Foreigner Goes Legal

Good day all:

Week 5 flower.

Still steady going here. The frost is really starting to come out and some branches are starting to lean from the weight.

I’ve been feeding them a mixture of:
15 ml bloom
10 ml veg
5 ml calmag
Per gallon.

I’m doing this because I’m going to run out of bloom fert if I don’t :joy:

Silver mountain - note the elongated buds

Lemon skunk X black dosi fire
The frostiest and densest of them all

UFS18 - wicked pistil production and the frost is starting to come in

It’s starting to smell in here. Not sure which one is the loudest.

All the best


Beautiful plants! Don’t get em too close to the wall or they’ll likely get stuck with all that resin :rofl:

:+1: :+1: :+1:


Thanks man.

They are indeed touching the walls of my humble 20” x 30” grow space. If it was a straight 2x2 the crowding would be negligible but it seems to be doing ok.


Looking great man, from the amount of pistils they are throwing out I think those are going to produce some good size nugs for you :+1:


Good day all.

Just a few pics today.

Silver mountain

Lemon Skunk x Black Dosi Fire


Oh shit I forgot to water them I should do that now.

All the best


Beautiful plants @Foreigner! I hear that usf18 is real good stuff. I can personally tell you from experience that the silver mountain is great smoke. Good thing u got the usf18 to bring you down. Very nice variety!


I am sure that won’t put you in Santa’s naughty book, Merry Christmas man :v::+1:


Thanks @Shadey and merry Christmas to you too

Hi @corey the silver mountain smells amazing. I can’t quite describe it but it’s delicious. Very wispy hazy buds. I like to have different strains going because I like variety (well, Mrs Foreigner does :joy:)

Merry Christmas.


Good day all.

Day something or whatever.

I’m having one of those days.

Things are progressing. The LS x BDF is starting to shrivel and swell. It will be done first. The others have a ways left to go.

Here is a crap pic for your viewing pleasure:

Cheers for looking.


Nice healthy happy plants .


Very interesting… I did a cost analysis of how much does a grower make a day/ for their efforts during a grow and came up with 21.00$. Very close to your number.


Good day all:

Day 52 I think.

Things are looking really good in there. And they are really starting to get loud. I think it’s the silver mountain.

Some pics

Lemon Skunk X Black Dosi Fire. She is the furthest one along and while I don’t think she’ll be a yielder the buds are rock hard:

Silver Mountain. Long loose airy buds but the smell is incredible. Also not a yielder but I don’t care, I think she’ll be wonderful:

Uncle Fester Skunk. She is taking her sweet time but I think she’ll be the heaviest strain of the bunch. Still no skunk aroma. More like berry and cocoa.

I’m already thinking ahead to my next grow which I guess is natural. I’m going to go back to the tent this time and I might just have some new lighting so stay tuned. I’ll probably be popping some seeds in the next couple of weeks but I still need to decide which ones. This silver mountain has me thinking haze because I’m just digging the smell. Or I might go heavy indica to satisfy Mrs Foreigner. Decisions decisions.

Happy new year and all the best.


(plants look great too bruv!)

Thanks man!

Nope, not Oakville but the lighting will still probably have a 135 in the name :shushing_face:




I still havent decided anything but I am leaning in that direction. The thinking is my 100 and the 135 for my 2x4 and the reflector 48 as my cheap veg light.


I mixed up my days. Day 53 I think.

The Silver Mountain is filling out from what were once spindly ropey buds. Looks real good now and smells even nicer. She’s got me thinking about hazes in the near future.

The Lemon Skunk X Black Dosi Fire is about done. She’s got a subdued fruit and mild funk to her that’s quite nice. It’s a good thing my tent is tight because otherwise she’d be floping all over the place, which she does when I take her out to water her. Her large fan leaves are all purple.

The Uncle Fester Skunk 18 doesn’t look like it’s doing too much but the buds are getting denser and denser. It’s hard to tell in the pictures. Based on the pistils she still has a ways to go.

I’ll probably chop the LSxBDF in the next week and give the others anothers 2-3 weeks. Until they’re done really.

So far so good.

Can anyone recommend anything half haze? I’ve got swecans sssdh, Maui mango haze, and @lefthandseeds everyday haze which might be a bit stretchy for my tent (though I might give it a go.)

Suggestions welcome on the haze front.

Or I might go another route and just do an all bohdi run.

Decisions decisions.

Cheers for looking and all the best.


:high_brightness: GREAT UPDATE!!! :high_brightness:

I have some hazes if you’re interested:

Super Lemon Haze (forgot)
SLH x Lemon Sherbert (Kingkush - Springbox)
Super Silver Haze x White Widow (@Rhino_buddy )
Zak Haze x Lowryder2 (@ReikoX )

Also the MMH but you gawt that :rofl: :fist:


Thanks @Pigeonman !

The super lemon sounds interesting.

My tent(haha)ative plan is 2 every day hazes, a sssdh, and a mmh. But in truth I’m afraid of of the everyday. It might be an untameable monster from what I’ve seen. I guess I could tie and prune aggressively but that will take up extra footprint. I don’t really know yet, I’m just spitballing. So many strains so little room so little time.


The only reason I count days is so I know roughly when to check the trichs. They were at day 52, 5 days ago further up your thread.

They are looking good and fattening up nicely. I think your grows do better through the winter than summer man :+1: