Foreigner Goes Legal

If that’s 69 days that poor seedlings got a long ways to go ,


It’s so chilly in here they are taking their sweet time.

Seriously though it’s just a marker for my memory. They’re all coming down in 5 days anyway.


Well at least it won’t need trimming if it only has 2 leaves :joy:


This upcoming trim is going to be interesting. The skunk will be easy, just a few big leaves and a haircut.

The silver mountain has these hazy little buds with lots of sugar leaf so I’m going to have to really get in there. Or just leave anything with heavy frost. Yeah, that’s what I’ll probably do…


I really enjoy this thread and the humor… you did good on the silver mountain @Foreigner. Both plants at that. I harvested my sm mid October and just now sealed it. Keep it cool dry and slow and those magnificent odors will come through on taste and smell. I agree, it’s one damn fine smelling strain! It’s great party weed…


This is why I was intrigued by the thread a while back about :poop: smelling phenos.

I’d honestly try to work out a strain that smells like a fart; call it “Who Farted?!” and then sell it cheap so people buy it and make it a thing where you go and smoke a pin’er in a crowd and people just look around to figure out who done the deed.

There’s a market for it; we’re already 2/3 of the way towards the release of “Ass: the movie”


That’s hilarious! I’m sure that caught some breeders attention lol!

Here’s a nice closeup of the frost on the skunk

And a silver mountain that really wants to foxtail.

Everything ship shape except I am impatient waiting for things to dry. I sit here counting days and checking the reservoir on my humidifier.

All the best


Weed industry has already been working on it … frech|nullxnull



Made in Germany or Japan? (*required stereotype Scat Porn joke)

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I had to perform surgery on this one but I think she’ll be ok


Stuck helmet?


Resulting in amputation of the left cotyledon …Cauterized….should be good to GROW
^ Aloe works good


Yeah. It really didn’t want to come off and I had to be pretty forceful. The membrane didn’t want to come off either.

It’ll just be a bit stunted.


Just a quick couple of shots showing some structural differences.

Everyday Haze

Maui Mango Haze

The MMH looks much more broadleaved.

Just interesting to me is all. I’m hoping for a nice variety this time so either way is fine.

The Malana is looking vigorous too. Don’t know too much about it except that it’s supposed to smell like mothballs. Sounds neat.


So I processed the Lemon Skunk X Black Dosi Fire.

It’s been hanging for 7 days at 60% humidity at around 21C. I always do this to check and make sure it’s ready:

She came apart pretty easily and yielded more than I expected. It looked a little sparse and even though the branches were hitting the ground near the end of it’s life I didn’t see big heavy buds that would account for the bending. But I’d say she yielded pretty well for being in a 1 gallon pot.

She’s nice and crystally and smells nice and fruity which I suspect will develop well after a decent cure. I’m guessing strawberries. No skunk or lemon to speak of though.

Not the biggest buds but they look nice.

The test I’m really interested in is how much I will yield having grown 4 plants under the HLG100 (granted it’s not a scientific experiment but I’m curious anyway).

Overall I’m happy with this plant so far.

Thanks @smokenhike !

Cheers and all the best


Nice work, hope it smokes well. The HLG100 seems like a really efficient way to keep a nice personal stash going. No need for overpriced government cardboard weed, or mail order with who knows what sprayed on it.


Thanks, I think she will turn into something very nice once cured. Smells good already but you know how it is.

I am so happy with my HLG100. I’m also glad I got the 4000k because it’s really nice on the eyes. I look forward to eventually using it in a 3x3 veg space.

I think the BDFx is going to be the lowest yielding of the 4 so I have high yield hopes (and yes I did the last 2 weeks of flower under my 300w but I’m thinking that shouldn’t taint the results too much).

If anything the lesson so far is you can do great work with just 100w but get quality 100w


Hot boxing’s will make u go blind. @Foreigner yes. The 100 are the shit my friend. 2 :100:r in a 2x4 with the 4k will rock them. 4k is one of my best. Nice veg light. With very nice coverage. Two are king in a 4x4. 4 is boss. I seen a guy make a try. Hum a frame to hold them. I like them with quick hooks. So easy to hang. 600w hps with two 4ks was a great grow. I made a stand. I would move them around all day. Sugar was like cake. Glad you like the light.


Broke down the first of the UFS18s

Smell is very neutral. Buds medium density. A bit boring if you ask me but we will see what develops after a nice cure. It sent my allergies into overdrive.

Up to 80g total from only half the plants that were under the 100. Still 2 plants to go and I think they will yield even better

I am going to strip the fan leaves from the plants still standing just to make the final trim a little more pleasant.

Have a lovely day.