Happy Frog Opinions

Has anyone ran an autoflower start to finish in HF?

I read both good and not so good about this brand, seems bug prone but so do many soils. $20 for two cf.


I have always found Happy Frog to become hydrophobic very quickly, making watering without over watering an actual trick. I always had to cut it with tons of perlite, to the point it was basically hydro. I switched to coco loco and was happy for the change, but I know it isn’t as widely available as HF.

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Its good stuff but you need to top dress after about 3 weeks for a recharge. FFHF and FFOF are both good for Autos never had a problem with them. I always like to make the bottom half of pot FFOF with 25% perlite some great white sprinkled lightly on top of the FFOF and the rest FFHF again with 25% perlite. you can top dress to recharge soil with the FFOF 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil every three weeks or go with Doctor Earths organic 4-6-3 while in veg and move to Flowergirl for the finish always top dress ONLY. That is one or the other, but not both. tap water is fine after it sits for 24 hours, but you can PH the water 6.2 to 6.7 let it fluctuate as this will keep an open range for it to feed as it pleases. hopes this helps. :sunglasses:


I’ve not done autos but done plenty of photos, love it, use it for my household plants as well


There is enough to carry you at least 3 weeks. 75% of my grows are autos in FFHF and FFOF never had a problem. Only when I tried bottled nutes did I have issues, less is more. And other words if you keep it simple less to figure out should a problem arise. most problems were resolved with Epson’s salt plain kind only no scented shit or you will regret it and some good EWC.


Not exactly the same. The big difference is coco vs peat, but the coco loco also has some kelp. I haven’t compared the feed charts they recommend for the two soils, but my biggest issue was the peat based HF becoming hydrophobic, which I didn’t experience with the CL.


Yeah, I went that route. Used Earth Juice’s Assist. It worked, but only helped me overwater even harder haha.


I was trying to reply to you, but don’t think it worked so I’m trying again. I haven’t been on here in awhile.

All you need to do is add a wetting agent like yucca if it gets hydrophobic. Watering slow will also help.


Nice. That’s what I use.

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Aloe, Yucca, or natural Castille soap are effective wetting agents when this happens.
When my soil goes phobic I add 1 tsp homemade liquid soap (JADAM wetting agent) per gallon, and it prevents the “run-through” effect in my pots


Same thoughts.


works great in sole cups same mix ratio

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you can always do a test run and try a few ideas


Just build ur own, I’ve ran this mix start to finish just fine on my last auto grow but here’s a link to my thread


I will throw in here that I am also an overwatering machine haha. And I know lots of people have success with the HF, so it could just be that I suck haha. And really, if I had to pick a bagged “soil” I would go with Roots original. I only mentioned the CocoLoco because that was what I used right after using the HF, and found it easier to grow in.


It’s basically wood chips.


I like this stuff. Pro mix


Am I the only one who thinks HF .30-.30-.05 is wildly low on potassium? And wildly high on everything else? Just saying.


I grew island sweet skunk and many other strains in happy frog for the past three years. This year its not like before in that I’m getting boron deficiency on the iss and adding small amounts of mega crop.made my plants have nutrients burn…WTF


I use Ocean Blend (50%) and Happy Frog (50%) never no issues , I top dress with Build-a-Soil Top dressing in week 4 of veg and then week 4 of flower