Former Phylos Bioscience Employee Sheds Light on Breeding Controversy

While I often look at corn, I’m not normally picturing it as giant blades of grass, which it is. The best breeding or the most luck mankind ever had! I wonder if the breeder found a mutant, or if it was a slow progression to what it is now. A true enigma.


Imagine what Cannabis will look like in 6000 years with selective breeding.


It will be something. Probably a bunch of resin glands on a stalk! The thing with corn is that there was no progression from the wild plant to what we have now. We don’t know how it became the way it is. We have the wild plant, and we have corn, but nothing in between…


Seeds become plants though. I meant they could order tons of seeds, then grow them out. You need plants and data together, which is what he talked about a lot in the video. Or they can just buy clones. Which is to say, the testing business isn’t helpful except as cash flow, or when they use it on their own plants which they would have to purchase like anyone else.

Probably because those cultivars were not viable without human intervention; modern corn isn’t independently viable either. Goes to show how long plants completely dependent on humans have been around.


Imagine resin glands the size of a kernel of corn


Ordering the seeds and germinating them and growing them out is where all the work is. It’s also where all the money is spent. You have to pay for seeds, You have to have land or a room to grow. You have to pay for fertilizers and greenhouses ,excetera. They would have to pay employees to do it all. And you have to learn how to grow cannabis . That’s why what Phylos did was so low. They were using people while they were telling them they were helping them. Pissing on them and telling them it was raining.
Somebody could do all that work though yes. And if they did, and set up a company like Phylos, i would have no problem with it. The information would be Theirs to do with as they choose

atleast potency reached pretty high Limits already, in Thaiweed. But probably they can breed thowards more strange feelings, like feling plasticated, or whatever “strange” sensations. So there might be atleast room for strangness.

just wanted to say, potency was pretty maxed out already IMHO.


According to the video guy, this is exactly their plan. They used the testing to raise money for their own breeding operation. People incorrectly assumed they were using those tests for some purpose of their own. But it doesn’t really work that way. Their breeding is done in house with their own stuff according to him. Regardless, the site says they quite selling tests to the public at the end of June. Probably not worth the headache. I feel like we lost a resource, whatever the reason.

Pretty much it. If they do not build a better mousetrap that everyone will use then they cornered nothing. But say they develop a stain that does not get pollenized, it can grow outdoors next to a hemp field. Add to that pest resistance and you will get regular farmers wanting in. Can they do it? Maybe. It is a brave new world out there.

But will the consumer go for it? A variety that does not give you the munchies? Sounds like not a lot of fun but to combat bulging waistlines it might be a worthy goal. The thing is, gene splicing is getting cheaper to the point where the guy in the basement can do it. Just need to figure out what each gene does, and their combinations.

But for now I would not worry too much.

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Check out what these guys are doing!


Thanks for posting this. Amazing amount of info here!

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People will probably get sick of me bringing this up(I know I have on a couple different threads) but if you haven’t already, check out The Botany Of Desire by Michael Pollan. Highly recommend the book, but the film is a good abbreviated version too.

Got a new book out called Your Mind on Plants also that I’m sure will be a good read, haven’t gotten to it yet though.


Arrogance? I don’t think so. Cannabis cultivators habe the opportunity to compete with real breeding operations, they simply choose to remain “oppressed”.

The ones who whine the most can’t even grow a healthy plant. I call it jealousy.

I am a real breeding operation thank you very much.

They can do what they like. Makes no difference to me. They’ve vastly overestimated the market anyway.


Yes but it’s $5,000 per strain. An amount of money that would be tough for breeders to come up with but easy for corporate to come up with

From the information they gather about you from the microchip they are implanting in you with your vaccine…


or ya know, the microchip you choose to willingly carry with you every where… it’s called, your phone :yum:


It is funny when everyone cries out about being tracked. I have an Alexa for fuck sakes.

Oh no they know I’m on overgrow 20 hours a day!