Foreigner Goes Legal

If I could grow lobster in a tent I probably would. One stop shopping :joy:


Good day all:


So after my buds have been hanging awhile and I suspect they are dry I do this to make sure they are ready to go into jars:

This is an acceptable humidity level so they all got broken down and weighed. Here are the results:

OGer stretch pheno: 53g
OGer squat pheno: 52g
Blue Tara green pheno: 77g
Blue Tara blue pheno: 74 g

This brings us to a total of 256 grams under a 300 watt light which gives us .85g per watt which is a respectable number.

Here is a Blue Tara blue pheno:

And here is one of the OGers:

So there we go. Seed to harvest all squared away:

Have a lovely day and I’m going to have lunch and sit on my laurels.

Thanks for following along and having a look at my grow.

All the best.

Edit - I’m now not using any electricity at all which is a very strange feeling :laughing:


GORGEOUS WORK @Foreigner !!


Thanks @Pigeonman !

The whole process of breaking them down was pretty painless. I’m very pleased with the result and they all stink. A good stink.

Now I just need to clean the bathroom :rofl:


Congrats on the harvest! That is a nice trick with the bag, will have to try that one.


Thanks @smokenhike!

The bag method saves me the embarrassment of having to pull freshly jarred buds out of the jar to dry a little more.

I was mostly sure they were ready but I like to double check.

Also I’ve got one of your chems going on the balcony and I’m psyched to see how she does!


Good day everyone!

I miss my indoor friends.

Fortunately I have outdoor friends to keep me company.

I’ve got 4 autos on the go. They are still very small but looking good.

I had underfed them for a bit and it showed but they’ve turned the corner.

They are of various stock. I think there’s a creme de la chem, a dark sparks, a gorilla glue, and a ghost rose X cookie devil.

Here they are:

Also I am using miracle grow. We will see later if I switch to fancier fertilizer but for now the intent is to go miracle grow the whole way.

I have consistent gale force winds on the balcony. It’s a pretty hostile environment. Last year I ran photos and it was ugly because I get serious light pollution.

The plants throw shadows at night. I managed to get some hash out of them but as I said, ugly.

I’ve got them all in trays so I don’t drip water to the balcony below.

I’ll take better pics and update in a bit.

All the best


Good day all -

So the little babies are getting bigger. They are doing some interesting things.

GR x CD - getting some flowering action

Creme de la chem. Something is eating it. There are holes in the leaves. Not sure why. Maybe it didn’t like not being hardened off to the direct sun.

Gorilla glue. Growing good.

Dark Sparks. Also some good flowering action.

All on a steady diet of miracle grow at half strength. Getting watered everyday in the heat. Might be able to get away with every two days as the heat wave passes.

They seem to like the heat. I don’t.

My hopes for yield are low as I lost 2 weeks from poor fertilizing habits. It’s ok. This grow is “just for fun”

Cheers and all the best.


I really want to know what’s flying up to your balcony to eat the Creme de la Chem!


Now that the season is upon us I’m seeing more and more bugs.

I saw an aphid the other day. It got trapped in my chest hair.

I saw little red mites on the brick at the ground floor (we called them blood bugs when I was a kid because when you smush them they make a big red smear.) Not sure if they’re dangerous to our efforts.

I saw a bee too! Unheard of.


“I saw an aphid the other day. It got trapped in my chest hair.” ← BAHAHAHAHA
Those red tykes are clover mites. Mostly harmless unless it’s a legit red carpet of them.
Then it’s best to nuke it from orbit just to be sure.


Nice haul man, and happy token!!!


The damned thing set up shop in there and didn’t want to leave.

Thanks @HaRdRoC! Now I just need to wait three months to try them :rofl:


Good day all:

No plant related updates today - I think I’m going to end up with little bonsais but that will be interesting too.

Check out these dummies waiting for an hour in a big scrum to get into ikea:

Must buy book shelves.

Have a lovely day.


Between Ikea, Costco, Walmart and Value Village: Here comes wave #4! :slightly_frowning_face:


I get that we’ve been trapped inside for months but I don’t even want to go anywhere because there are so many people.

And don’t get me started on how much crazy reckless driving I saw yesterday. Unbelievable.


OMG yes. It’s as if folks think that Step 1 = Lockdown over free-for-all. I hope the numbers keep going down for the duration of Step 1 as I really would like to be able to have folks visit, and to visit folks which is only if Step 1 is good for 21 solid days…


Good day all -

So I shut down my indoor for the summer and thought I would do a full accounting of my costs and yield over the last 16 months. All numbers are approximate/rounded.

For your viewing pleasure:


400 Light
200 Tent
200 Fertilizer
100 Pro-mix
320 Electricity
100 Seeds
200 Random (jars, boveda, etc)
$1520 total costs

Yield 1800 grams

Cost per gram $0.84

I consider all my gear to have been paid off so I can buy all new gear when/if I feel like it. Or if it breaks then I don’t feel bad about it because they’ve had a good life. Or I could give it away.

I had a few things on hand, like fans, veg light, pots, etc. so I didn’t need to buy them.

The most recent grows have been supported by free seeds from OG seed runs and freebies and a few gifted clones.

These numbers come from a humble 2x4 setup in a small apartment going full tilt for almost a year and a half.

I feel very good about the results.

The most important metric - Mrs Foreigner used to consume $300 a month on the black market. Over 16 months that’s $4800.

I still have enough in jars to last at least a year.

That’s like $10000 saved. It gets crazy if you start looking at the legal market. It’s would be $18000 if we were to buy from dispensaries at $10 per gram.

So there it is. It’s been a long road with some great successes and one big failure but the numbers speak for themselves.

And the best part - I have a hobby that saves money instead of costing money. How often does that happen?

I’m jonesing to get going again but summertime is just too busy for me to maintain an indoor grow.

Thanks for looking and all the best and fuck the dispensaries and overgrow the planet!


Nice explanation and break down . Been telling my buddy the same thing when he complained his power bill increased 60 bucks a month .
If he had to pay store prices that 150 bucks for power is peanuts.


Thanks @ShiskaberrySavior

I was telling a friend that she should start growing and her first question was how much is this going to cost me.

I told her it was the wrong question and the right question is how much do you spend at the dispensary every month.

I figured this math might give some noobs an idea of what is possible even with a very small setup.

It’s also fun to pat myself on the back a little.