Foreigner Goes Legal

Anyway, here are a few auto pics.

Crème de la Chem. I think she’s about done.

Gorilla Glue

Bovine Diesel Kush. Note the clone.

(I’ve been at a farm.)

I’m getting tired of waiting. I think it’s because I’m not sure exactly when I started them or how much my errors have stalled and hurt them.

It won’t be long now.

Happy long weekend and all the best.


Good day all:

Tri-monthly Trich Check -

Creme de la chem

Gorilla glue

Dark Sparks

As you can see they are all showing various degrees of amber and I consider this done enough.

I gave them what I believe will be their last water today and will harvest as soon as I find some time.

All the best


They look good man :+1:

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I wanna see one of these shots where Mrs Foreigner photoshop this image as if she’s hiding behind a trich and was just peeped upon:



I’m not wearing a dress though.


You chose your chef knife… wisely!


They are very nice knives but tbh they could all use a good sharpening.

I have a diamond one but it’s for small knives. Still works, you just have to be careful :joy:

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I hone mine before every use until I can consider throwing money at a $200-400 one that’ll never dull due to it being made of unobtanium* (*anything i can’t afford :laughing: )


Unobtanium lmao I started thinking there was a new steel developed.

I have some good knives but I have to hone them on a regular basis as Mrs Shadey insists on cutting everything on a stoneware cheese plate instead of our wooden chopping board :persevere: drives me crazy, no matter how much I tell her to use the wooden board it gets ignored, then she complains all the knives are blunt.


We put them in the dishwasher out of laziness which is also a no no.


Thats why I gave up sharpening kitchen knives. Ain’t nobody got time to hand wash that.

Buy cheap knives and just replace them every few years.


this is how the above makes me feel:

(*the one BEING punched… I’m gutted for you.)

@ChemicalDependant - you’ll say that until you get into a good knife fight and wish you spent the coin on non-chipping steel :wink: :dagger:


Thats how it feels every time the blade hits the cheese board lol, clanking away might as well be trying to cut granite with it.

She says its because the wooden chopping board is to heavy to carry to the sink to wash it every time she finishes cutting something different for a meal.

I think I will cut the wooden board in half, that way she can manage it with her wrist arthritis, and have 2 boards to use one for meat and one veggies.

I bet she still uses the cheese board, damn thing is nearly indestructible, its been dropped a few times on our ceramic floor and just makes a horrific noise, lucky we haven’t broken any floor tiles really.

Heres the culprit.


I just caught up with this thread.

Very enjoyable, entertaining and edifying journal.
Extremely well done!

One of the best threads on OG, IMHO.


Thanks @Calyxander !

I appreciate the kudos and I’m glad you enjoy it.

A lot of success and a lot of failure over the last year and a half!


I have about a dozen pretty decent Japanese chef knives and I agree that they’re a pain in the ass. I usually dirty at least 5 of them before I even bother washing them, sometimes every single one :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve eaten a steak with a 10 inch slicing knife more times than I’d like to admit because I was too lazy to wash a much smaller one :smile:

Hand wash only, dry right away or else it might rust, no dishwasher might dull blade or screw up the handle :unamused: I don’t like non stick pans for the same reason.

@Shadey I feel your pain about the super hard cutting board. I have some friends that use those at home and I jokingly make fun of them for it all the time. Still have them though and not by coincidence, they have the dullest knives that I’ve ever seen haha. I’ve been on the fence about buying a bunch of stones but have never pulled the trigger yet $$$. I get mine sharpened at the knife store like once a year.


I found a 1000x grit Japanese stone at a Value Village for 2$ and love the thing when it gets to be used :smiley:

Otherwise I made a honing/sharpening set of boards and rods that lives with my spoon carving/generalized carving kit.


Try using the diamond ground finish on the edge of a car window, it will put a wicked edge on a good bit of high carbon steel. I have some tempered glass place mats with rhe same edge I use to finish off my knives.

Last year I bought a knife sharpener from Crappy Tire, on sale $20, it has 3 different sharpeners, all V shaped so you just pull through.

One is Diamond chips then tungsten carbide, and ceramic to finish of the hone, then I use the glass table mat. I bought it because my steel had pretty much worn out. It works ok for double edged blades, not so good for single edged.


The fight does not go well Enterprise.

See that suspicious spot right in the middle?

That’s budrot on the CDLC. I opened it up and found some delicious grey cobwebs:

Rather than try to do a precision removal I lopped off the entire top. I found some near ground level too and excised the whole thing. Maybe I was able to save the middle parts:

I found one suspicious spot on the GG too but it was pretty localized and I think I got it all.

Also here is the Dark Spark in all it’s weird glory. No bud rot on this lady because there are no buds!

I probably lost half this crop assuming I got it all and it doesn’t spread during drying.

Yuck. And to add insult to injury, here is a fun pic

This has been a really weird run guys. Lots of things have gone wrong. We will see if I have any yield to speak of in a week.

Mrs Foreigner says the dark spark smells like Christmas so that’s good at least.

All the best.


I have had a couple of dark sparks do that, easy to remove with a pich between fimnger and thumb and pull the branch through to strip it.

Mine smells fruity and spicy as well, tastes good as well on the out breath, medium stone level, which is good for day use when you’re trying to do something and not wanting to get wasted lol.

Shame about the bud rot, I think we are going to see a lot of that in NS this year we are only getting a couple of dry days a week atm. Its was so cold last week only14c
I had to put the heating on. Really dark during the days as well, lots of people I gave seeds and clones to have plants starting to flower already.