Foreigner Goes Legal

That’s was the plan! Last time I did the Hibernate which turned out great. Everything from the seed run this time. The only thing I can currently report is that the SS has an unusual structure.

All the best

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Made a little dry sift today.

Put a half ounce (?) of trim in this:

Shook it around over a newspaper until my arm got tired and ended up with this:

I didn’t weigh it but it turned into a nice amount given the starting material.

Nice and easy dry sift using a bubble bag.

All the best


The fight does not go well Enterprise.

So I ran out of bandwidth and neglected my plants. They were due for a transplant 2 weeks ago and I just kept putting it off.

I knew they were suffering. They are very mad at me. Heavily rootbound, drooping leaves, half needed water everyday, the other half stopped taking up water completely.

They look ok in this pic but to my eye they look like shit:

When I zoom in you can see the difference. The old growth is red and craggley but the new growth is looking greener and much happier. Note the contrast between good and shit:

I think they’re turning the corner but I estimate I’ve lost 2 weeks of veg time. I’m in no rush but I just feel bad for hurting my little friends.

Also, this:

It’s like a desert in here and I can’t do anything about it. I just have to live with it and hope it’s not a big deal. I expect I will have to water more and feed less to compensate for the dryness but hopefully it’ll be ok.

Phew. It seems like they are back on track but what a mess I’ve created.

Thanks for listening and all the best


Dude! You may need to get a humidifier in the room. I have 1x humidifier in my tent, and another in the room itself. The one in the room in an ultrasonic humidifier that’ll run for 70hrs on the lowest setting. Really did make a difference.


Yeah I think you will need to cut back on the food, the plants are going to be drinking heavily with that low RH, you cant really drop the temps much more to compensate either.

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I should clarify: it’s a long story. My tent is in front of a window that gets full daytime sun. Like the sun is beating on the back of the tent all day. It also makes the temp spike to near 30C. The room the tent is in might as well be a greenhouse and the temp and humidity are highly variable. I’m unable to move the tent somewhere better as Mrs Foreigner took over the spare room for use as an office. Even that room is far from perfect, but it is a little better.

So when that pic was taken i had the doors open to ventilate to the outside to drop 30C temps to the 24C in the pic. The humidity dropped so low because of the dry outside air and because there were no plants in the tent at the time. I saw the 14% reading and snapped a pic going “holy shit.”

Really when everything is squared away the humidity is closer to 30%. But the temps become a problem by mid day and need to be dealt with too. I just need to live with it and do the best I can in an imperfect situation.

Under better circumstances I would have more control over my environment. Fortunately the plant is quite resilient and resist all my efforts to kill it :slight_smile:


Can you pipe cool air into the tent from your ac?

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Unfortunately not. I have no AC in the winter and no heat in the summer. The condo controls that. I can’t remember when they make the switch. Could be…may? It’s when daytime temps hit a certain number that I don’t recall atm.

I actually have 30’ of insulated ducting I bought off kijiji that I was going to use to vent to the outside so I wouldn’t need a carbon filter.

It didn’t end up happening because I can’t be running sketchy ugly ducting through the bedroom. I have no flex space - I’m lucky to have a second shower I use for watering.

I would turn the whole condo into a grow room and live on the balcony if I could but that’s unlikely to get approval from Mrs Foreigner.

I’m actually concerned that conditions might be so unfavourable that I’ll need to abandon this grow. Maybe I can only grow in the winter. I don’t know. The real problem is the full sun and a black tent don’t mix. I would run at night but then I’ve got full sun during the dark cycle and that can’t be good for photoperiods.

At least I can run autos on the balcony in the summer time so all is not lost.

I will cross that bridge when I get there


I’d attempt to block the sun entering though the window should cut the heat if you incorporate a chunk of 1/2 inch foam board over the window that takes care of both issues .
A cheap option is a homemade swamp cooler for the intern till the ac fires up .

Where were you planning on venting out at?


The foam blocker is a clever idea. I’ve already got a curtain but it’s not light proof, more like a shade.

The venting option was for when the tent was in the other room where there is a window (the window is at foot level which is very impractical). There is no window I can open in the bedroom. It’s a sliding glass door to the balcony.

It’s ok when it’s cold and cloudy but when it’s sunny and warmer it’s a problem.


Bathroom fan if if it’s close to the tent is a easy connection stuff the hose into it some red green and your good to go.


I use silver insulation bubble wrap on my windows. Reflects the rays and keeps the heat in or out (it’s a live-saver for my 8x6 sliding glass door). Is the heat coming through the same vents as your ac? Mine are separate so that’s why I can do this. Even if you draw cool air from another part of the condo you’ll still be dropping the temps & moving the air.


Another good idea but not close enough to be practical.

Yeah same vents. Hmm - maybe bubble wrap…

I’m not sure what these HVAC units are called but they don’t vent, they recirculate. It’s built into the wall. So there’s nowhere to draw cool air from.

Mrs Foreigner has said that I can rearrange the bedroom any way I wish.

I need to think about the best move.

I tried boosting airflow and it didn’t do anything.


It’s been a couple of days since the transplant and thing are looking much happier. They are burning through the water though so I’m going to need to keep on top of it. I expect they will show sex pretty soon. If I look very closely I can see the very beginning of preflowers but it will still be awhile until I can be sure of anything.


(*Borat inspired high-five)!


One month cure smoke report:

They all smell great and unique in their own very different ways.

Blue Lights - smells like a floral skunky perfume that your grandma might wear.

Hibernate - very strong lemon gasoline smell. Distinctive.

Gelato - cream and sweet raspberry aroma. The “softest” of the flavours.

They are all smoothing out with the cure. The initial grassy tinge has gone and in a few more weeks they will really come into their own.

The jars that started at 60% are holding there without any bovedas. The jars with the bovedas are hovering at around 58%. I haven’t really burped anything. No need. The inkbird did it’s job perfectly.

Everything is as it should be. Mrs Foreigner is pleased with all of them which is my ultimate goal.

Thanks for listening and all the best.


Just another day in the Foreigner household.

Found a few of these:

Just a couple of females, no big deal. These are the first ones to show. One is an OGer and the other is a Blue Tara. A Sour Strawberry is male but I didn’t take any pictures of it.

What else…

One of the OGers is looking pretty ugly but I’m not worried about it yet. It looks like the old growth has taken the worst of it but the new growth still looks fine. We shall see what happens.

Also here’s some training gone right. This one got topped with two perfect shoots coming off the main stem. I have tied it down to let new growth come out from the bottom. This is what I like to see from training:

All the best and have a lovely Sunday.


There looking good, just harvested my Ogers, rock hard buds and very frosty, got a couple of testers drying on the the PC hard drive atm, the scissor hash was good :+1:


Good day OGers:

I have been a neglectful plant parent, again. Fortunately this time I have an excuse. It’s this little guy -

He is 3 months old and pees what seems like every 5 minutes. He is learning.

Anyway, he has been taking up my time and my plants have suffered. I opened my tent to severe under watering.

The pots were super light and the plants were all droopy and looked unhappy as shit.

I gave them some water and it took most of the day but they recovered and now look like this:

Much better.

Everything seems on schedule except the sour strawberry is looking a little shitty and I can’t figure out why. I didn’t take any pics but it looks like it has turned into a crinkly mutant after a month in veg. That can’t be right.

The good news is that I expect to see preflowers on all of them soon and I will switch over to flower as that is generally my timing for the flip. Any day now.

I will try to be more regular with my updates.

Cheers and all the best.


Thats a cute little puppy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: