Foreigner Goes Legal

Sorry OP for the off topic :pray:, got one excitado|nullxnull, whatā€™s the recipe? beer3|nullxnull


Thatā€™s a really pretty Yucca you have! :hugs:
Sadly I donā€™t know. I use a liquid Yucca additive from my work-local hydro shop as itā€™s so easy to add .5ml/L than mix up another thing.

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s an extract from the roots; so you may have to harm your plant to access itā€™s powers. :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s the Saponins in Yucca that matter, and I know there are a bunch of options out there. If you ask for a ā€œwetting agentā€ at your local supplier they should have something.


Iā€™ve also heard that a few drops of dish soap will do the trick too but Iā€™m not sure I would try it.


Dish soap works good .
Even a few drops of safers soap


Thatā€™s what I used to use; castile dish soap.

Bottom line is: Embrace the foam!

1 Like

So the MMH haze has finally shown.

I repotted her in 1G

And into the tent she goes!

Iā€™ve been raising the lights consistently because of the EDH stretch and Iā€™ll be fiddling with boxes to keep everything at basically the same canopy level. Iā€™m actually looking forward to more stretch because then I can do away with some of the box spacers.

Foreigner goes legal!


Congrats for the lady Jessica|nullxnull tounge_smile|nullxnull, hope you have profusely brushed her hair before transplanting ā€¦ frech|nullxnull


She was thoroughly untangled :laughing:


Sheā€™s grown 6ā€ in 7 days!


Nice work man, thatā€™s significant growthā€¦


Thanks man. Iā€™ve still got some height to play with but I hope she slows down soon.

I kind of want to give her bigger shoes but am not sure if I can afford the extra height that would entail.


Iā€™m kind of lazy, so the easiest way for me to keep an even canopy is just ā€œpinchingā€ or I think some people call it ā€œsuper croppingā€.

I usually will do it to the tallest plants in my tent. Just pinch the tallest stems (gently) until that part of the plant sort of falls over. Then I tuck that under some foliage so it really has to work to get up out of there. Within a day itā€™s usually standing tall again, and the spot where it was pinched has a thicker stem and eventually like a ā€œknuckleā€ forms where the damage was done.

This seems to allow the plant to bush out some as the other branches grow up more to compensate.

Iā€™m sure you have your owns ways of canopy management, but if you canā€™t be arsed to tie down branches, I find that pinching is super low effort.


The big concern is that the tall ones are everyday hazes so they are going to stretch stretch stretch no matter what I do.

I sometimes supercrop but in this situation Iā€™m not sure itā€™ll be ideal.

Worst case scenario what Iā€™ll do is cut off some tops that get too tall. What you end up with are little spirals of bud instead of big colas. Iā€™ve done this before and it was fine.

Iā€™m also growing a shorter plant that is propped up on boxes to keep things as even as possible.

If the EDHs only double in stretch Iā€™ll be ok but if they keep going Iā€™ll have to resort to the drastic measures I just mentioned.

Itā€™ll be ok. I just donā€™t know whatā€™s going to happen yet.


I know the feeling :joy:
Iā€™ll be interested to see if you have to cut any tops off. Iā€™ve only ever cut off the top of the main stem.


For example this is a silver mountain I cut the top off of. Big side buds instead of a full cola:


Just a shot of the three everyday haze ladies during feeding time:

Have a lovely day


All caught upā€¦. Epic as always my friend. Hey where did you acquire the UFS 18 beans? Iā€™ve been looking and canā€™t seem to locate them anywhere. Any info is greatly appreciated @Foreigner


Thanks man, appreciate it.

I think the UFS came from theā€¦fallā€¦box? One of the boxes anyway. Should be plenty floating around still. Nice stuff but be advised, not skunky. Oh, and one of them Hermed hard on me.


Not like gross, funky smells, nastiness?


I will go smell it right nowā€¦

Fruity, weedy, nice. But a bit generic and not skunky or rank.