Foreigner Goes Legal

3rd week flower update:

I’ve been having some issues which I think are pH related. It’s a small issue and my runoff is at 6-6.5 so it seems ok. I think what’s happening is that the pH fluctuates between good when the pro mix is wet but low when it’s dry. Maybe I’ve been letting them get too dry but that’s an easy fix and I’m on it. They are praying again which is a good sign.

You can see the issue in the pic of the AfghanXBL.

Group shot:

And here’s the @Tappy afghaniXBL

And here is the Hibernate from the co-op:

No solo pics of the gelato because I didn’t take any.
Full speed ahead.

All the best and thanks for looking.


Lookin’ good, Holmes!!! I was thinking of giving that hibernate a go around as well. Hope everything turns out stellar for you!
Keep up the good work!!!


Thanks Tappy!

They are starting to stink pretty good. The hibernate has a nice dank in the stem rub. The afghanXBL has the nicest structure out of all of them I think.


So as of now the gelatos still get to live. This has happened to me before. I notice one pollen sack and then another and then another. But it’s only because I haven’t been checking and it’s cumulative. I’m not going to make any decisions yet but it seems to be ok for the moment and I’m going to let it play out.

Apart from that, everything is going smoothly and all looks good.

Here’s an overview:

And here’s an AfghanXBL with a little pH damage:

And here’s one of the gelatos:

Merry Christmas to all.

All the best


Good day all.

Week 5 (I think) update.

Everything is going well. The male sacs on the gelato are manageable. I will continue to check them every 2-3 days but I think it will be fine. Lots of strains throw a few male bits.

The pH damage on the afghanXbl is getting a little worse. I have dealt with it by ripping off the affected leaves so I don’t need to think about it. Out of sight out of mind. No big deal.

Other than that everything looks great. They are all starting to ramp up resin production and a leaf rub is sticky and smelly on all of them.

Here’s the overview:

Here’s the hibernate:

Here’s the gelato:

And here’s the afghaniXbl:

Full speed ahead and thanks for looking.


Man oh man, you’re a braver soul than I! I couldn’t live with the stress of knowing there’s an active hermi in my garden! At least you’re putting in the effort to hunt down the stray male parts. I really hope the smoke is worth the effort!

Nice journal :slightly_smiling_face:

Stay hazed


Thanks a lot @Blowingupjake! I try to document my failures as well as my victories.

Re: the hermi thing. Some of my favourite strains have thrown a few balls so I’m not unfamiliar with it. Most of the pods are not viable anyway and as long as I can keep up with them by examining them every 2-3 days then it’s ok by me. Any more than that and they would die immediately. They also only form on the lowest tiny buds so they are easy to spot.

Also, a few seeds is not the end of the world. But if I end up with a horribly seeded crop it’s just the excuse I need to turn the whole damn thing into hash, which is something I’m always tempted to do anyway :slight_smile:

All the best


I’m in that situation with my last crop gonna make most into edibles as everything got heavily seeded.


Edibles is a good way to do it too. I find people really enjoy them as gifts so I give a lot of them away. Especially at Christmas time. The legal edibles around here are like $1 per milligram which is horseshit. 12 cookies at 15 milligrams each is like $200 retail so that’s a hell of a nice gift.

I’m a big proponent of bubblehash. The hash that I make is nothing like the commercially available garbage. They call it “crumble.” Mine is more like taffy. It’s maybe my favourite thing about growing. My last harvest I dedicated a whole plant (it was a northern lights) to hash and I’m glad I did. It yielded 11 grams and I’ve been smoking off of it for months. I don’t sell, but if I did, I would never sell my hash because it’s all for me.

It’s a fair amount of work but fuck is it ever good.


I’ve posted it before but I love it so much that here it is again:

Don’t try to identify me by my fingerprint.

All the best


Looks like some tasty hash :yum:

Bubble hash?


Bubble hash pressed with a hot water bottle for ~15 minutes. It’s the best way I know how to do it.


Day 39:

Everything is going smoothly. No new male parts to speak of but I am keeping a close eye on them.

Everything is frosting up nicely. The afghani lights is starting to swell and looks really good.



Afghan lights:


I wait patiently.

All the best


Looking good and getting some frost on, great job man.


That hibernate is going to have some cool colors by the end!


Thanks guys!

By the end of a grow I usually have a favourite but these ones all seem very nice in their own way. I can’t decide.

They are all exposed to cold nights but the hibernate is the only one purpling.

All the best.


Day 45-

Everything ship shape. No new male parts on the gelato so I think it was a mid life crisis. I’ve seen it happen before.


Hibernate - she’s doing something a little strange. Her leaves are tacoing but she’s doing it to some degree all the way down to the lower leaves. So I don’t think it’s light or heat. Just weird, maybe genetic.

And here’s a gelato:

No pics of the Afghan lights because I didn’t get any good ones.

Also…what’s this I see in the corner of my eye? begins…

All the best and thanks for looking


Very low humidity will cause it as well, but I have seen a lot of strains that it seems to be a genetic trait of.

Looking good man :+1:

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Thanks @Shadey!

You could very well be right. My humidity is hovering at 35%

I’m getting psyched about my next run too :slight_smile:


Day 50 photo dump


Afghani Lights:


All the best