Foreigner Goes Legal

You’d be surprised it what being rediculously stobborn can achieve.

What! You know this already via Mrs F. :rofl:


Lol. Indeed.

It’s a plant count thing. I could theoretically bend them into submission but 2 of the EDHs would take up the whole canopy. And I’ve got the Maui Mango Haze I want to run too so I need to balance these priorities.

Who knows, maybe they’ll only be 3 footers and it won’t be a big deal. Just catastrophe troubleshooting :joy:


If you didn’t look at least a little goofy that means that it’s not gonna help u out…the more ridiculous it makes look the better it will work lol :crazy_face: I used to wear glasses and a visor when I was working on a grow once and was the only one who did and my buddy was always complaining about headaches after in the tent for prolonged amounts of time


Oh it’s goofy and just barely fits my big fat head. I can’t even do up the Velcro strap :rofl:


I have a big dome so we’ll fitted hats I have are 7½ size and I am barely able to wear them lol it’s because we’re so damn smart so …


Yeah, I’ll go along with this :rofl:


Yeah… coming from the film lighting department you can get UV poisoning from doing the wrong thing with the right type of fixture.

So :sunglasses: & :cowboy_hat_face: = :+1:



The other two have what seem to me to be calyxs but no hairs yet. I’ll know more in a few days.


This waiting game is the hard part. I’m still not sure which plants are going to end up filling the flower tent.

C’mon Bessie!


Agreed and feel for you as I’m in the same boat.

My GG4 RIL’s are starting to throw down pistils but one is doing whatever if feels like. The punk-bastard is taller and leggier than all the others even though it’s trained the same way as the other 3 so I have my :crossed_fingers: that it’s a male… cause then that means 2x for flower, and 2x for seeds! :smiley:

More seeds = more flower = smart maths! :smiley:


Things are getting crazy in here.

These now need to be hand watered twice a day. I’m not sure what’s more work, transplanting or keeping up with these.

C’mon foreigner work up the drive!


Starting seeds and transplanting are the 2 most dreaded parts for me lol…
After that things are much smoother, but it’s definitely a lot of work to get them to their final container.


Right now it’s a plant count and a space thing. I need to be absolutely sure things are female before I start discarding plants :shushing_face:


I would re pot, watering twice a day is a pain.


It’s only for a few more days. (But I said that a few days ago too :rofl:)

I just need to be sure all my EDHs are female which should happen any day now and then I can make my final decisions and transplant accordingly.

This whole thing is a consequence of having a veg space that is too small which is something I can’t fix.


How much are you watering at once? I found that if you nail the amount the plant wants in a 24 hour period you can get away with watering 1x a day so long as it’s at lights on. :wink:

I wanna see you actually FILL the pot with soil one of these days :rofl:

I can’t count above 4 if I was at your place. My place a little higher but not much. So just remember if you can’t count above 4 as well then you’ll just have to start over again at 1 when you reach 4. So by this mathology you can never have more than 4 plants ever. :hugs:


I estimate 500ml at a time? It’s taking forever for the water to actually absorb because the whole damned thing is just one big root. It’s hard to say because there is some runoff.

That’s why I don’t fill them all the way. The dead space is like a top reservoir :rofl:

I have never once since legalization had more than 4 plants. Full stop.


I knew this all to well… and then I was all like:

waiting for the water to absorb into the packed root mass but then I started using:

as an additive to all my mixes because it’s a fantastic:

so all that nutrient just gets:




I do something similar with my vacuum cleaner but I don’t want to discuss it.

Under normal circumstances the absorption isn’t a big deal. But in this one…:scream:

I’m hesitant to use additives like that. Not for any particular reason, I guess I’m just a bottled only/sterile guy (haha sterile guy)


My nutes are sterile and yes the last dredges smell like feet when watering but the plants seem to get-off on it. :crazy_face:


On a more serious note I’ve got a plant that has calyxs without pistils and pistils without calyxs. It’s weird.