Foreigner Goes Legal

This pheno of the UFS18 is significantly more impressive than the other one.
Before and after:

I accidentally cut off a little piece. Oh well, tester. She smells great and frosty as hell:

Silver Mountain before and after:

I highly recommend trimming this way. It makes the motions on the final haircut much more ergonomic. And it’s nice to not have to do it all at once.

Cheers for looking

I think I’m done now unless my babies need water, which they might…

Have a lovely day


Good day all:

I chopped the UFS18 and the Silver Mountain today. The trim went pretty quick. I didn’t get to watch battlefield earth because it was removed from Netflix. Oh well.

The buds are pretty damned big. Not much to report because trimming always tires me out.

Here are a few pics

Very sticky stuff that’s for sure. Got some nice scissor hash. I don’t want to guess on yield but I think I’m going to be happy with it. Lots of sugar trim.

Now they just need to dry.

Phew. Flower tent shut down while I wait for my Sativa seedlings to get bigger. 3 weeks probably.

Foreigner is done for the day except for making dinner unless I can trick Mrs Foreigner to do it for me. It probably won’t work.

Cheers and all the best


:rofl: :face_vomiting:


It’s classic trash. So funny.

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Someone on Facebook marketplace JUST bought an old Scientology E-Meter! Fucking weirdo’s on yonge back in the day… Now just condo consumers.


Nice and clean :soap:, good work!
I’m thinking of doing this in my bed this week. I think I’m at most 2 weeks from harvest and want a bit more light penetration for the final push.
Also the trimming thing :sleeping:


We’ve got ourselves a freak



Does Buddy approve? :thinking:

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Buddy shows very little interest in the plants but I think he might be curious about this one.

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He’s upset you didn’t play Battlefield Earth isn’t he?

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I need Mrs Foreigner to babysit him while I trim so he doesn’t get to see it.

That said he’s got some wacko metaphysical beliefs.


The babies aren’t so little anymore.

I topped/FIM’d them today.

Not seeing haze characteristics in the mango Maui haze. But we will see what happens.

I’m hoping for at least 2 EDH and the Malana to be female. Fingers crossed.


On their not. Did a big jump.

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Looking great in here! At the very least at least the ufs looks to have yielded quite nicely for its pot size. Curious how the smells will continue to develop!

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Testers are powerful and smell a lot but not of skunk just dank.


I go for dank. I go for the hay smells. Hey !!! Lol good night my friend. Pain is on, I need to work out this lighter.


I’m going to start having to water these fuckers everyday. Uppotting is not currently an option. :shushing_face:

Everyday Haze

Mango Maui Haze

Malana Cream

And just for fun:

I’m looking forward to them showing sex but I’ve still got a way to go yet I think.

Cheers for looking


I put on music and meditate watering 8oz per plant so I hear ya while also suggest smooth jazz :+1:


I’ve been toying with the idea of bottom watering because they’re in sort of a tray with a big lip.

I find a gallon will hit them all where they need to get but I’m going to have to dial back the ferts just a little because I’m already getting minor tip burn on a couple.

Not a big deal to water everyday, just something I need to remember :joy:

Put them in the tub, give them a soak, let them drain a little, put them back


Soft rock. Sade.