Foreigner Goes Legal

Sorry I have never seen your grow. Very nice. I see the hard work.

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Thanks @Hemp

And welcome


Bit late but that alcool comment made me laugh lol. Crazy how you can get high % alc on both sides of Ontario but not here. Still expensive af though. I really want to mess around with making tinctures and candy but messing up is really expensive even when going over the bridge to the SAQ in Quebec.

I remember a buddy from Alberta back in high school brought me 2 bottles of Everclear 95% and I brought those to a party and got an insane amount of people messed up from it. Burned the throat like crazy. The dumb things you do when you’re young :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the dark sparks smell like?


We accidentally set a girl’s porch on fire with the stuff. Good times.

Earthy musty and purple. It is a most interesting plant.


Due to popular demand (or maybe it’s because I’m bored) here is a photo update.

Crème de la chem

Gorilla Glue

Dark Sparks

And finally,

For your amusement,

The biggest plant I’ve ever grown.

Prepare to be impressed:

Anybody want to take a guess on final yield?:rofl:


My guess is 0.0035kg :thinking: strain should be called “da joint” because it will be one joint until it’s gone :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m not even sure how I’m going to hang it on the line to dry :joy:

I think she gets 1-2 hours of sun a day. She gets the final dregs of my fertilizer mix so she has been “cared for.”

I’m going to guess an 1/8th. I think it’s going to be a freebie for a lucky person.


I don’t know, looks easy to dry. Tie a string to the base of the plant, invert. No cutting required, lol. But yeah, I’d guess maybe an 1/8th. Looks good none the less.


Smoke Report.

Bodhi Blue Tara.

I really like this plant a lot. It was a pleasure to grow, was a real looker, and yielded well. This was the purple pheno. She was so top heavy she was falling over.

Dank, fruity, a little musty. Dense, sticky, crystally. The smell is a bit muted but the flavour is strong.

It sticks to your fingers and is a pain to roll because it sticks together in clumps.

I’m glad I still have some beans left because I would totally do the same thing over again.

She’s a winner guys. Grow her out.

All the best.


Sounds dank. I grew out some of the blue tara earlier in the year and liked it as well. Half the plants were super purple and most of them had a really nice berry smell to it. I didn’t even do them justice either. I have more of it to revisit when I’m less shit though :stuck_out_tongue:

Always nice to see people growing out the many great freebies from this site. I currently have some g13 hp f2, wolfpack f2 and deadband f2 going all from seedruns/freebies here.


I grew two of them. This one purpled hard and the other one went sort of fade gold. Both very lovely plants.

I have some of the deadband in my vault. How are you liking it?

I have so many choices from the co-ops that it’s hard to narrow down what to grow. I’m looking at the everyday haze but it’s a big commitment.


So tough to pick strains with such selections I know the feeling.


Still in the more boring veg phase but I’ll take some pics soon. Hoping to get some really rank smells out of of it, really liked smoking headband back in the day (or whatever I got that was called headband)

Here’s a couple pics of my blue tara copy and pasted from my thread.


It’s a good problem to have. I understand the lust for more seeds but I’m in the fortunate position of not having to worry about it :joy:


Lovely crystals nice work.

I’ll post my fave pic of the two Taras again:


Is defacing a phone book a criminal offense?
Je ne sais pas!

Defense Nationale? Don’t mind if I do.

I’m not at home and this is the only paper surface I could find. Mrs Foreigner was delinquent in her weed kit methods.


No, only money with the Queen’s face on it, is illegal to deface.

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Is that who that old lady is? :rofl:


Thats the one :+1:

In another 10 years it will be prince Philip costing us millions changing all the bank notes and coins. Then about a year later it will be his son William, and everything changes again for another big cost.

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Meet the new queen same as the old queen.

I think we only like her because it differentiates us from Americans. And she wears silly hats.