Free beer & hookers

Right. Never hurts to use your manners. Especially if you have your hand out.


That’s sorta disappointing when ya think about it!

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Yea, at least pop in and say hi lol


Yeah it was, people just seemed to want to use it like library, rather than a social thing. I think illegality was the main problem, when you looked at the users IP addresses they were from all over the planet, a lot of Russians seemed to be on there all the time. Language barriers is another problem.


I dident mean to come off rude just saying I dont feal the owner or admins need to justify or show costs if they dont want or have the time to, we all benefit and contribute to the community in different ways I just like the comfort of knowing the server and related info is kept on a need to know basis, hopefully in a bomb proof bunker so we never lose og again.


The reason I ask for transparency for how much we are short is so it’s easier to Make up the short fall. I put in $10 a month because I find that reasonable and can spare it. But if I kNew how many people were donating and how much we were short We could Then as a group say we need .50 cents extra per donating member a month. I’d put In the $.50 more and so many others would as well.


Something like that defiently makes sense and may motivate people to contribute that last little bit like you say , idk I’m not great with social and or website development so I’ll just trust the guys who are, if it was my site I would consider some type of percent meter and at least show what we need and where we are but it’s not my site so the fundraising and how it’s done ultimately falls on the decision making of the owner.


Just a peek at the kinda traffic OG sees. Look at that traffic! Now you might understand why it’s 600$ a month to run this place. BANDWIDTH and STORAGE.


Holy shiiiiiiìt that’s alot of lurkers


Wow it’s insane. Super busy traffic.

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Makes you feel like a rock star with an audience of 10,000 ehh


I post for the community, to the people I know. I didn’t realize So many neighbours were peeking over the fence :joy::joy:


dont get all shy and coy now, you will have to come on here with a bag on your head so no one recognizes you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I can remeber 50 users and post sitting for days.



No I think you were better with the mask on, I would sue your plastic surgeon if I were you :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


So yeah if you explain it a little it is much easier to get some good feedback. We use the site all the time. We are here because we believe. Don’t want to come off the wrong way either.

Location and legal issues complicate things as well as do you trust your host. It’s obvious that there would be special factors. Be nice to get some of those lurkers to contribute. If they could anonymously perhaps they would.

The idea of displaying the shortfall is a good one.

It is users like toastyjakes, MotR, Sebring that give this site and it’s owner credibility.

Edit: that could be a long list and not just 3 names…don’t feel bad if I didn’t include you :slight_smile:


I’ll be the 1st to admit that I’m a cheap bastard but I happily pay my 20 a month :grin: the amount of info and awesome community of people here makes it all worthwhile, had actually forgotten about the free seeds every 12 months part lol but even without that it’s totally worth donating


This is just me, but I absolutely hate being tracked by the government. I do whatever I can to avoid this. With that being said, I don’t like to use credit cards, paypal, etc. I looked to see about donating through paypal, and they will no longer let you send money without an account.

So… my vote is for a seed auction (I would gladly throw in seeds for that) or a way we can send cash.

My 2¢… :v:


Seems like the obvious answer to me. If a semi experienced breeder wants to do a run I will purchase the seeds for them to breed no problem

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