Foreigner Goes Legal

Look into setting up a pond fogger in a plastic tub using a inkbird controller. You can make it rain indoors if you’d want with that set up, humidifiers suck eggs unless your talking quest .


Never heard of those before… they look pretty cool. Can you use those pond foggers in small spaces?

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Definitely depending on the size of the fogger you buy they make small silver dollar size to dinner plate discs .


Search you tube for pond fogger humidifier to see some good examples of homemade versions


They use them in small terrariums for reptiles, and small containers for growing mushrooms.

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So - went to a farm. A real working farm. I had given them a decent sized mother plant of one of my crosses as a gift and they cut some cuttings and overwintered them indoors and here is the result.

7 footers with more tops than I can count. Very impressive if you ask me.

I was planning to give them more seeds but I forgot at the last minute. Maybe I will mail them in a thank you card.

Farmers know how to do it up right!

All the best


@Foreigner Don’t forget to kindly ask for a bud or two to try them!! Awesome!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:

That’s a damn tree! It ain’t a bush no more!! :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :skull: :innocent: :upside_down_face: :green_heart: :rofl: :pray:


Apparently I’m getting a garbage bag :shushing_face:

I don’t know if it’s seeded or whatnot but I will find out and worst case I’ll cram some into a few jars and use the rest for bubble.


No such luck. It’s 90% rot. I saved what I could so we will see and I might just pitch the lot.

Oh well


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


I just had my ‘telemedicine’ visit today, to get my state medical card.

My state is still very backwards (and corrupt) and stick in prohibition era, so I gotta jump through several dumb hoops.

But if it all goes well, I’ll have my med card in a couple weeks and legally be able to have 12 plants.

Fingers crossed!


Good day all:
So I’ve got things turned around for the better here.

90% sure it was a feed issue and not a light issue.

Ordinarily I would have transferred over to larger pots awhile ago but I’m switching it up this time and am going to sex them in yogurt containers. I needed to up the feed to compensate, which I did not do.

Here is the Puna Duckfoot. Notice the interesting leaves as well as the purple stems owing to my error.

Thanks for looking and all the best.


Do you have a rubber ducky to keep it company? Looks very happy regardless! :hugs:


They are in a much better place than they were 10 days ago. They are starting to show too so I’ll soon make my selections and put them in 1G pots.

And this time I’ll remember to feed them :joy:


Good day all -

So things are looking good. I have been feeding them aggressively and it has turned them around. They are starting to show sex so I will soon transplant and tie them down in a violent way because I fear I will run out of headroom. My cabinet is such that I can remove the bottom shelf and buy some space that way and it will come to that eventually.

So far I’m liking this sexing them in yogurt cups. It saves on Promix, saves me transplant effort, but I need to feed them heavier/more often.

Please note that these are only 4 plants. The training makes it look like there are more.

Oh yeah I also topped/FIMed them today. I should have done it a node ago.

Happy weekend and all the best


Do you think it’s rootbound?

I’d say yes:


I have made most of my final selections and cut them down to size so I have enough height to tie down the tops when they sprout.

Overall it went well. It’s a strange feeling to cut them back so hard but I don’t think they will skip a beat. Some of them got chopped a good 5 inches. I will transplant them as soon as it’s time to tie them down because there really aren’t any good tie points on yogurt containers.

I will let you know what strains I’m going to end up with but right now it looks like UFS18, Silver Mountain, Lemon Skunk X (can’t remember), and maybe a Pura Vida if things work out. Maybe not.

(Must remember to fertilize) all I need to do now is wait.

Cheers and all the best


Great looking plants @Foreigner !

Always a pleasure to read through your growlog :slight_smile:



Curious if you took a razor blade vertically to the “white walls” of the plants? When I get this root bound I read doing that helps em with taking hold fast on the re-potting so I tried it once and the results were as written.

Regardless they look really happy with all that room to grow now!


Thanks @Leaf I’m trying out some new things and having a good time.

@Pigeonman I haven’t done any such root trimming. I do break up the roots by hand when I transplant to encourage outward growth. But like I mentioned, I’m doing things completely different this time. I think what I’m doing is testing out the capabilities of my new light but I have multiple goals at the same time :rofl:

But I’m pretty sure no deliberate seeds this run :joy: