Foreigner Goes Legal

That’s mighty humble of you to say. :rofl:


Humility is my best quality.

I think it’s a pretty good collection. Lots of variety.


Make em into grillz.


I made a grillz chesse sandwich once but I didn’t enjoy it.


Good day all:

Day 63

It’s really hard to choose favourites. Except for that one skunk bitch that’s annoying me the others all have their charms.

The BDFx needs to come down. It doesn’t want to stand up anymore. It’s going amber and the pistils have all receded and the buds look great if a little meager. I will do this in the next few days.

I’m digging on this one Skunk18. It’s dense all the way down and is coming along really nicely. I’m thinking 70-75 days. But most interestingly is that it might just be skunky. Like stink out the room skunky when smoked. Here she is:

Also on the current list is the Silver Mountain.
She has loose airy buds that are turning but also pushing new growth. You can smell the haze and she smell great. Nowhere as dense as the BDFx or the skunk18 but man is she lovely.
Here she is:

I don’t know about that other skunk. I need the pistils to start changing soon or I’m going to get very annoyed with her. The buds are sort of chunky and rectangular. She’s also pushing bananas.

Even though my 100w light grow changed up a bit I’m really impressed with the bottom of the first skunk. Penetration all the down. They were all under the HLG 100 for the majority of their lives and I feel it did a great job. It’s funny, my tiny cab felt full and my tent feels full with the same plants in it.

The seedlings are doing well but are boring to look at so I won’t show you.

Cheers for looking and all the best


Is Mr. Foreigner okay with you talking about her this way?! :thinking: / :rofl:

This happened with my Kosher Kush S1 project! Never saw this before ever. I had my light turned all the way up and really close to the canopy and wondered if this intensity was the factor causing this. :thinking:

Everything looks really great @Foreigner ! Looking forward to your crop adventure freeing up your tent for more magic :hugs: :drooling_face:


Thanks man.

The new growth on the silver mountain I think is genetic. Loose fluffy buds that never really seem to finish, at least not for awhile.

The new growth on the skunk, it alarms me. It should be shrivelling by now. And I’m also annoyed with her for irrational reasons.

The next run, as decided by germination, is going to be haze heavy. In a perfect world it will be a Malana, 2 everyday hazes, and a mango Maui haze. But we will see about this.

I’m in the home stretch of one grow and at the start of another. Feels good.


Plants looking beautiful @Foreigner :star_struck:

Great bud structure and trich coverage :ok_hand::clap:


A few more pics because I am in the mood:


Silver Mountain

BDFx she will come down tomorrow if I get around to it.

And here is that bitch skunk. Maybe she’s just a longer pheno but she’s my biggest plant and doing some weird things:

The lowers are starting to turn so maybe she just needs more time. That one bud is shaped like a deck of cards. Not throwing male parts that I can tell anymore, maybe it’s just a waiting game. Maybe I will be forced to take a tester. Who knows but she’s really got me shaking my head.


Here are the babies:

We’ve got some malana, EDH, and MMH.

We will see what happens. I just fertilized them


Day 65

The BDF X LS came down today. It was coming down anyway

Nice hard nugs with a purple flavor too them. Dripping in trichs. Just turning amber.

It was a pretty easy trim because I employed my lazy trim technique.

Yield wise, for having been in a 1 gallon pot, I think might be good but we will need to wait for them to dry to find out. Inkbird to the rescue!

Here are the 3 I have left

Cheers for looking and have a lovely snow day


A couple shots of the UFS18 I’m happy with:


Geez it’s -8 and sunny out and my tent has hit 29C. Even in winter I’m at the mercy of the sun.

It’s crazy - my kingdom for a dark room with reasonable humidity.


They sure are looking nice. That UFS especially. Still getting some… err… smells? :skunk:

This has ceased to be an isolated incident.

She dies tomorrow. Maybe at dawn maybe not I’m not really an early riser.


Wow - when I look closely, I can easily see why we call them 'nanners! :laughing:



This whole plant is in the middle of being taken down. Looks pretty nice right?

But it’s turning male hard and it’s getting worse:

All new growth (fortunately very little) is a touch male.

Fortunately I took a sample and it’s nice smoke and this plant is mature enough that it’ll yield well enough. It might all just be gimmes which I tend to do from a portion of my harvest anyway.

Final shot

In a perfect world I’d give it another week but I have other plants to protect and this one must die. Amazing the differences that can come out of a pack of seeds. Here is her sister:

Cheers for looking and all the best


I’d smoke it. I’m actually smoking some Purple Satellite with bananas in it right now.


Yeah it’s a little racy but good. Not the end of the world, just some weird growth. Never seen a plant herm like this, and I’ve seen a few.

