Foreigner Goes Legal

Thanks man. With any good luck the heavy lifting is done now and it’s just water/fert till the end. Maybe some more trimming of sucker branches. And maybe an N boost now and again but that’s mainly what I use the calmag for :joy:


At least it’s all in one tent! lol

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Yes one tent only (the cabinet doesn’t count as a tent) :joy:

The pots are different sizes so they are on different watering schedules which is a bit annoying.

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Yeah… my last post on my thread will prob make you feel less annoyed :rofl:

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So it’s been a minute since I last posted my setup. Normally it’s plant pics so I figured I’d give you a shot of all my gear which has changed somewhat over the last however long it’s been.

Mars Hydro TSL2000 and Mars tent:

Mars Hydro and AC Infinity:

Note the carbon filter is not hooked up. I only use it when necessary which it currently isn’t.

Ghetto exhaust port. I recycle my ducting:

My power station and environmental readout:

I bought these busboy trays and man are they a time/mess saver:

A Honeywell fan for circulation and light cooling:

IKEA kids wardrobe:

I don’t really use this circulating fan. Except as a ledge for my temp/humidity meter,

My HLG 100 4000k and a shitty vivosun 4” duct fan:

This boot tray has saved my ass on many occasions:

And just for fun a shot of a clipped Mango Maui Haze with the flash on:

This is all my gear and it works well for me.

Cheers and all the best.



I’m playfully judging you for this:


BAHAHHAHAHAHA! I only give a shit about hate-crimes. :rofl:


It’s duct tape. For ducts :rofl: you should see the fan I just sold. Covered in tape goo.

I will take some more flash photos just for you when the time is right.

Call me a cynic but I would bet money it was staged.


Where does everyone get these old computer fans are you all taking apart computers and using them? I’m trying to make two new male boxes . My old ones are old, ghetto and busted up somewhat (well they really are now since tossing in the dumpster) and I’m trying to acquire one or two of those. Btw @Foreigner love the transparency :clap:t2:

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Cheers topshelf,

I got a bunch of these fans from a junk store called Active Surplus but unfortunately it doesn’t exist any more. I even got an 8” x 8” one years ago to vent a 250HPS

The best thing about them is that if you have a variable power supply you can run them at different voltages and corresponding speeds. Up to a point.

Edit - you can buy them new from electronics/computer supply stores but that takes some of the fun out of it.


That was the only place I found some tbch and tbh I don’t wanna pay that. Not even close actually , I’ve got a week or two still so hopefully I’ll find a couple. Or I’ll stake out those electronic drop off bins and cop a couple old desktops…. (On second thought that’s pretty terrible ) idk hopefully I’ll find some. 8x8 would be epic I have so many ideas for one of that size :thinking:


That’s a perfect setup for a 2x4. Do you find there’s a hot spot under the center of the light ? My light is similar but about half the length so the diodes are packed in pretty tight, gets a bit spicy in the middle. I think I’d do 2 separate ~120w lights if I had to do it again.

The MMH & EDH are looking great.


Thanks man. And yes, there is a bit of a hot spot in the middle. I think I’m getting a bit of bleaching right there.

I also would get 2 separate units if I were to do it again but no complaints. Also because if something craps out on the double unit the whole thing is screwed.


Good day all:

Just a few quick pics of the Everyday Haze.

I’m going to need a saw when it comes time to take her down.

A nice cola showing some frost. One of the few tops I didn’t have to cut off:

You can’t really tell in the pic but one of the stems is purple and the other is green. Not sure why:

And finally check out the elongated buds:

Cheers and all for now and full speed ahead.


Looks like you finally made it to cruise mode. :joy:

I think it should be smooth sailing from here (knock on wood).


Yeah it’s been a hell of a road getting here. Getting some mild bleaching right in the centre but I think it’s acceptable. 6 weeks to go I think :+1: they are looking very pretty.


I always found 2 X 4 tents a pain in the arse to light properly. Over the years i’ve used MH, HPS, cooltubes, COBs. The best I have found is 1 Metre long racks fitted with 8 Solstrips, 6 would do but 8 means I can run them softer and still get decent yields with less heat to dump


It would be okay if I had a few more inches to play with but they are jammed in there assholes to elbows. I ended up trimming a divot in the centre of the canopy.


Lol been there, shorter plants in the middle, tall at the ends. Then the bitches stretch at different rates and mess shit up :joy: Racks are the solution and if you have basic DIY skills they are piss easy to build


Yeah, better spread fewer hotspots.

I’ve never had to deal with such stretch before so it’s all new territory for me. I’ve grown big plants but nothing like this.


I forgot to show one more part of my setup last time. “Medicine” cabinet:

A couple of pics of the MMH with the flash on just for @Pigeonman. The buds above the light seem to be frosting up just fine.

It’s a delicate balance between over fed and underfed:

I seem to be swinging both ways but no matter.

Cheers and all the best.