Foreigner Goes Legal

Day 26 from flip.

Not much to report.

The Taras are using more water than the OGs so that means I have to shuffle watering.

I didn’t notice but one of the OGs was up on a shoebox and stretched a little closer to the lights than I would like. The top is a tad bleached.

In the past I have watered to just a little runoff every time but I haven’t been doing that this time. I may do a heavy flush with pHed water as a prophylactic measure. One of the OGs is a little over fed anyway so it might be a win win.

Things are stacking nicely and the resin is coming in.

I’m waiting on some pollen but I believe it is delayed due to the postal system. I hope everything is ok.

Here’s a little group shot:

All the best


Day 27 from flip.

I fed my OGs and forgot about my idea of a prophylactic flush. Oops. I did fert them at half strength so that’s probably just as good.

Just a few fun weekend pics -

OG getting some crystals:

And the Tara looks nice too I think:

It’s a very nice day so everyone is outside.

All the best.


Day 28 -

I decided to take my 2 favourites out on the balcony to get a bit of air and to look at them under daylight.

I tried to take some nice pictures. Not sure if I succeeded but it was nice to be in the breeze all the same.



Have a lovely day.


Day 31 -

I still haven’t done that flush I mentioned earlier. I should really get on that. I’m thinking the pH is a bit low for the OGers and blasting them with 7.0 straight from the tap is probably a good thing.

The Taras are looking pretty. Minor discoloration of an older fan leaf or two but no big deal. I added some calmag which has a little N in there:

And we’ve got some pistils shriveling and turning brown. Only a few but things are on the way:

Full speed ahead. I figure the OGs will be ready a bit quicker than the Taras but you know, chickens and counting.

Thanks for looking and all the best.


Day 32 -

I finally got around to flushing the OGers. I ran a couple of gallons through them and everything looks good. I also pulled off a few leaves and tied down a couple of branches just to open up the canopy. I only moved them an inch or two.

I’m not sure it was necessary but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I figured what the hell. If they are hungry for a few days no big deal.

Here they are draining on a tray -

The OG and the Tara are both starting to really stink. The Tara is floral and the OG is…rank soap maybe. They both smell good. The OG is a bit louder.

It’s time to hook up the carbon filter and I laundered the pre filter because it was nasty.

Still waiting on that pollen. The last international I got took just over 2 weeks. So here’s hoping it’s still viable and I can get the pollination done in the right window. Fingers crossed.



Unnecessary day 33 update.

I know it’s time to hook up the carbon filter when Mrs Foreigner walks into the apt and says “Woo it stinks like weed in here!”

Problem solved - she didn’t notice today. Whenever I adjust my gear I always try to get a good baseline. With filter attached my tent is 2°C higher which is acceptable.

Here’s a group shot:

It’s so warm today I should have worn shorts. The apt heats up pretty good so having a good understanding of where I sit temp wise is important.

All the best.


I wore shorts and sandals yesterday walking the dog, a balmy 18C probably will be wearing then again today :slightly_smiling_face:


woke up to snow today


One day is snowing and the next day it’s summer. I’m so confused I’ll be wearing sandals and my winter jacket next :cold_face::hot_face:


Day 36 -

What a difference 3 weeks makes. This is the Blue Tara:

I think I even replicated the angles and everything.

Not pictured is the lovely magenta colour that is showing on the underside of the leaves.

Have a pleasant afternoon.


Good day all:

Day 39 -

It’s at about this time that I wish everything would hurry up and be done already.

That doesn’t stop me from appreciating the loveliness of the Blue Tara pheno.

The other pheno is nice but this one is spectacular.

The red of the stems just gets deeper:

The flowers are turning a light purple/pale blue which is where I imagine the name comes from. Check it out:

The LED makes getting pictures a challenge. Sometimes they look great and sometimes they look like they were taken under an HPS.

Here is one of the OGers. She is stacking nicely and the resin is really coming in. She is the stinkiest one. When I open the tent, watch out:

3 weeks I think. I ordered some potassium bicarbonate just because I’m paranoid. I saw a spot I didn’t like on a damaged leaf. I’ve been inspecting vigilantly and no other issues to report.

So far so good and full speed ahead.

Cheers for looking.


Did you find a good solution for the sun? Mylar emergency blankets are cheap and highly reflective thermally. I used one on my bedroom window to cut heat from the sun, hoped it would be lightproof too but I could see moonlight through creases and tears, but a price of panda film over that and it’s pretty damn good. Cost less than $15, even cheaper if you don’t have to buy a 10’x10’ piece of poly.

You got some nice color on the stems and leaves of those OGs; I can only get that much with some cold at night!



The route I took was just to live with it.

In a perfect world it have my growroom at 25C and 45% humidity all day everyday.

The real challenge has been trying to match the fertilizer to the extra water the plants go through because of the high heat.

Since they drink so much I have to use relatively lower amounts of fert.

I’ve burnt my OGs a little because of it but no big deal. They have burnt tips but are ok.

I max out at 30c but for the summer time, I’m concerned. I’m shutting down for more reasons than that, but still, it’s not ideal.


I’m wondering about stopping for the summer myself. Unfortunately my stash isn’t built up enough, so LEDs are becoming more attractive every day the temp goes up. I was walking up the drive the other afternoon, was maybe 65 out. A/C clicks on, apparently it’s 74 in the house. I am hesitant to vent outdoors with no carbon filter though.

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I really like my LED rig. Like, a lot. I know they are cost prohibitive in the short term. But I really like it.

There is no reason you can’t use a carbon filter to treat your air before exhausting it to the outside. I usually only hook mine up when I notice smell and poof no smell. It’s a cheap one too.

It sounds like you are concerned about both heat and smell and I know these solutions are $$$ but they are still cheaper than buying weed.

Edit: also note that I keep the furnace off and the windows cracked and that helps for the moment.


Day 40 -

Just a few pics. Here’s another one of the Blue pheno.

Here’s one of the Blue Tara green pheno. It looks like it will take longer to finish and it looks like fine weed just less remarkable than the blue one:

I’ve got 2 OGers and they both look nice but if I had to choose a favourite it would be this one. The structure is perfect like a candelabra, or something. I don’t own a candelabra:

This OG looks good too but a few branches stretched more than the others giving it a little less of an even look.

Short of a little burn from too much fert and a little healthy paranoia about PM everything looks good.

They are now all feeding at different rates so I’m watering one pot a day. Actually the two driest ones because of laziness.

I have a good feeling that my two favourite ones will be big winners and my two less so will make some killer hash. Still a long way to the finish line.

It’s like summer out there. Have a lovely day.


Day 41 -

Just a few pics today. I’m pleased with the way the purple/blue came out.

The leaves are starting to fade a little. It’s about that time so I’m not too concerned but I’ve also been feeding lightly for their whole lives. Like 1/3 of recommended strength. Either way, no big deal.

Happy weekend


Looking beautiful :heart_eyes:

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Thanks man! I’m not the best photographer so it’s nice when they work out.

Here’s one more :slight_smile:

Cheers for looking


I’m taking lots of pictures and posting lots of updates because I’m bored of my grow and tired of waiting.

This stage of growth used to be an exciting time. I’d be filled with anticipation of a wicked harvest and replenishment of my jars.

Now I just wish they’d hurry up already. And I need to buy more jars and ikea is closed for lockdown.

So here are some pictures taken with a 20 year old radio shack microscope:

Not ready yet.

It’s one of those days.

I’m going to start some autos to give away.

Cheers for looking.