Foreigner Goes Legal

She said “I can’t smoke these they’re ridiculous.”

I told her to just pull one out with her friends and not say anything just play it cold deadpan.


SHE’S RIDICULOUS. Tell her that her 20 something self just threw up in disgust.


I know, right? The real funny part is that she complains that her jar is stemmy and I tell her “it’s because you put the fucking stems back in the jar.” You should have seen the pile of stems I pulled out. Disgusting.

These days she just hits the bong anyway. Joints are for travelling.


It’s stemmy because YOUR STEMMY!

It always amuses me when folks expect something to disappear if you put it “back”… that spoiled milk ain’t going anywhere unless you get it out-there!


She is stemmy.

I am guilty of just pushing nasty shit to the back of the fridge though. It’ll rot away into nothing all on its own :rofl:


That’s called composting!


I bleed for my art.

Also I am using an LED from 15 years ago as a spacer/stilt to keep my plants at a good distance from the lights.

I knew I’d eventually find a use for it. It was cutting edge at the time and now it’s a piece of shit.


This is my way of preparing for a romantic dinner:

And I may shower I haven’t decided.


NOT SHOWERING let’s her know you’re serious.


So I’ve reached my height limits. The pots are now on the bottom of the cabinet. I’m hoping they are done stretching because if they aren’t I’m going to have to do some serious trimming of the tops which is something I’m not too excited about.

It might just work out. Wait and see.

I need to do some thinning of the innards because it’s getting dense in there again. But apart from a little light burn things look good.

I switched over to a 50/50 blend of veg/flower ferts and will keep this up for a week or so.

Here’s a pic:

I have to say I’m pretty impressed with what this little 100w light can do.

Cheers and all the best.


From the picture it looks like you could shorten those cables up and get some more height?


Yes maybe a few inches now that you mention it. We might cross that bridge. We will see. If they stop stretching right now I’d say the distance is perfect. If they keep going, uh oh.


Or do away with them completely adding a couple rope ratchets.


TRAINING of the tops you say? :thinking:
TAKING CLONES from the top you say? :thinking:

Shaken or stirred? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I’ve been shaking lately. Love the foam from my added Yucca.

I’ve been looking at this fixture you got since my local hydroponics store started carrying them… so other than just enjoying the heck out of your grows in general I’ve been seeing how it plays out.

And WOW is certainly an appropriate response. :open_mouth:

For your height, I had a similar issue in my 2x4 with my SF2000. I removed all the hangers and made two loops with quick ties. These ties then get into a pair of hangers so they can be pulled right together with enough gap for a little air flow around the driver.


I hesitate to bring the light too flush with the ceiling because the manufacturer says it’s a bad thing for heat dissipation.

If it gets worse I doubt the extra few inches will be enough anyway.

Also, the silver mountain smells amazing. It’s sharp and sweet and it takes me back 20 years. Doesn’t look like a yielder but I’m not really concerned about that.


do you have a spare 6" clip fan? I aim one AT my drivers to aid in the dispersion.

Edit: like overclocking an old CPU tower; where you take off the case and aim a pile of fan at it and go go go!


Yes, these things might just be on the menu. I might be too lazy to keep clones. It’s already crowded so I can’t tie anything down. Supercropping: Maybe.

Actually did shake my veg fert because it had settled on the bottom.

My grow is having some issues but the light is solid. Whether I succeed or not the light is a winner.


Must of missed the brand of light your using seems to work well for being such low wattage


I’m very short of space for extra fans and such. I might just have to live with it.

I vegged too long, that’s for sure. But I’ve got some lanky varieties which doesn’t help matters.


Go got this bruv. If anything it’s not a 2" autoflower moment. :rofl: