! Coming from someone who has the experience, it puts a smile on my face :grin:


I quick dried a sample of both the Unknown Destroyer and this GT/A5. Tested the UD, fan leaves and all. Was a harsh smoke dried like that, was a fairly heavy dusting of resin heads on the try as I cut it up. Flavour is maybe more Grapes than blueberries dried, hard to say…but its very much the Destroyer I remember. Effect is good. It’s cerebral, relaxing my eyes with some pressure the frontal lobe? cortex? Whichever, the front haha. It’s nicer than I remember the mother.

Tomorrow I’ll test the GT/A5 sample as my first smoke.

That’s something though, I haven’t seen anybody else describe Destroyer as Blueberry. Or Grape. Ife asked a few who’ve grown it and none of them had that. Strange. Mine came from the Fem version, maybe that was the difference.


Man that’s awesome one of them came out just like the mom! That’s like the universe saving the day for you. “My bad, here ya go try again” type thing! Hope you’re able to pull off what you want there.

I have had some great smoke from lemon skunk lines, SLH isn’t bad, it’s just not my cup of tea when it comes to what i want in a haze line. little too hazy/confusing imo lol I like the more clear headed and/or psychedelic stuff in these lines.

Oh interesting! I wonder if he means the Mango cut itself and not Mango Haze that usually just gets called “Mango”? The Mango cut itself is technically C5, yes. It’s shanti’s personal selection from ~125 plants. Number 122 to be exact. Nevil’s selected cut was the first one he popped, number 1.

But Mango Haze is supposed to be Shanti’s C5 #122(Mango) cut crossed to Sk HzA. Its a parallel line to SSH which used Nevil’s C5 #1 cut crossed to Sk HzC instead.

Grain of salt, I know :sweat_smile: but every time I’ve ever smoked Mango Haze, whether from MNS or Mephisto(mango smile) or otherwise, it’s the same racy paranoia I get from any A5 line. Same as in the Starlite (A5 S1 x 89NL5). Whereas my C5 x SensiStar line is an extremely clear headed, visual enhancing, dreamy/hypnotic type high, like most of the C5 stuff I’ve had over the years. That isn’t to say there aren’t racy phenos to be found in C5, there definitely are, but it’s not like the A5 that can just completely dominate in my experience.

Makes me wonder what cut Wally bred with :thinking:

Aww sadness on the forced testing :cry: No wonder you gotta cut early. Hopefully that work season gets over quick and you can get back to things here :wink: I haven’t had destroyer that i’m aware of to know any better. I do have a pack of Destoyer x Wookie 15 that might be up your alley but its more appalachia stuff technically lol Metal Haze might work tho but i’m unsure on potency. I’ve kind of heard that stuff is mids but not positive.


Agreed! Mother nature had my back that round. I dont really have goal in mind or a specific direction. That’s why I’m continually throwing pollen at different things, I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for but I’ll know it when I find it.

I’ll gladly admit I have a hard time retaining all of the information in regards to the Haze lines and everything in between from MNS. There’s so much variation of the same few genetics with slight tweaks here and there, it eventually looks Greek to me and I settle for just looking at the pictures and trying to remember the strain names lol.

I am going to dig deeper though as I want to refresh my memory. There are 2 lines for sure, the mango and Mango haze ibl…but then Wally jokes of a third version…the first version sent out for testing that only one godlike (lol, j/k) Haze head grew successfully and continues to grow…and talks about it when referencing the other line as if they were the same. Lol Haze threads.
But specifically I’m going to dig about Wallys line. He’s got alot of things I would consider special, as does Maha but they have different styles. The loas intrigues me.
If memory serves me right, he came out with 2 phenos possibly…the fat mango and I thin mango i think. The fat mango actually smells like mango he said but the thin one is all incense. I’ve just found the C5 Mango is Nevils C5 cutting crossed to Shantis Mango Haze IBL.

Interesting, thanks for all that! It does help.
Curious…what is your take on the CBH/BH/Piff stuff as far as being C5 or A5 related? I lve been seeing arguments for both sides, I’d be interested in your take on it.

I haven’t had any sensi star yet, but I did grab the BH7xSS from Doc D and got the Mullum/OAXxSS freebie as well along with a few other things.

Yes, unfortunately even with legalization up here, it’s going to be quite a while before the Canadian model drug testing is adjusted…if ever. “Safety sensitive positions” are their reasoning and that there isn’t any research showing that a thc level in your system doesn’t equate to impairment. I can’t handle dry spells, I’ve lived like this for many years, but I would much rather have a Puff after work (especially of I’m working nights) than a drink, and I will always prefer to work across from someone who smokes rather than someone who is hungover every day. The other issue is I work in supervision, if there is an incident with my guys, I have to test along with them, even if I wasn’t there at the time of incident. So it makes it difficult to risk smoking throughput jobs. And we have a couple sites that do “random” daily testing as well :man_facepalming:

That Destroyer x wookie might be interesting, more so just to see different forms of Destroyer. I suspect mine is Thai dominant due to the Blueberry, it always makes me think this is similar to the type of thing DJ was working with maybe. I’m going to send you a message!


I ran Metal Haze 3 ways this summer :

  1. Metal Haze (Bodhi) - got both NLD and fatter phenos. Pretty stoney high, definitely went longer than 8-9 weeks. 7.5 / 10

  2. Metal Haze x Flo (GreenMan Organic Seeds) - grew small, ornamental indica types. Liked the buzz, but meh for the plant size/structure 7 / 10

  3. IC Tsu - Iron Cindy (C99 x Metal Haze by KOS) x Shiatsu (Japanese Landrace) - grew big outdoors, went a month longer than I was expecting. I preferred the ones chopped earlier - more energy and zippiness. Late chopped ones more mellow 7.5 / 10

for someone with tolerance and/or a love for complex sativas - I would NOT recommend Metal Haze.


Can’t wait to test it out! They look fantastic, definitely popping the unknown destroyer next round and hopefully do a good sativa run in the future.


That’s really helpful info, thanks @royal
What’s your favorite line? Or lines? I’ve seen you mention a few things in the various landrace and Haze threads, I really enjoy reading others perspectives


I hope one of them is the perfect blend of the parents for you! You’re an Ethos and Grape fan, so it’s got those bases covered, but it’s the potency that I’m hopeful will be strong enough for you

I should add, the tester this morning lasted about 1-1.5hrs I’d say…a follow up joint right after the first would have solidified it for me. But it was nice, no crash at all and im just realizing I haven’t had anything since lol “getting stuff done”


My pleasure.

My favs in the past few years, in no particular order…

Laos (highland / lowland mix) - fantastic, electric sativa - went 16+

PNG - great sativa, laughed and laughed with friends, very warm and welcoming - went 23+ weeks

Jamaican x ?unknown? - amazing cerebral, zero body type high, grew purple stems / petioles - went 13 weeks (could have gone another month outdoors).

Punto Rojo - another straight up sativa, not a big yielder, comfortable high - went 14 weeks

Zamaldelica Express x Tangie - sativa autoflower !?! probably went 90 days total (for reference Zamal itself will go 120+ flowering), small, frosty - quite good, certainly exceeded my expectations…