Foreigner Goes Legal

Wonder why it doesn’t stiffen up? Mine will turn to stone if not jarred.


Nice. Good idea. What technique did you use to make the gooey hash?

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@ShiskaberrySavior @BudSy

It is bubble hash that I pressed using the frenchy cannoli method.

I did 4 washes and kept them separate. The gooey one in question is a mixture of the 3rd and 4th washes. The other two washes are sticky as hell but much more workable.

Here is the 2nd wash:

And here is the 1st wash:

They are all top shelf but the gooey one was impossible to work with so I had to do something or else buy a dab rig to be able to smoke it.

All the best


Nice surprise today I got 2 gelato clones from a buddy.

They came in peat pellets. I ripped one apart and planted it bare and I left one intact.

I gave them a once over checking for pests/damage and they look good. They still will receive a decontamination protocol consisting of safers end all and a quarantine for a couple weeks until I’m convinced they are clean. But so far, so good.

I like to run 3 plants at a time so I’m going to pop a couple of seeds of a couple of genetics to end up with something nice.

All the best


Since my main tent is shut down and I had an outbreak of powdery mildew I figured I’d do my best to decontaminate.

I bought this:

I figure I will give the tent a full spray 3 times just for my piece of mind.

It smells like oddly perfumed soap that stinks up the mall. At least it doesn’t smell like sulphur, which is the main ingredient. I can’t do a sulphur burn so I figure this is the next best thing.

All the best


@Tappy afghani x blue lights (I have 2 of these going)

@Mongobongo OGer

And I have a hibernate from the seed run too.

They’ve just turned on the heat in the condo so I figure I’m good to start up again.

I have room for 3-4 plants so if all goes according to plan I’ll have 2 gelatos and whichever of these babies end up female.

All the best


It’s amazing how fast they green up. 6 hours later:


Not too much to report. Early veg is dull dull dull.

I’ve got 2 gelato clones.

Seeds: all regular -

1 OG from the seed run
2 tappy blue lights/afgahni
1 Hibernate from the seed run.

This should hopefully give me options when it comes time to make decisions.

I almost killed the clones with my IPM of saturating them with end all. Everything died pretty much back to the nubs. They’ve regrown a bit and I’ve since tied them down.

In anticipation of more interesting things,

All the best.


Did you use the end all with lots of light hours left. I find they don’t get so wrinkly if you do it just before lights out.

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I sprayed them shortly before lights out but they are under a very old t8.

I really saturated them though. Like dripping. I figured a mega clean was in order and if they died in the process so be it.

They almost died but have sprung back to life.


There is not much you can do really other than saturate them, you don’t want the little barstards developing an immunity to it. Sometimes the cure is more destructive than the problem, good luck man I hope you get rid of them fast.


Oh no, no bugs visible. It’s just a clone from an outside source so I’m extra careful.


OK lol thats good :wink: thought you had mites as a lot of people atm but it was PM you had I see now.

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Hi everybody!

Not much to report.

The clones have recovered from the chemical burn I gave them. They are also tied down.

The babies are just starting to hit their stride.

The OGer is the runt of the litter.

I yell at them to grow faster.

All the best


Babies got fim’d under the blurple.

Sounds dirty


Finally getting on in the process to have enough to show you. Around 4-5 weeks veg.

The 2 in the back are Gelato clones from a friend of mine.
The 2 in the front are either Hibernate, OGer, or blue lights. I will figure these ones out shortly. I’ve got room for 3, maybe 4 plants in my tent so we will see how it plays out.

I won’t know until they’ve shown which should be another week or 2.

I will soon put them in the flower cabinet until they show, I will cull the males, transplant into 3 gallons, and then off we go.

A couple pics.

All the best


Good day all,

Moved into the big boy tent today. Also got my new “VivoHome” air filter in place. Easy enough with some bungees. I’ve decided to change my air filters every year whether they need a change or not.

A couple of gelato clones and some that will remain nameless until they show sex. If they are all males, no big deal, I’ll just veg out the gelatos a bit longer. Hoping for a couple more females for variety.

Also, I’ve decided to keep the tent open and have turned the small room into something of a sun room. It’s really nice to step into on a grey day like today. Light therapy! I will keep the tent closed when it comes time to flower

All the best.


Looks great man, re purposing those amazon boxes, be careful they dont get wet, I tried that once and came down in the morning to pots and soil all over the floor, as the side of the box collapsed from softening.


Oh yeah the box can act as a wick!

I water them in the shower so they have plenty of time to dry. I even incline the pots at a slight angle.


Today I did quite a few things that I’m not prepared to talk about yet.

But, I did give the intake slot on my tent a good cleaning. The tent has been in constant operation for 1 year. The vent mesh was coated and hairy and dirty. I imagine it messed with my airflow a bit.

Pro-tip: clean your vents every once in awhile. A wet rag and a vacuum and it was good as new.

All the best