Foreigner Goes Legal

I’m amazed at the difference one day makes. They got “topped” yesterday and check out the growth of the two now main shoots:

Maybe it’s because they have a heavy root to foliage ratio. I don’t know. But I’m quite amazed. If this continues I’m going to have to move more quickly than I thought.

Cheers for looking.


My kk’s are so defoliated i feel like i’m feeting a root mass growing puffs on a stick :laughing:

I’m happy your plants are happy!


Thanks man. It’s really discouraging when they’re not doing well.

Also, I lost my 1g pots. I spent ten minutes trying to find them (in my tiny apartment with few hiding spots) and then gave up and then realized I’m using my tent for storage and they are in there :joy:


Omg stop imitating me!!! :laughing:


It was a real head scratcher moment :rofl:


It’s been a week!

I personally demand an update!!!


They are feeling the squeeze of their tight shoes and are drinking water faster than I can give to them.

Time for an uppot which will happen in the next day or so.

I’m going to need to fiddle with the bottom shelf and lower it to accommodate stretch. I still haven’t figured out how I’m going to do that yet but it will sort itself out.

Plants are ok for the most part but one is looking a little worse for wear. I think she’ll perk up when I give her her new shoes.

Still unsexed is the pura vida but I have a good feeling she’s female.


Yay! Sounds like things are going well! :hugs:


Some are doing better than others due to my neglect. But I think they’ll be ok.


Flip day 1

I transplanted and gave them a few days to recover before flip.

The pura vida has alternating nodes but hasn’t shown any preflowers. Wait and see I guess.

I’m certainly going to run out of headroom but I’m going to try tieing them down before I make any rash decisions.

Also did I mention my cabinet is a little light leaky? It is.

All the best


Good luck, are you going to try and resolve the light leak issue, or just see what happens :thinking:

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DUDE. A few stories down and 400 meters away =



The cabinet is one of those double door types that (bevel?) open so there’s a lot of play between door and seam so straight tape won’t work. I’ve used newspaper and duct tape (kind of like a bandaid) to account for the movement.

It’s mostly light tight. I could do better, but it will never be perfect. It’s a poor choice for a flower cabinet even. It’s my veg cab.

There are a few spots that I could do better and I will correct those.

So I will have to live with a little. I have the light cycle rigged so the sun is not a problem and the room is dark except for 5 minutes before bedtime (toothbrushing) so I figure it’ll be ok.

I’m pretty sure it’ll be fine. My suspicion is that the need to light tightness is not absolute. My flower tent gets a little light in through the vents too.

Uncharted water. We will see.

Lots of compromises have had to made in this cab. It’s 20” x 30” so I can’t have them bush out but I don’t want single colas either.


Sounds like you could do a “double-flap” system where you create 2 strips on the wall and doors edges that are independent of one another but when the door is closed they over-lap and create a light trap.

Thus is what I had to do with some doors at work where the suite needs to be light tight due to photosensitive material handling.

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I kinda did that on the front door middle seam. Like a single overlapping flap.

The newspaper bandaids work well enough but I can’t get the hinges to work worth a damn.

I can’t build baffles inside the cab because space is too tight.

I could throw a sheet over it but that’s not happening.

I could cover the outside of the cab with tape but that’s not happening either.

The biggest offender is the hole that the electrical cords pass through but that’s an easy fix. I just haven’t done it yet.


I am going to be in the same boat after Christmas, going to use my clone/seedling cabinet to veg and flower in. I used foam weather strip around the frame and the doors go tight up against it and it compresses in the tighter areas and blocks any light leaks. My problem is light getting in through the exhaust ducting.


My first real indoor I did the light proofing with weatherstripping the way you mention. I managed get it perfect by building a latch with a modified pop can tab as a hook and a screw as a peg to keep the door closed with just a touch of pressure.

Took a little finesse and trial and error but it worked perfectly.


I use something similar for a latch. A 3 inch long piece of half inch copper pipe with a hole in the middle and a screw to hold it in the center between the doors top and bottom. You just pull and twist.

I just had to make sure the hinges on the other side of the doors came out a bit further, so that the edge of the iweather strip did not get totally squished and stop the other side from fitting flush.


Good evening all:

So I decided to pass on the Pura Vida. It hasn’t shown sex yet but a stem rub gave me this hand soap plus moisturizer smell that I find quite disgusting.

I did a little more light proofing. Still not perfect, but better.

I’ve been super busy and have been detached from this grow. I’m not even sure what all the plants are. For sure I’ve got:

Silver mountain
Uncle Fester Skunk 18
Lemon Skunk X Black Dosi Fire.

I can’t remember what the fourth one is now…I will double check later when the lights are on.

Temp and humidity are good. Roots are already showing through the holes of the 1G pots. Stretch is in full effect.

If I get an ounce off each of them I will be very impressed but counting chickens and everything.

Cheers and all the best.