Foreigner Goes Legal

nice looking plants!

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Hello all:

Just another day in the Foreigner neighborhood.

Iā€™ve decided I will no longer be adding perlite to my promix. I will use the promix straight out of the bag.

Partially because it may just be a conceit that I ā€œmake my own mix.ā€

Also because I donā€™t like mixing it up. Itā€™s a pain in a small space and on a balcony.

Also Iā€™m out of perlite :slight_smile:

On another note I would like to thank the following people:


This thanks is for a reason Iā€™m not ready to discuss quite yet but it begins with this:

Have a lovely day and all the best


Uhoh! Lol looks like youā€™re about to be busy


Busy or removalā€¦ Hope everything works out whatever is going on.


No no good busy :slight_smile:

Iā€™m famous in my family at the beginning of gardening season. People I donā€™t really talk to all start talking to me.

Cheers guys.


Iā€™m excited to see what gonna happenā€¦


Day 44 -

Good day all.

I find it quite amazing that the two different phenos of the Blue Tara came from the same stock.

One is light blue/purple with big chunky nugs at the top of the branches making her top heavy and leaning outwards. Her stems are fully and completely deep red. Here she is:

The other is a nice green colour with nugs that go all the way down the branches. It stands straight up and the stems are green. Whoever said LEDs lack penetration is full of shit:

They both look like very nice plants in their own right but not at all like each other. Iā€™d figured thereā€™d be at least a similarity, but nope. I wouldnā€™t believe it if I didnā€™t know.

The OGers are much closer in appearance. One stretched a little more than the other but they are both stocky dense plants with big fat colas. They both got a little beat up by too much fertilizer which is interesting because Iā€™ve been feeding them very lightly.

Here they are:

As before, I wait impatiently for them to be finished. Iā€™m going to give them another week and then start checking the trichs for real. The last time was just for show.

All the best

EDIT: Iā€™m sorry to report that I got my pollen in the mail. But itā€™s too late. Iā€™ve missed my pollination window. Now the project is dead. Iā€™ll save the pollen for another go but itā€™s just a shame because I had high hopes. $@&!


Day 45 -

I believe I was visited by aliens during the dark cycle. They must have exposed my plants to x-rays, gamma rays, sugar rays and delta waves.

Do you think theyā€™ll be ok?

Just kidding. Just bored messing around with my green glasses.

All the best


Freaking meteor shower last night did you some good weird!


No I didnā€™t see anything.

If the ikea parking lights are on I might as well be on the surface of the sun.

I can however see into my neighbours apartments. I bought a monocular.


It is cold and grey and dreary so it feels like a butter day:

Start with 8g northern lights

Then into a 1/2 cup of butter (plus a little more butter)

Into the vacuum bag

Into the boiling water for an hour.

Everything resting until cool enough to handle.

The resulting butter goes through a nylon sieve bag until we get this;

Pretty perfect. Iā€™ll have to add just a touch more butter to the cookie recipe to even it out but thatā€™s about as good as it gets.

Iā€™ve eaten too much of this liquified butter already. Ssshhhhhhh!

Iā€™ll get the cookie process up when Mrs Foreigner finds time to help me

Cheers for looking.


I need to make some brownies again, finished the last lot off 2 days ago.

I fucked my neck up yesterday been stuck in my lazy boy recliner since yesterday afternoon, last night I did a big lump of RSO from my latest batch, first time I tried it. I was still pretty messed up this morning, :dizzy_face: but the pain was reduced enough to allow a bit of sleep :sleeping:

The way you make that has to be the easiest version I have seen :slightly_smiling_face:

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There are many advantages to using this method.

The butter stays nice and clean.
There are fewer smells.
Itā€™s clean - i bet you could make sugar cookies with them and not have people taste it.

You just need the vacuum sealer and youā€™re set.

It makes awesome butter. Iā€™m looking at it going ā€œbut I have an appointment this afternoon ā€

Eat it by the spoon! Itā€™s good for you! Tastes good on its own.

A tsp is about 40mg :brain:


Iā€™m going to eat so much if this butter I may have to rethink the cookie recipešŸ„³


Going to try this, looks like a nice way to do it. I do something kind of similar with a Mason jar in an instant pot.


Making me want to try making sous vide butter again. Aside from my bags sometimes annoyingly floating and having to make them sink with various objects it seems like a pretty simple method. I can never really get it strong enough though. Maybe I should stop using old shake from bags over the months and just toss in some buds :p. Havenā€™t settled on a proper decarb time and temp yet either. With this method do you put it in the oven first or is the boiling water/baking the cookies itself enough to convert the thca? Maybe decarbing then baking could be my issue, making cbn cookies? High thoughts :alien:


To decarb in the Water at 212Ā° is on the low side but it works. These cookies also get baked at 340Ā°C for 12 minutes.


What do you think about doing decarb and infusion in one step vs separately ?

I am lazy and usually do them both at the same time, but the internet seems to think doing them separately will create a stronger product.

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Iā€™m my setup there is a decarb of the material/extraction In the butter. There is a 2nd decarb when the cookie gets baked.

I ate some without cooking yesterday Iā€™m still feeling it today. Itā€™s intense


I find the boil in the bag to be sufficient but I do think that a short cookie bake improves the quality of the high.

The vaccumm sealer makes everything easier. I probably wouldnā€™t use it for large batches.

I have eaten raw butter. Good. Iā€™ve eaten the
Cookie made with that same butter. Also good