Foreigner Goes Legal

Regarding pupper:

! <3 !

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Thanks guys. He needs to go out at 3am but he is very sweet.


First day 12/12.

I hope I set my timer correctly. Math is hard especially with the time change.

No pics because it was all business today and I didnā€™t take any.

Some obvious but minor N def but I will just boost feed and rip off the ugly bits to make myself feel better. Itā€™s really not that bad though.

I have a suspicion they are rootbound again. Something else I will correct in short order.

There is a strong vegetal smell but it doesnā€™t smell like weed.

Temps are high and humidity is low.

All the best.


Good day all:

Itā€™s been a busy one. Today I decided to defoliate and tie down a little instead of uppotting. They were getting bushy and as long as I keep up with the water and nutes they should be fine like this for awhile. Iā€™ll do it next week once the plants will keep their twisted shapes.

Hereā€™s an OG example:



I culled the sour strawberry. The blue tara and the OG are happy with what I have been giving them but the strawberry was looking pretty unhappy. Maybe it has different pH needs. I donā€™t know. I just kept the ones that seem to like the way they are being treated rather than having to play catch up all the time.

I pulled a little too hard and split the main stem. I tied it back up with scotch tape:

And just for fun hereā€™s a snap of some root balls:

All the best and have a good day.


Good day all:

Today is day 10 from flip and everything is progressing nicely.

The Blue Tara has interesting pale purple colouration of the stems.

The OG has remained short and stout and the Blue Tara has stretched and is quite lanky. I have put the OG on a shoebox to keep the canopy of uniform height.



I still havenā€™t done the final transplant and should really get on that.

Cheers and all the best


Looking good!


Looking good nice healthy green growth .


Thanks guys!

A few notes *

I will be switching over to bloom ferts very soon. Partly because the time is right and partly because Iā€™m going to run dry on the veg ferts. My measuring syringe canā€™t reach the liquid so Iā€™ve been pouring it from the bottle and measuring by eye.

The only reason Iā€™m going to transplant is because I donā€™t like watering them every 1-2 days. A 3 gallon pot should turn that into 3-4 days which is much more manageable.

I raised the light. The stretch brought them to 12ā€ and I changed it to 15ā€ which sounds about right.

Thanks for looking.


Very very nice! :smiley:


Does mrs foreigner still have wet darkroom equipment? Thatā€™s what i use to measure nutes and theyā€™re getting used again!


Now that you mention it I do have a graduated cylinder that I could use. Itā€™s moot though because Iā€™m switching over to bloom ferts and I like to use the syringe (even though the markings on it are pretty faded.)


i pour from the bottle to a solo cup then use my syringe,hoping to avoid cross cantamination


Iā€™ve been tilting the bottle and sucking the liquid from the shoulder but the bottle is too empty for that now.

Looking back on the chaos of the last year Iā€™m glad I bought this fertilizer in bulk. Iā€™ve used a gallon of bloom. It was the last purchase I made from a brick and mortar.


Yeah i made a full cell file with calculations with all my nutes and feeding schedule for when i built my RDWC system so I could ensure having enough at one time for a single grow. Told me i needed to buy some parts in gal, others in litres. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thatā€™s got to good for tracking/planning. For me I deal mostly with $ math. A litre is $35 and a gallon is $80. I use PBP which is a bit on the pricey side so the bulk sells itself.

I kind of guess by eye how much to feed at any given time rather than follow the directions. Some plants are perfectly happy at half strength and some need full strength. It just depends. If Iā€™m running low Iā€™ve also been known to cheap out a little.

Iā€™ve also got some miracle grow I can use for emergencies/bad planning on my part. Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re made by the same company anyway.


My calculations are based on the suggested ml/l, but iā€™ve always ended up using much less as iā€™m monitoring my PPMs and only adding what is needed. Trip Tonic is 45$/gal for a/b veg or flower as its sold directly from the manufacturer. Iā€™ve ended up with 2 grows per batch order where the orderā€™s volume is based on my excel maths. It stretches so far because my calculations are based on a full res change, so i need much less topping off than full change outs.

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Hereā€™s a better look at the Blue Tara and the purplish/pinkish/blueish hue of the stems. When I look at it now the pictures donā€™t do it justice

The main stem has stretched above the canopy but Iā€™ve shoved it over to the side of the tent where the light is the weakest so it should be ok.

Iā€™m seriously considering switching my exhaust fan out in favour of an Infinity Cloudline. Itā€™s getting old.


Good day all:

So things are finally squared away. I still have to do my final transplant into the 3 gallons but everything looks good and guess what? -

LEGAL! Crazy I know.

So Iā€™ve got 2 OGer and 2 Blue Tara.

Hereā€™s an overview shot:

Hereā€™s the OGer:

And hereā€™s the Blue Tara:

Everything looks good and Iā€™m pleased with where I am at this stage in the game.

Itā€™s time to just put my head down and full speed ahead.

Thanks for looking and all the best.


Down for the ride, plants looking great, and congrats on being legal!! :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:


Thanks hardroc and welcome!

Iā€™m pleased that they look as good as they do - they were treated very poorly for a good portion of veg. Itā€™s remarkable how resilient they are. Iā€™ve ripped off some ugly leaves for aesthetic effect.

Other than transplanting the only other thing I can think of to do is tie down one of the Taraā€™s so she bends effectively around the fan.

Please enjoy the ride!

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