Foreigner Goes Legal

WooHoo!!! very nice looking buds :slight_smile: thank you for the look at your work

lovely flower you have there enjoy

all the best and stay free



That hibernate plant is looking dangerous! How much more time on it do you figure


Sheā€™s a looker eh? The colas are small but the buds are huge if you know what I mean. A bud pinch is stinky drain cleaner chemicals.

I havenā€™t been checking trichs yet but Iā€™m going to guess 2 weeks on the hibernate. 2 weeks on the Afghan lights, and maybe 3 on the gelato.

Obviously I want to take them now but thatā€™s just impatience.

All the best


Yea the buds look like theyā€™ll have some weight to them!


The Afghani lights are looking really big and fat too but I just canā€™t seem to get a good pic of it. Itā€™s 4 huge colas and just the smallest bit of larf. Solid bud all the way down.


Gotta love a frosty Gelato!


I took some pics but you canā€™t really tell so here it is:

100% germination rates baby!

Sour strawberry, OGer, and Blue Tara. All looking good.


I canā€™t tell who smells when I open my tent. They all blend together into one delicious aroma.

Just like in life nothing ever happens and then it happens all at once.

Day 55 photo dump:

The gelato will be another 2 weeks. She is starting to lean over but is still white and fuzzy.

The hibernate is basically done but I will give her another week. She has such an interesting structure. Not solid bud in the traditional sense but solid nug with loose bud. I dunno, but she smells intoxicating, which she is.

@Tappy afghani lights - I just canā€™t get a good picture of her. Her buds are too big for her structure so she just looks squished. Rest assured those nugs are as big as nerf footballs and she smells sweet and a little sour and just a little skunky. I suspect sheā€™s got another week to go.

I cut a few tester buds like I always do. I donā€™t know why I bother - they are always disappointing. I should wait properly like a good little boy.

I am thinking about using my quarantine time this year to grow a wicked vegetable/auto garden on my balcony.

I will need to build a sweet diy light and be assured I will be asking for plenty of help.

All the best


Looking good man, the cheap LED light thread is where you will get lots of answers for your light buildin.


the purple one is a beauty! :+1:


Thanks you guys!

@saxo My tent is now in front of a window and it gets really cold at night - I imagine thatā€™s why sheā€™s so purple. The min on my thermometer said 16C when I checked (I had forgotten). Thatā€™s cold!


Good day all:

Just a quick pic of some fall colors developing.

I still havenā€™t checked the trichs and I really should do that.

All the best


Amazing colour in that leaf :maple_leaf:


Day 61 -

Got a little leaf cupping I think is because of low humidity. Not much I can do about it now so itā€™ll be ok.

Trichs are all coming along and looking good. Mostly cloudy but no real amber. I think Iā€™m going to chop them all down very soon.

The hard part is waiting.

All the best.


Here are some trich shots.

This is the Gelato. You can see the cloudy with the amber just coming in:

This is the Hibernate. Amber coming in but still somewhat clear.

Iā€™m going to either need to chop very soon or in 9 days from now. Iā€™ve got maintenance workers coming into the condo and Iā€™d like to either have the whole thing dry before they get here or wait until after the maintenance is done and then chop. Decision time soon.

Really Iā€™m happy to take them all down at any time now, everything looks good, itā€™s just a question of when life allows me to do so.

All the best


Good day all -

All the plants have been harvested. It took the whole afternoon and cost me some skin off my thumb from a repetitive scissor injury. The scissors, even with constant cleaning, get so sticky so fast they take a lot of pressure to open and close.

I will provide more details later but for now here is a shot of them hanging out in the shower: gelato - hibernate - Afghan lights

All the best.


Looks like a nice harvest trimming sucks .
Something to consider next time it works great just a few seconds and your back to easy trimming .


Thanks, that looks like a neat product.

My scissor strategy is to use 3 different types so I can switch out when they get too sticky. I then scrape them with a straight blade to clean and collect scissor hash. Then I may or may not wipe down with alcohol and paper towel.

I may invest in more scissors, not really good ones, just so I can switch more often and then clean them all at once. When it takes real effort to open the scissors they are too sticky.

All the best.


I didnā€™t think that stuff would work as good as it does . Just basically stick the scissors in the sponge snip them a few times stick them in and out a couple times and there good to go.


Good day all.

A few more pics and some info.

So in the summertime I just close my harvest in the bathroom and the humidity stays where I want it. Because itā€™s so dry in the winter I had to break out my inkbird attached to a humidifier. Stable at 60%rh around 21C. I have a fan for circulation too.

They are almost dry now. Just a few more days and they will go into jars.

Hereā€™s the Afghan lights. This bud is around 20g

Hereā€™s a gelato. I didnā€™t weigh it but itā€™s a good size

Iā€™m out of jars. Amazon wants a premium for them. Everything is still shut down so I canā€™t just go get them. I may take some older stock and vacuum seal it to free up some jar space but I hope it doesnā€™t come to that. It probably will though.

All the best