Foreigner Goes Legal

Things are slow as they always are at this stage. They responded well to being lightly fed.

Pura Vida

Puna Duck

All the best


Know the feeling waiting on seedlings to take off , watching paint dry is almost as exciting.


Almost as boring as waiting the final few weeks for them to finish :rofl:


in 1 room I have seedlings in the other tent i have plants 2 weeks from harvest.

Been a loooooong week lol

at least the seedlings are starting to take off


More micro fun -

Silver Mountain



Starting to see some small issues on the ufs#18

Iā€™m thinking itā€™s the beginning of a pH issue. Itā€™s not uncommon for me to see different strains respond differently to the same inputs.

Iā€™m unlikely to tailor my feed to individual strains so if it gets worse I might just scrap the UFS and roll with the strains that seem to like what Iā€™m giving them.

But Iā€™m getting way ahead of myself.

Happy weekend and all the best.


You might just have to sit down by that UFS and explain feeding rules to her. Chances are sheā€™ll come around to your feeding schedule.


I think you might be right. They are still young and very sensitive.

Iā€™m just having flashbacks to my last grow when I scrapped the sour strawberry. They were much bigger and uglier when I made the call though.


Hereā€™s the seedling with the structure I like the best. Itā€™s too early to draw any conclusions but if I were a betting man, which I am, I think this could be a good one.

Itā€™s a silver mountain at 11 days from sprout, I think.

All the best


Who would have thought a plant would grow roots?

I plan to leave them in these containers until I begin to need to water them everyday. They will then get uppotted into 1g for sexing and then 3G for flowering.


So things are going pretty good. A few crispy leaves because I let them get too dry (I think). Check out the node spacing on this guy:

I think itā€™s a Pura Vida.

Nothing to do but wait now. I might up the feed a little from 5ml to 7.5 but we will see.

ā€œCheck out that guyā€
ā€œHe must be a kingā€
ā€œHow can you tell?ā€
ā€œHe hasnā€™t got shit all over him.ā€

All the best.


So my seedlings are looking ok but they are a little unhappy.

Iā€™ve been trusting my municipal water for awhile but I just checked it again and itā€™s bad. Like over 7.5 grumble grumble.

So now grumble grumble I will be pHing my water at least until they get bigger.

Iā€™m not happy about this. Grumble grumble.

Cheers and all the best.


For your seedlings Iā€™d just get a few bottles of distilled water. You ever consider to coming over to the filtered water side? Itā€™s about $200 for the smallboy + chloramine filter and you can drink it too! (who knows whatā€™s in your buildings pipes! :open_mouth: )


So I forgot that I donā€™t use cannabis and took some edibles and they kicked my ass. I havenā€™t used in quite awhile.

Like uncomfortably high. Itā€™s a good thing Iā€™m not a rookie or I would have been in trouble.

Anyway, on the plant side all is not well. The seedlings are yellowing and crisping up and not doing great. I am annoyed with them and unmotivated to deal with them.

Iā€™m going to give them a shot of fertilizer properly pHed. I might even use miracle grow.

Iā€™m also going to raise the lights and go from there. Itā€™s the only new variable but my issues donā€™t look like light burn.

Iā€™ve been doing it this way for a long time and never had these kinds of problems. I donā€™t get it.

Iā€™ll get some pics up when I get a chance.

All the best.



I would go with adjusting the new variables. I thought the same when my new LED lights were screwing up the plants, I could not believe that they were the problem but they were.


I always look at my LEDā€™s like they are the problem now lolā€¦ I have raised my lights more times than I can count.

Though I donā€™t know if really the ā€œexcessiveā€ lighting is the problem or it just reveals imperfections in the environment.

I heard an analogy that the light is like a car engine. If you have a problem with a tire, and it comes off, itā€™s not exactly because the engine pushed the car too hard.

At this point though I usually canā€™t be arsed to find solutions to every little thing that is bothering my plantsā€¦ so I just raise the lights :slight_smile:


Have you tried raising your ambient room temperature? 80-84Ā°F is recommended with LEDs. Due to their lack of IR, the leaf surface temperatures are lower, thus less transpiration, therefore less nutrient uptake.


Not to answer for Foreigner, but my problem with getting up above about 82 degrees is that I canā€™t get the humidity up out of the low 40s, high 30s. Even with a humidifier I only hit about 55% RH when Iā€™m in the mid 70s.


Iā€™m unable to alter the temperature but fortunately the light keeps it nice and toasty in the cabinet (but not too toasty).

It might be light (itā€™s new)
It might be a feed issue
It might be a pH issue
They might need to be repotted but I donā€™t think.
Maybe my thumbs have turned brown.

Sigh. Some look better than others but Iā€™ve raised the light and given them a more liberal dose of fertilizer.

Onward and upward.

All the best