Foreigner Goes Legal

With all the birds in our yard Iā€™m blown away that this happened. First thought considering the weeping wound is that there may have been a tasty insect on the vegetation and an inspecting bird plucked it off along with the green matter.

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Itā€™s pretty sterile up here so I donā€™t know about the bug. Even the bees donā€™t discover my garden until late summer.

Itā€™s just crazy. Iā€™m only guessing a bird but it could be anything. Flying deer, Iā€™m stumped.


How high are you up there?

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I have had birds cut various kinds of small plant. Different kinds of herbs, strawberries, I think a chili too. Donā€™t know if they use it as cozy cushions in their nests or what they do with it. Sometimes the parts just lie next to the plant. :frowning:

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Iā€™m on the 5th floor. Seeing a bug is like ā€œohh a bugā€ because itā€™s a rare occurrence.

Like I saw one of those invasive shield bugs last week and I remember because it doesnā€™t happen.


Lol. I picture a bird doing this and it makes me want to put it in my oven at 400Ā° for a half hour. Jerks.


Mine seemed to love melissa officinalis. Maybe get a pot to distract them.


I swear by my row of feeders which keep the birds eating THEIR crops away from MY crops; and then strategic placed water sources to do the same for the birds, squirrels and racoons. So far the only damage I get are due to insects who cannot be reasoned with like the mammals.


Or even a damned scarecrow. Thatā€™d be good for a laugh. With a straw hat that blows away in the hurricane winds I get up here.


NOTE: I have disco balls EVERYWHERE outside for light play. So, DISCO BALLS do not work to scare birds but do ADD THE FUNK to your outdoor space ;D


I was just thinking of old CDs, I have actually done this and it worked to some extent. However I was afraid of chemicals ending up in my soil (the coating disintegrated after a while) so I stopped.

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Iā€™m tempted to get a shotgun but I think itā€™s frowned upon. Iā€™ll need to check my condo terms of use.

Lol and whatā€™s a ā€œCDā€? Is it like a laser disc or a Betamax?


In my sorrow I decided to make butter. Also it empties a jar I need for my harvest.

8g Northern Lights to a 1/2 cup plus a little butter.

8g x 150 mg = 1200mg / 30 cookies @ 40mg per cookie.

Sounds good to me.


A snail or a slug eat it?

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Grasshopper? Had a bigger plant topped by one. Whereā€™s the security camera footage lol.

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I donā€™t think these are likely. The concrete balcony is not conducive to life. To the point where I have to raise the pots off the floor so the roots donā€™t cook.

Itā€™s got to be a bird. Itā€™s got to be. Or goblins.

I also thought it might be the dog but this particular planter is on stilts and itā€™s ~3ā€™ tall so thatā€™s impossible.

Itā€™s just so weird.

On a brighter note hereā€™s some nice clean butter:

I will not eat it before it becomes cookies. I will not eat it before it becomes cookies. Mrs Foreigner would not like it.


Now donā€™t be eating that butter before your bake with it got my eye on ya!


I must not I must not I must not. Last time I ate the whole thing and was incapacitated for 2 days.

And itā€™s quite gross to just eat straight butter but at the time it seemed like a fine thing to do.


Medicated butter and lobsterā€¦
:butter: :lobster: :drooling_face: