Free beer & hookers

Or there are some top notch breeders that frequent this site. Maybe get a bulk deal from some of these growers. Then make twice yearly sale.


Or a permanent OverGrow online seed shop that sells members donated seeds.


Oooooh I like that idea


The problem I see with this is the forum seed run give always would effect the amount of sales the shop would accumulate.
Maybe we could restrict the “give always” to members that are willing to give a small donation that can be used towards the sites upkeep.
I’ve seen the length of some of the seed run lists and if everyone on the list paid say $10 to cover the postage of the seeds the remaining cash would go towards the sites hosting fees.


Yeah 5 dollars on top of postage


If you buy a seed from a seed bank it normally costs $10 for a single feminized seed. I’d pay $10 (for postage) without thinking twice for the strains we have available for free here on OG. As long as people understand that your not buying the seeds (keeping in line with breeder ethics) . Your paying a little more then the postage amount as your also making a donation to help the site. :v:


I may have gotten that wrong, but I was under the impression OG not being a seller of anything was important for legal reasons.


We offer personal enrichment of what you seek. Members are personally responsible for their action.


Is there a way to give a years worth of donations in one shot and still get the yearly benefits? I dont want my statement reading -20$ for xxxx every month…is that doable?


If it’s just to help out with the site fees Patreon allows you to make a one off donation for as much as you’d like. You don’t have to subscribe to a monthly payment. :+1:
I’m sure if you donate 12 x the monthly tear there would be some way to ensure the benefits last the full year. Maybe @LemonadeJoe can chime in


@HaRdRoC nice topic name change… They may have a desk for you at the extended warranty car phone room…


meh…haven’t had a beer since Thanksgiving. Not a need for hookers in 3 decades. When 4/20 rolled around was getting a stent in the ol’ LAD. Life goes on…sometimes.

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It is exactly as you described. However monthly donation is preferred because it allows us to plan our costs in advance and ensure server operation…


But if I make the equivalent of a years worth of donations in one payment, will I get the yearly benefits?

Just dont want my statement showing monthly payments…just want to pay one time and relax.


@LemonadeJoe. I know it’ll likely be a PITA if there is no automated way to do what @Tappy is asking but is this possible in some way?? I can understand where he’s coming from as if you donate $20??? a month (not sure of the correct amount) for a year you get a seed collection sent out to you etc. Could we not do a one off donation that still covers you to qualify??


There is (or used to be) a paypal account to donate to, but only available on request. Which is understandable because PP is a bunch of assholes and they terminate accounts as they please. However they are a relatively convenient way to pay for stuff if you are using them anyway.

FWIW from my own experience I can say that

  • I planned to ask for the PP account after getting seeds via OG the first time (one way or another) because I felt that to be the right thing to do. So far several shipments did not make it
  • I would have donated small amounts on several occasions if I had known the PP account just because that moment I felt like it and had the money
  • patreon is not an option for me because 1) financial situation unstable and regular donations a problem 2) patreon got hacked before and i don’t trust them

No I don’t trust PP either and it’s very stupid to do any transactions related to cannabis while living in an illegalized situation but yeah I am not reasonable at all times. Using one asshole company I already use is easier than starting to use another asshole company I guess.

If I could just put a few coins in a OG piggy bank every now and then I would have contributed already.


Sorry that is not possible. That seed reward you are talking about is meant like reward for long-term continuous support not meant a one-stop shop.

If you are concerned about privacy I can assure you it is safe. You won’t get anything unusual on your monthly statement… There is stated Patreon, not Ovegrow :slight_smile: so it stays private…

What will Patreon charges look like on my statements?

All charges will appear on your bank statement as one of the following:
Patreon* Membership
CKO Patreon* Membership
VISIT Infosec | About Infosec bugbounty pentest | Patreon
The names of creators you are supporting will not be included on the statement.

@Esrgood4u, you are suggesting to cut off all sponsors and turn to supporters-only funded site. That would mean removing the 1yr loyalty reward, because it is dependent on sponsored products.

Yes there is if anyone asks by PM…

Then I’d suggest to learn using bitcoin, it is much more private. But of course there is learning curve…


Ahhh I didn’t think about how it would effect out members that already donate/sponsor. Sorry about that.
I’m just throwing out some ideas that could help OG thrive a little better.


Huh, I missed this.
My bad, I’m a little crook again and don’t have much spare time on my hands.

So, I like the fundraising idea.
I scored 5 packs from @OleReynard gift lately. I’d happily send them to someone trusted to do a preservation run, on the grounds that anyone recieving free beans as a result pays $10us to OG plus p&h to the distributors As a matter of fact, I’d happily pay $10 for each preservation run that I benefit from. Because when everyone benefits, the world is a better place.

This is a fair and equitable outcome imo.


meh…I don’t really care for twisting arms.
Do this and you are raising the bar beyond the means of those you want to help the most. There are those who cannot afford the money and need the seeds. Some perhaps cannot because of legal implications locally.

Myself I will be back on the contribution list next month. This one is too tight. But frankly I think you need to start lowering your budget requirements.