Foreigner Goes Legal

Man, how do you keep them so short? Maybe I let mine veg too long.

I thought it might be pot size, but even my plants in 1 gallon pots are 2ft tall after topping.


They are autos. They are so small because I stalled them out really bad.

I didnā€™t feed them right for the first two weeks so they lost two weeks.

To my mind they should be twice as big but such is life.

I wouldnā€™t recommend it as a strategy to keep them small :rofl:


That was actually my next strategyā€¦ well not stall them, but run autos and starve them of root space. I donā€™t know, running my first autos now, weā€™ll see how I like the pace.

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How short do you need them to be?

Some guys run photos 12/12 from seed.

You could always LST too.

You can grow monsters in small pots but you need to feed/water very often. I donā€™t know if deliberately restricting them is a good idea. But there are solo cup challenge threads.

I would consider these plants very very small. Last time I had plants on my balcony they were 4 footers.


Need? Maybe 5-6ft. But they get really hard to work around and move, especially if I LST and they get large in diameter.

I had some reaching 3ft, which on their current shelf had them into the light. So I trained a bit, now theyā€™re only 1.5ft tall but I can barely walk around them, lol. But you seem to have nice tight internodes consistently. Iā€™ve only got one like that, and I canā€™t take credit for it, all pheno.

My 1 gallon through flower should test that soil=size theory I guess. If they donā€™t make it though flower without eating themselves up Iā€™ll know it doesnā€™t work. But 3 weeks into flower itā€™s looking promising.

Less need more desire to learn to control my plants better lol. I had to spend Sunday rearranging everything to squeeze out more floor space.

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Thanks man. I canā€™t take all the credit either. Of the four I have going outside only 2 have the classic structure we are talking about. So genetics plays a big roll.

And lighting. Not sure what lights youā€™re using but my LEDs pump so much light thatā€™s things stay dense even on the lowers (I do trim off the larf though.)

Some plants want to be tall and some want to be short. My Taraā€™s were twice as big as my OGers and they got same nutes, veg time etc.

You have less flexibility with autos.

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@ChemicalDependant : Iā€™m working on a micro auto grow where I need em to grow under 18" as Iā€™m using a 2ā€™ tall tent. Check out the strain MI5. Was recommended it and after reading up I totally understand why!


Found this in the freezer today. Totally forgot about it. Still has a good seal. Thereā€™s some really old non-viable pollen in there somewhere too.

Maybe Iā€™ll leave it in there for another 2 years.


Should have a decent cure now . Let us know how she smokes.


(I kind of donā€™t want to open it.)

Itā€™s like a time capsule.


Might just be some kick ass smoke now snag a bud and reseal it . Lol


The GRXCD got pitched pot and all.

Decided to give the gorilla glue a little haircut just to be on the safe side.



And I found a little seed. Not sure from where but oh well:

Found a little ash in the leaves too :policewoman:


Wait, why? I missed itā€¦ :man_shrugging:


She picked up a bad case of PM. She was very small so I figured better to be safe than sorry and protect the other 3 I have left.

She was neat. A single nerf football sized bud but very leafy which I guess didnā€™t help.

Not happy to do it. But it had to be done.


Okay, I was worried it hermied on you. :grin:


I saw no evidence of a herm but Iā€™ve been keeping my distance :rofl:

Iā€™ll give the line another shot one day :+1:


Iā€™m finding this lack of N to be very interesting.

Iā€™m using a high N fertilizer :rofl:

This is the crĆØme de la chem


most of my defs are a side effect, the real cause for me is usually ph(media), kinda bugs me as some here say they never even worry about ph


Like Who said, probably out of balance with some thing else, not letting it get absorbed properly.


Iā€™m not too worried about it. Itā€™s almost finished.

Itā€™s just interesting because Iā€™ve been using 28-8-16 the whole way through and it looks like it needs MORE nitrogen.

The other two are perfectly fine, just this one is off.

I havenā€™t pHed this grow one time :joy: