Foreigner Goes Legal

So I’ve spent a considerable amount of time complaining about my blurple veg light so I figured it was time to do something about it:

Everything was packed in really nice. There’s a little scratch on the aluminum but not really a big deal:

So I tested it before putting it together much to the confusion of my dog:

The kit went together in about 3 minutes and was hanging up in 5.

I went with the 4000k and I’m liking the colour temp from an aesthetic standpoint. I will mostly use this as a veg light but in an emergency I could flower a 2x2 with it. I know I know 3000k flower better etc but I figure the sun is 5000k so close enough for me to not worry about it.

I’m still doing beta testing and the driver is hitting around 50C but the temp cab stays low with the mini exhaust fan running.

Final note: see the difference between 100w 6 years ago and 100w now.

I still have more testing to do but I’m pleased so far and it’s nice to have a light that throws off a spectrum that is pleasant to look at instead of the blurple and even the 3000k.

Cheers for looking


Nice upgrade. I doubt you will be disappointed.


So this is what happens when you harvest but leave a little behind and then leave the plant in full sun at 35C for 2 weeks without water.

I think I will tell people it’s Acapulco Gold.


Give her a drink and a reveg there’s still a couple semi green leaves on her.


Who needs a bong anyway?


thats real cool! hope who ever thought of it makes some money , simple yet clever




It’s a very clever design but the weak point is going to be the O-ring.

“Well I don’t want to bring my real bong and I don’t want to get a silicone one so let’s give this a try.”

It sure smells like a bong.

I like that I could just find a trash bottle washed up on the beach and be good to go!


Nice! Ive got one of these hlg 100s as well sitting around. My first go with it went poorly - I suspect due to it being my first attempt, not nailing the high 70s / low 80s temps for leds and probably some overwatering. I plan on testing it out soon and seeing if I can get the veg tent to be in the right temp range. Would definitely be an improvement over t5s.



CRÈME DE LA CHEM smoke report.

So this has been curing for awhile and the jar smells a bit mild but dank and pleasant.

I rolled up a little pinner for Mrs Foreigner and she smoked most of it but I took a couple of drags.

I’d say the high was mild-medium.

She said it tastes like Christmas. By that she means it tastes like a sort of weed we once got at Christmas time.

Pretty non-descript, but weedy, nice, and not schwagy. I only managed to save 5 grams but now wish I could have saved more. Oh well. I think I’ve got a couple of seeds left.

Overall, very pleased. A nice daytime weed.

Also note grown with miracle grow 24-8-16 the whole time and not flushed.

Cheers and all the best.

@smokenhike @MumenRyder


Thanks for the report brother! Always nice to have some daytime stuff IMO… Seems like it’s not a common type of high with most plants.


Yeah it’s quite mild. Good, but mild. Has a classic back in the day taste I can’t quite put my finger on.


Mrs Foreigner is very mean. She refuses to give me credit even when I don’t deserve it. All credit due to Foreigner!

Edit - and now she is smoking my weed and ignoring me! And I haven’t even done anything recently!


That’s the problem right there, she already asked you to do it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:


IMO there’s a lot misconception out there in the stoner community w/ lighting. The belief in lots of red for flowering has been debunked. Fluence just paid for a study trying different percentages of red in flower and cannabis yield increased as % of red light decreased - I believe they ran 80% red lights all the way down to their Indoor spectrum which is 42% red and 42% red had the highest yield.

That corresponds to 4000K spectrum, so according to their work there is never need to go “warmer” than 4000K. Another study by the Finnish LED company Valoya found the highest cannabis yield at 4600K.


Good to know thanks.

I was so sick of looking at the blurple I wanted the nicest spectrum for my eyes to look at and I’m pleased with my 4000k choice.

All the best.


I just did the same thing w/ my LED’s. I like the 4000-5000K range, I want to be as close to Jah sun and natural daylight as possible. 3000K, 2700K, those are for people who miss their old HPS :grin:


Well that was time consuming, but I made it through all 817 posts ! Very interesting thread my friend, and some beautiful plants and buds. That creme de la Chem sounds killer, I’ve always wanted to grow that one as the non auto is a favourite flavour. I’m sure you’ll be very happy with that HLG. They are top notch ! My apologies for taking so long to show up, but I’m here now, and I’ve given you ALL of my likes for the day in repayment :smirk:


The difference to my eyes is amazing. It’s just really pleasant to look at. I might buy more when it comes time to upgrade!


Thanks for stopping by! This thread is almost 2 years old so you’ve seen a lot of failure and success. Cheers and all the best