Foreigner Goes Legal

Vacuum sealing cured weed works great just don’t over squish it . I find if you ziplock bag it leaving a bit of air for a cushion then into a vacuum bag . Unless you’ve got a fancy machine with separate switch to control how tight it seals .


My machine is that fancy :slight_smile:

I might also have a mammoth butter making session to use up some stock. Mrs Foreigner might kill me if I use all of her baking butter though.

It’s a good problem to have “oh no I have so much I have nowhere to store it!”

Me at 16 would be laughing so hard. He saved roaches.


I mean, it’s still for baking? Just makes things more interesting.

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I also considered just doing a huge hash run but I don’t think this strain lends itself to good hash making. It’s potent, but not very crystally.

I could get away with a few pounds of butter but if I used it all she would definitely kill me.

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Thats a good idea… mine is a pos with no stop, I can either do full vac, or no vac


Greetings friends:

The harvest is very near dry. The tiny stems are starting to snap just a little so I’m going to give it one more day or so for the big ones and then just jar them all at once.

I’m doing something a little different today. It’s butter time!

I use a vacuum seal bag and boiling water to decarb. That’s 212F for 45 minutes.

I find this is a good balance between stopping power and deliciousness. When the butter is strained off there’s zero green taste and it makes some really good cookies. I just add a gram more weed than I might otherwise to make up for the low decarb temp.

All the best


And here she is all done:

Nice and golden and ready to hit the fridge to solidify. There’s always a little water that separates from the butter so I like to strain that off too.

All the best


Very cool, boil in the bag weed butter. I would patent that idea lol.

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No way man, open source method! Free for everyone.

It tastes like weed but doesn’t taste at all green. This method is not perfect but from a quality cookie perspective it’s hard to beat. It’s my go to.

All the best.


Final product. Approx 20mg per cookie and they taste fantastic. Just slightly moist in the middle. Consumed right now.

All the best.


Starting to kick in a little guys…


60mg? Jeebus. Hope it’s a real good night for ya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I slept pretty well I’m happy to report. I even ate 2 more after the fact.

All the best.


I had a double dose of shrooms brownie last night, it was a very pleasant evening, I was out doing the grocery shopping today, and as I was driving I thought why are my face muscles aching so much, I looked in the mirror and I still have a big stupid grin on my face. Normally I am a poker faced person, even when I think I am smiling, my face is dead pan :expressionless: it goes with my dry sense of humor, so this stuff must be good if it can still put a physical smile on my gob hole 20 hours later :grin:


So the plants got taken apart this afternoon.



Afghani Lights - 63g
Hibernate - 100g
Gelato 1 -75g
Gelato2 - 58g

Total harvest of 296g. Not too bad for 300w of LED in a little 2x4 tent.

All the best


So everything is all squared away. The tent has been cleaned, the pots gave been cleaned and everything is in jars:

I only put bovedas in two of them. They got a little drier (52) than I’d like. The other two hold 60 in the jars on their own.

It was a good run. The gelato threw a few balls mid flower but I managed to deal with them. Moving my tent in front of a big window in the winter time presented challenges too but it all worked out.

Preliminary thoughts:

Hibernate from coop - very odd structure, very difficult to trim, smell like lemon gasoline. Highest yielder.

Afghani lights from Tappy - big solid buds stickiest of them all smells like a sour skunk candy.

Gelato from a buddy. - nice big buds, extra crystally, smells like sugar first and weed second.

I think they will all turn out to be winners.

.985 g per watt. It’s actually quite low because I did very poor canopy management. I could have vegged a lot longer or even fit 2 more plants. But given the circumstances I’ll take the gram per watt result.

I’ll have a smoke report after they’ve been curing for a few weeks.

So that’s it. Seed to harvest.

I’m working on a kush project for the spring and also for my next run. Stay tuned. I may just start a new thread because it’s a new year and this thread is a bit unruly. Or not. We will see.

All the best


So the next run is underway. I decided to test a few things from the seed box and try my luck that way.

-BOG sour strawberry
-Blue Tara.

Everything looking good but they need an uppot which will happen in the next few days

As I understand it these are all kush variants so if all goes according to plan I’m going to be making a bunch of kush type seeds but that depends on how many/if males I get.

It begins again

All the best


Things are slow but steady in the Foreigner household.

Here is the nicest OG:

And here is the nicest Blue Tara:

And here is the sour strawberry:

I wait for more exciting things to happen.

All the best


Looks like your having a co op seed run grow, interested to see how all those turn out.

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