Foreigner Goes Legal

It’s a sad day in the Foreigner growing household.

Mrs Foreigner got a new job (a good one) and needs to take over the grow room as an office.

This leaves me with the bedroom as a grow area and it is less than ideal. She will accept the grow in the bedroom because she’s flexible like that. It is still less than ideal.

I am very sad about this. She needs her office. I get it. But I feel displaced and kicked out. The room also used to be my chill zone with great window light.

I don’t know what to do. I’m also having troubles with my plants. I might just cry a little and tear everything down. Or if they recover soon I’ll finish this run and then retool. Or maybe not. I kind of want to just trash the whole thing out of spite.

There might be room for some small autos if I transform my veg cabinet but my 2x4 is really intrusive on the bedroom.

It just sucks is all.

I’ve got enough jars for the foreseeable future so I’m not worried about that. Mostly what I’m worried about is being able to have nice grow lighting in the dark winter months.

Anyone got auto advice for a sad foreigner?

I would need to buy (or build) a new light. Ts1000 or bridgelux maybe.

Anyone got any interesting auto seeds for a sad foreigner?


Thanks for listening and all the best.


You’ll find a means, and an office for the lady is of more importance than plants at least when you have other spaces that are potentially usable.

Still have one split auto pack left from my last seed foray if you want it.


Downgrade to a 2x2. You can still have fun, just not as much lol

Did flushing help your plant?


Sorry to hear. Autos in a small tent can still produce nicely though. 18+ hours of light, don’t restrict the roots in veg, maybe feed a bit lower than usual. Coco or hydro + LST will help to maximize yield.

I can vouch for Mr.Sparkle’s autos. I could spare some Mephisto freebies also.


I think this might end up being the move. And the plants are looking a little better, thank you.

It certainly is. She absolutely deserves it. It just came as a shock all at once

This might also be the move.

Thanks all, I was just having a bad day.

All the best.


That sucks man, sorry to hear it. Why can’t she have a desk in the bedroom to work on🤔

Don’t forget come taxes time, you can claim a percentage for your electric and phone bill, and measure the room, you get get money back for every square foot of office space. Any small decorating bills can be put to the office as well :wink:


We are trying to find a new normal in the Foreigner grow space. It has not been without challenges.

The new location is in front of a large window. The tent sees full sun during the day. I’m forced to run during the day which is not a huge deal.

I had to change my 12/12 schedule to 7am-7pm because the rising sun at 730 blasts the backside of the tent. I’ve had switch to a different intake flap on the side of the tent to keep the light out. We will also see long term if the tent stands up to UV degradation.

Another issue is that when there is full sun on the back of the tent the temperature goes up: the tent becomes an oven. It should be ok when the weather freezes up and for now it’s staying below 30c but I continue to monitor.

It is warm and wet outside today so the heat isn’t turning on. As such the humidity in the tent has risen to 60 which is higher than I like. Again, this should correct itself when the weather ices up.

I’m really going to have to babysit this run.

Today, prompted by the higher humidity, I did a heavy defoliation and stripped all the bottoms and the insides of the canopy leaving crowns and little else:

On the bright side the heavy flush per @Grease_Monkey has corrected the ugliness I’ve been seeing. They are back on a schedule of full ferts. My assumption is that my pH has been screwy because my meter died and I’ve been trying to find a new method. So far so good.

I flipped to 12/12 a few days ago and they are beginning to stretch. 4 confirmed females including a Hibernate from the seed run and a NL/blue lights from Tappy. Also a gelato or two.

So, this flowering run begins/continues under my very watchful eyes. I’m hoping it all works out and for now it looks promising but if it all goes to shit I’m thankful to you guys for all the auto advice/help you’ve given.

Even if everything works out I don’t think I’ll have a monster yield but for right now I’ll just be happy with a successful run.

All the best and thanks for looking.


Good to hear they are healthy again! It’s nothing for my tent to hit 60 RH… when it gets high I just crank up the airflow abit and ive yet to have an issue because if it


I think the real problem I was having was trying to figure out what the pH drops were saying. Maybe I’m colour blind but they haven’t been working out for me. For now I’m just winging it on the assumption my tapwater is 7ish, which it is. Promix 6.0 tapwater 7.0 tapwater with full ferts 6.5. This is the quick math I’m using and it seems to be about right.

I also agree that 60% humidity is not a big deal. I’m just being overly cautious because my last run had some major PM issues and I don’t want a repeat of that. Again, this should correct itself when it gets cold outside.

Thanks for the input.


Theres math involved with testing ph? All I’ve been doing is mix if my jug of nutes then test and adjust its ph between 5.5-6.5ish and havnt had an issue. And 4 liters doesn’t give me run off so I havnt tested that since the first time lol

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It’s more a question of trust. I trusted my meter and then it died. I tried trusting the drops but I don’t think my eyes like them.

My above assumptions seem to be working. When I was growing 20 years ago I didn’t bother/know about pH and I never had any problems so I’m going old school lol


I had a little precautionary defoliation today as well, were are back in double figures tomorrow and a lot of rain for the next few days :confused:


Ok - enough sulking - let’s get back to the good stuff!

So this is a gelato clone I got from a buddy. I almost killed it with my clone intake protocols but that’s ok. She’s developed into a nice shrub:

And here is the inside of the tent. Plants are a bit smaller than I’m used to but that’s also ok.

One good thing: the tent is now in the middle of the apartment space. I’ve been leaving it open and I’m getting more light/plant time.

All the best.


The stretch is in full effect now:

I was going to transplant to their final 3 gallon pots today but it’s wet and snowy which ruined my plans of making more soil. Oh well, no rush, maybe tomorrow.

I’m most excited about this Hibernate. Really heavy indica leaves. A bit of a crinkly but she’s grown through it. She stinks already. The filter is holding it’s own.

All the best.


Good day all:

So everything has been transplanted into their final 3 gallon homes. It all went pretty smooth.

I have 2 gelato, 1 Hibernate, and 1 Tappy AfghanxBL. Officially LEGAL!

Everything looks healthy and good except one ugly leaf on the Hibernate which I think is from windburn.

The only thing left to do is get some more amazon boxes so I can even out my canopy a bit.

All the best


So we are about a week into flower and everything is progressing well. The leaves are beginning to furl themselves into buds.

Here is the AfghanXBL

All the best


Good day all.

It’s about 2 weeks into flower. I performed a final heavy defoliation. I removed all the undergrowth and also cleaned out the canopy of anything that was small enough that I wouldn’t want to trim it. Look how clean it looks from up top:

And here’s an under canopy bonsai shot:

I’m really pleased with the airflow this defoliation has opened up. I have a fan that blows under the canopy and now the plants are all dancing in the wind.

And here’s a 2 week budshot of a Tappy afghanXblue Lights:

I’m a little paranoid about PM because of what happened last time so I’m going out of my way to avoid it.

All the best.


Looking good @Foreigner!!!


I was thinking I saw some in my room :frowning:


@dequilo PM spreads fast. There are lots of ways to control it but not to eradicate it. I hope it’s not too bad for you.