Foreigner Goes Legal

A few weeks ago I thought the smell off the DS was unimpressive but it has matured and smells a bit like pine and…cherries maybe?

Structurally she’s very interesting so she was a neat addition to my garden. No regrets.

The budrot: I didn’t even notice it until I took a picture and saw it close up. I then said “shit” and went to look at the plant and it was clear as day.

It’s been very hot during the day and very cold at night. It probably didn’t help that the CDLC buds were as hard as high density styrofoam.

Hopefully I’ve managed to save the rest but only time will tell.

And now I have to set up my drying room to accommodate 1 oz :joy:


Once the bud rot starts it doesn’t take long to get bad, I have looked closely at buds that looked good and the next day after raining it was in and all over the bud.


Damn man. Sorry to hear @Foreigner … I would be really disappointed if we that happened to my grow. I know it happens, but still, such a shame to throw away.


Reminds me of my clone that got stuck between veg and flower. Still has a month or so on her, but I expect some good butter.


Thanks man.

This grow has had a lot of problems but it was a big experiment.

I grew photos out there last time but it gets serious light pollution and while they finished they were ugly and PMed so I got some nice hash out of it is all.

Big yield or small yield, it was still fun :joy:


She’s a weirdo eh? I’m looking forward to trying her because there’s a really nice smell to it. It yielded…maybe a 1/4? I’m still waiting for them to dry completely.

I didn’t even bust out my inkbird because the humidity is 60% on its own here now.


This is exactly how it seems:

Don’t question it :joy:


Mm phosphoric acid…


3 possible (fake) reasons:

-cheap pH down
-extra CO2
-she’s getting too fat



Maybe 3/4s through the drying process and I’m happy to report that I see no further signs of rot.

The smells are maturing from green to grass to pee and soon they will be dry and I can give them a proper critical judgement.

I’m anxious for them to dry completely so I can put them on my scale. I could use a good laugh :joy:

Here’s a lousy closeup of the CDLC

All the best.


Good day all:

So the bulk of this auto grow is done. Some notes I think are interesting.

-1 gallon pots with promix HP.
-I lost 2 weeks in early veg to poor fertilizer management.
-Miracle Grow 24-8-16 the whole way through. No switch to bloom ferts.
-No flushing.
-Lost whole GRXCD to PM.
-Lost half CDLC to bud rot.
-Dark Spark is a freaky mutant.

Here is the Dark Spark @Mr.Sparkle. A total of 6 grams. She smells like cedar and spice:

Here is the gorilla glue @CADMAN. 10 grams total. It smells good but nondescript:

Here is the crème de la chem @smokenhike:
It has a really dank smell and I think she will be very nice. I managed to save 5 grams from rot.

21 grams total. Here they are all jarred up:

Like I said, I figured I’d switch it up this time and did things very differently than I would otherwise, to the point of lunacy. I wanted to do an all miracle grow for a while, just for fun.

I haven’t smoked any yet but they smell like they should pre-cure so I have positive hopes.

I’ve still got one more tiny CDLC that I haven’t chopped. It’s an experiment in overripeness.

Thanks for looking and all the best.

Woo 21 whole grams!


Don’t smoke it all in one spot stay on the move .


Ahh, the joys of outdoor growing…

I liked watching the balcony experiment progress though. Hope you enjoy the smoke.


I tell you, this balcony is cursed.

Here’s a pic from last year. They got all confused because of light pollution which is why I decided to do autos this time:

Thanks again man - I think the CDLC is going to smoke nice even though there isn’t a lot of it.


Get a shitty old grow tent of kijiji and keep it open in the day; and close it up at night :laughing:

Unless the building-police are gonna Karen your ass for doing anything that isn’t in the “Condo Entitlement Handbook”…


I could probably loophole the condo police. The wording is something like “nothing on the balcony except furniture and garden supplies.”

They would probably hassle me but I think I’d win.

The real issue is the high wind. It would rip a tent to shreds.



Sooo many people sell tents for 50-60$ on Kijiji in the GTA. I saw a guy giving away his 2x4 after having a major crop failure out of anger. :laughing:


There are all sorts of deals to be had off people who thought growing would be a cinch.

I worry tents are like ikea furniture. If it’s taken apart it might never go back together again :joy:


DON’T BUY VIVOSUN. :laughing:

Edit: Tents; their TENTS. I actually love their fans; cheap and work well for a long time. I wondered about their carbon filters? I need to pick up 2x 6" filters for the winter and liked the Vivosun’s price and size but always hesitate without feedback from a user rather than a marketing dept.


i will second that