Foreigner Goes Legal

Ever think of trying the “flop” method?

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I’m not familiar. What’s the flop method?

I was planning on just bending the branches outward a little so there’s a hole in the canopy where the fan is.

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It’s something I see the fellas like @Mr.Sparkle and @ReikoX and others do to their auto’s less stress than super cropping I’m guessing :thinking:
Not all that familiar with it either, maybe one of those fellas or someone else can explain it for us.


Oh yes I’ve “flopped” an auto before.

I mostly tie down and LST to fill out the canopy. I’ve done a little supercropping. I’ve even pivoted an entire plant so that it’s horizontal (males for pollen collecting in a very short space.)

What I’m thinking would be very low stress, just bending a couple of branches 20^ or so so no big deal. I could also just clip a branch and accomplish the same thing.

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Looking good bruv! Looking forward to seeing them fatten up :smiley:


So I finally got off my ass and did my last transplants.

I raised the lights to accommodate the extra height I got from the new pots. They’re at about 14”

I tied down a few branches as I mentioned before just to keep them out of the path of the fan.

I’m in a good mood now - everything is ship shape.

Also the branch I broke has healed up nicely. Check out the scar -

The Blue Tara smells vaguely of Hawaiian punch and the OGer smells nice and dank.

Thanks for looking


Looking good man :+1: you should pinch of those useless low down bud sites unless you want to try and re veg it after flowering

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It’s funny you mention it because I stripped their lower halves naked and this is what’s grown back :slight_smile:


I get the same problem, its a constant process of stripping them off as they appear.


I do this trimming because it prevents me from having to trim larf but I also like when they look nice and clean.


This is Mrs Foreigners weed jar. The only time I touch it is to refill it. Usually I dump out the shake and roll joints with the leftovers but I haven’t bothered to do that for awhile.

Holy dry sift. I think I will use it for my hash tea. Boiling water is 212F so I pour water into my insulated mug and let it decarb for a half hour before drinking.

It looks like the beach in there.

All the best.




Good day all:

Time sure flies - day 20 from flip

Everything is progressing nicely.

I think the best news is that I expect to be receiving some California Indica pollen from a generous OG benefactor.

I always like to make a few seeds but didn’t find any males this time around so I’m grateful for just a tiny bit of powder. I plan to pollinate both the OG and the Tara. So things are looking good - it’s just about the perfect time to give them a dusting.

Here is a little bud and a full shot from the Tara:

Here is the OG:

We have the slightest bit of resin forming:

Here’s an overview - looks good to me -

Here are the naked bottoms:

And just to prove how lazy I am - when I transplanted into the 3 gallons I clipped off all the strings from LST but I never bothered to actually take them off. I think of them as Christmas decorations:

Thanks for looking at my photo dump and I hope you have a lovely day.


Hey man, the plants are looking nice!

Happy to hear about the Pollen, hopefully you have great success with getting
these ladies pollinated.

Thanks kushdaddy!

I’ve had good success using the qtip method so that’s my plan again.

I once thought of using a makeup brush but decided this way is easier than going to the store.

All the best

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Good day everyone:

Someone once told me there’s a difference between looking and seeing. Looking is passive while seeing is very active. Your eyes should be tired after seeing.

So I noticed some subtle and not so subtle differences between the different phenos.

The OGers look essentially the same. One is an inch taller than the other but if I were to show you them one at a time it would be difficult to tell them apart.

The Blue Tara though, that’s another matter.

Structure wise they both look pretty much the same. Same height same morphology of branching. They have both been treated the same. But one of them has wicked purple/red stems and the other is a robust green:

It’s only day 21 or so and the purple stem Tara has much bigger buds than her sister. They are almost twice as big:

I don’t want to say yet which one is better because you never know until after a cure. But from a strictly visual perspective the purple stem one is the much more attractive of the two.

They both smell the same, like a Hawaiian Punch that’s gone off.

I didn’t really do anything major in the tent today. I pulled off maybe 20 leaves from the OGs that were doubled up and touching each other just to keep the canopy as open as possible.

I really need to start thinking about my autos. I’ve been the recipient of some amazing generosity here in recent history and I’m about to put it to good use. Thanks guys!

Thanks for looking and all the best.


Well the purple stem Tara continues to be interesting.

The preflowers are somewhat elongated. Reminds me of a mosquito, or a pelican.

She’s full of surprises this one.

It’s just the red stem girl. The green stem does not exhibit this trait.

Not a big deal but sort of neat-o.

All the best


Good day all:

Day 24 since flip.

I haven’t been showing much of the OG in this thread yet. I’ve focused on the Tara because it’s displaying some unusual traits.

But today I give you the OGer. Many of you probably know I got this from the seed run. It is a cross of bubba kush and master kush. I’m pretty excited about it.

She is moving quickly with no problems to report. She didn’t stretch very much and smells extra dank. Not loud, but dank. She is starting to push out the resin.

I think yield will be on the low side but I’m hoping it will be high quality. Maybe I should have vegged longer. We will see.

I’ve had to do pretty extensive defoliation to keep good airflow through the bottoms and mid canopy.

One thing to note is I’ve given her a little tip burn:

I consider this a good thing because it means I’m right on the line of perfect feeding. Now if only I could remember if I was at 10 or 12 ml (I don’t). I will try 9ml and see what happens.

Have a pleasant day.


I think I pulled 3 oz off a 45 day vegged plant I think mine was around 3 ft after the stretch .
Got her running a second time now see I can improve on her .


I appreciate the real life numbers. I’d have to check my notes but I think I did ~45 day veg but I neglected them so I think they lost some time.

I’d be very happy to hit 3oz on this one. In my 3 gallons I’d call 100g a good haul.

She does smell really nice.