Flowering questions

You guys have been such a wealth of great info! My next run is going to be sooo much better!
That being said…I am tickled to death with the harvest I just trimmed and hung! Some of the biggest, most beautiful buds I have ever seen…so far! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yea cutting out the nitrogen was a bad idea. Cannabis still uses it in flower but not as much as in veg. I like to be under 100 pms per gallon of nitrogen in flower. I taper off as it gets to late flower


Next run will be better :+1:


it is rewarding to know “i grew this”! even more rewarding is getting to smoke / use that dank bud you just grew. the pic looks nice. you did it! i have been growing a long time, the learning never ends in our quest for the next better grow! grow on! any questions feel free to ask.


Where do you get your Jacks?

Either esty or Amazon

There’s also a ace hardware that has some of the line

Esty is the cheapest so far

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Does etsy sell the 25lb bags also? Or just small sampler(3lb) bags. Been using jacks with great results after switching from gh flora series. Going to start using the jacks booster and finish.

Had a water test done with them. Said all was good with the tap water. :ballot_box_with_check:

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I’ve only sees 2 or 3 pound packages on esty but I’m sure Amazon sell larger amounts f needed


Are you liking your finish with Jack’s?

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I do it’s all I use anymore
Except for a 0/50/30 booster


Yep! I learned the hard way on drying too.
Tried to air dry everything inside, on a clothesline with some fans running. Seemed to be taking too long and I was getting nervous about mold starting…so I did the foolish rookie thing…I laid everything out in the food dehydrator :pensive:
And now I know why that’s a bad idea.


Don’t feel bad. I’m not a rookie and I just fucked a QP down to 30%RH

I turned it into hash no big deal.

Ok, so I have a few plants going outside since it has been very hot and sunny in my area. They are nice and big and healthy!!!
Have a couple in 5 gal containers and a couple straight in the ground.
I will try some better nutrients for flowering (which should be fairly soon) and see if I can do better than my first run :+1:

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